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Everything posted by cvm88888

  1. Erm... Can someone deny this???
  2. Dark and mysterious, just how my kitty avatar likes it! +1
  3. OMG! I wanna ride a Giant Mole! Me me! Pick me! +1
  4. Blame the idiots who give the plague. If it were real life, these people would be evil. Giving people plague just for the fun of it technically is evil.
  5. Oh noes! The Giant Moles are attacking! I like it!
  6. Giant Dangerous Snakes... Me like.
  7. There is only one word that I can think of in response to this: Interesting.
  8. I know I guess. I suppose it would just be like a Worgen and Worgens were my favorite race in WoW.
  9. Judging from the comments I say they should do it if they tweak the plague. They shouldn't let it be spread by players. Remember the Black Death? Fleas spread that plague mostly, barely humans.
  10. In my opinion this would be boring because it is just a human that can turn into a wolf. It would defeat the purpose of being human.
  11. Event Planners, MC Names: TheCreatorzWink Event Type: Global Event. Event Date: Any time you wish. Factions/Nations effected by the event: Potentially any if they are close enough to the ocean. Event Location: Potentially anywhere if they are close enough to the ocean. Summary: Another peaceful day in Athera. Another fun time. Soon that it when it starts. A day on the beach seems nice but no. Slowly the tides rise and rise and rise slowly. They may say it's a coincidence that it's a little higher but no. The water won't go lower. Every day it keeps going higher and higher and higher. That is when is gets suspicious. The water is never that high. Slowly the water starts going away from the ocean and onto the land. By the time people feel as if they are in danger, it is too late, the water has already reached at a state of no return. The water shall keep rising until the end off the flood. Concept Images/Screenshots: http://i.guim.co.uk/static/w-620/h--/q-95/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2014/2/13/1392311465842/Flooding-In-England-008.jpg http://prntscr.com/6x3ras Other Information: Basically what is happening is the water is slowly coming from the ocean and rising. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Of course. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Perhaps some builders to help pour the water to make the water rise.
  12. It sounds fun and I wasn't there for the other plague although it could go either horribly wrong or horribly well. Horribly Wrong: Everyone kills eachother to survive the plague. Horribly Well: Everyone tries to team up together to combat the plague as one. ...I LIKE IT!
  13. Apperently in Ker'nor, the man was too lazy to clean out my room so he told me to keep what in the chests. Now I have a surplus of stone and other things I don't need. Atleast I got two swords and bows (Without arrows) and some armor.

  14. I'm waiting for my character to be either accepted or denied... So boring.

    1. cvm88888


      Why did you repeat what you just said in a different way?

    2. cvm88888
  15. Waiting for application to be either accepted or denied...

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