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Status Updates posted by Cordial__

  1. 9 rep. I feel popular

  2. Atleast this isn't taking as long as transition to Vailor o.o

    1. Jordan1921


      ooooooooooooo nicee burn

  3. Celebration is over... 50 posts was so 1 hour ago.

  4. Day 12, 0300: The server is still down.. ****..

  5. Downloads Elder Scrolls Online... 2 days later is on 13%

    1. TrevenT


      that game is ****

    2. drfate786


      Skyrim was better, i liked downloading mods and burning all the towns to the ground as i dismembered the non-killables and raised all the corpses as troops for my undead army.

  6. Fallout 4?

    1. chaotikal


      no just skyrim 2 in the future

  7. For everyone wondering, Yes, I am Illuminati ringleader

    1. Cordial__


      And so is Lark

  8. Give me liberty.. or a halfling meme

  9. I am never ordering from the Taco Bell in my town ever again....

  10. I come back and I can't connect ;D

  11. I come back and I can't connect ;D

  12. I remember when Salvus wasn't complete ****

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peter Chivay

      Peter Chivay

      that was actually never

    3. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      i remember the salvus occupation good times

    4. Kim


      Please take things like this elsewhere.

  13. I was right. We did leave Athera on boats like refugees from a warzone

  14. I'm pulling an all nighter... whose with me?

    1. Lubbie



    2. Anderssn


      More like no lifer....

  15. It'd be great if I... uh didn't disconnect every ten minutes...

  16. Just got back from a Weird Al concert. 1 thing off my bucket list

  17. MOO(T)

    1. Moot


      yes mlord

    2. Cordial__


      I was trying to stop the Oink train but I threw a twist in there

  18. Murder is now legalized in Salvus by Chancellor David Campos

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Haribo



    3. Eli Cohen

      Eli Cohen

      In Salvus it is called "the Enlightenment".

    4. Jonificus


      I didn't even know Salvus was still around

  19. My profile picture says it all

  20. Never forget ------ Irongutia

  21. No ip's for the server will work for me. Anyone have any fixes/suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I'm playing on it rn

    3. Cordial__


      I don't even know which ip to use when it comes back on...

    4. Parkins
  22. People say I am dirty dwarf scum. But I say I am dirty dwarf ;)

    1. Lubbie
    2. Sythan


      D-. . . dirty feet..?

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