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Everything posted by Archipelego

  1. this is halfling racism and i wont stand for it. SIX HEARTS BUT NOT A SINGLE BUFF? come on, give us SOMETHING. ANYTHING. PLEASE.

    1. Kaiser


      Our race was so OP they needed to nerf us

    2. Archipelego


      halflings STRONG

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      We’re so OP we needed a nerf

  2. Kasfer hums to himself, a realm away. He covers the bowl of his pipe with his palm whilst he lights it, to guard it from the wind, before leaning back and staring out at the full moon, pipe betwixt his lips.
  3. I am sad that my exclusive VIP features are slowly being ripped away from me, and also I’m going to actually ******* die having to use goddamn HASHTAGS ### that said good job
  4. uncther and probaby, though ill be complaining about it every day
  5. out of the two that exist? probably billy bob im a rainbow sherbet fan depends on how well the pizza is made, if its made by a professional then the pineapple can be nice, but a novice pizza cannot handle it it’s pretty good, yeah ill actually stab anyone who says melk UWU you’re pretty neat, id say. a slave driver as my manager though idk, probably my fridge rn because i dont wanna get up but im hungry. another COUNTRY, though? uhhh, probably japan, just to see what all the buzz is about. do weeb **** for a week before heading home, with several suitcases full of cheap japanese nicknacks. i mean i do have a demon that’s done horrible things, but thats on my alt so noone of you see that side of me, uwu
  6. archipelEgo* and because i thought it sounded cool i enjoy shrimp RIGHT NOW im doing okay, small headache and a finger cramp but thats life. howre you?
  7. dance time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO0FQUMQhPY
  8. Zar’ei are a type of Inferi, greedy and infernal creatures with twisted souls that get bound and forced into servitude by a prince. I doubt there are any sources for you to learn IC, but if you want to read the lore OOCly, look up ‘Inferi’ or ‘Naztherak’
  9. just generic basic potato chip tbh halfling druid circle is already underway UWU
  10. ten years into the future, bc i want to be instantly put into a future where elon musk has made cat girls and flying cars that take you to mars. an entire voyage to mars, just me and a cat girl. thats the future i want
  11. yes yes when shes of age, kasfer shall
  12. for a second i thought you were talking about bat dwarf and i got confused, but yes, it was a nice sled. lets be frank in saying druids are a **** show, but it’s certainly a fun shitshow to spectate. honestly, on both an OOC and RP level, the festivals we’ve done/still do. theyre a lot of fun when we do them right, we draw people in from all around the server, and it’s just a lasting RP memory type thing. it’s why i like halfling RP, just the carefree sort of **** we do every so often with nonsense contests and festivals. just everyone having fun together makes lotc a little bit more enjoyable.
  13. just most of the halfling rp ive done tbh, or that ive seen. the halflings are, most of the time, made up of chill new players or veteran pvp goons, people who just want chill RP to relax and have fun. so it’s a good time all around ❤️
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDaOgu2CQtI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MawG6_mXmo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMct9474w7g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv-M4Jp-GuI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9S-XUGWC6E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-3D9LQu8BQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4MzF53je5M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a43fOsqa_YQ Just a couple of my current go-to songs, I can find songs in all genres that I like so it’s hard to get favorites/a specific genre to identify with
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