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Everything posted by Archipelego

  1. lol you a centrist or smth boy??? also ive missed you boy
  2. chief it just seems like you’re ranting here, n while i get that, a forum post isnt the best way to let rants like this out
  3. i will personally hunt down and kill anyone who ftb’s on a wonk
  4. They got pending, and then loregames happened so they would need a resubmission anyways. Tribals in the sense of the lore based existing wonk tribes are unplayable but there’s nothing stopping a group of playable wonks from making their own tribe, no. Just a way to differentiate between event wonks and their culture and the blank slate of playable.
  5. make a wonk 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yaldabaoth
    3. BrandNewKitten


      Tree – wonk subrace when? Do they hibernate if they get too cold? 

    4. SoulReapingWolf


      Where is your green?


  6. thats the highest praise ive ever received from you joel thanks
  7. The Wonks Creature Grouping A Tribal Wonks patrolling the Swamps Origin During the old age, before the diaspora arrived upon the Arcas-Atlas protocontinent, there existed a strange native species known as the Wonks. Much similar to frogs, they had life but little purpose, wandering the lands of their Wonkawoods, never viewed as more than curiosities or dumb animals. However, despite their lesser souls, the Wonks had the capacity to learn. As their culture evolved, they discovered how to communicate, and built a society. As such, slowly, the Wonks began to piece together their own little world. A small part of the Wonk populations separated from their home in the Wonkawoods, migrating across all of the lands of the connected Atlas and Arcas. They formed their own tribal societies and groups, in swamps and jungles throughout the realm. They were some of the few wonks who would escape the fanatical grip of Khurmt in the years to come and make their way to Arcas before the great ice wall rose and separated Atlas Wonks from Arcas Wonks. Some of the first people these isolated Wonk groups came to interact with were the children of Krug, the Orcs. In a turn of accident, these Orcs helped the Wonks develop their own tribalistic culture. Thousands of years later, when the Descendants arrived upon Arcas, these Wonks were reintroduced to civilization. Though most Wonks would keep to their tribal ways, several few grew deeply fascinated with civilization, and departed the swamps to explore these new cultures. This is what separates Reformed Wonks from Tribal Wonks. Physical Description Hatching Once and only once during their adult life, Wonk may find themselves carrying eggs. This happens seemingly though seemingly only at times when the Wonk is safe and in no danger. There is no distinction between male and female, and Wonks are incapable of procreating with others. The Wonk will carry the eggs in tiny ridges and bumps across their back, with start at the size of marbles and swell into something close to the size of tennis balls. Anywhere between five to ten of these bumps may form, each one being an egg. Once these eggs have grown to their full size, within a four to six day period, the Wonk will expel them from their skin by flexing their back muscles, resulting in several formations, like burst bubbles, that remain on the back. Usually the Wonk’s back will return to its original state within several years. If the Wonk lives in a Wonk community, they would drop them into a community pond or pool, but if it’s an isolated Wonk, any body of freshwater will do. One day later, these eggs will hatch, several of them likely dying or not being born properly. The ones that live will, within a five year period, grow from a simple, large tadpole into a fully grown Wonk. A Wonk of a specific subtype will always take their parent’s subtype, for instance a Frog Wonk would always create new Frog Wonks, and the same applies to Toad Wonks. Redlines of Hatching An adult Wonk can start growing eggs whenever they wish OOCly, though ICly it’s random and they can only do so once. There is no male or female Wonk, simply Wonks. Wonks cannot FTB, either together or with other races. Wonks can assign ‘genders’ of a sort to themselves, similar to other constructs that might. Wonk eggs are carried on the back of the parent, from the lower back to the shoulders. Said eggs start as the size of marbles, but grow to around the size of a tennis ball. This process from creation to full size takes around 4-6 days. The Wonk’s back will slowly return to pre-carrying state over several years, the specific time is up to the player to decide. Eggs must be ‘laid’ in freshwater, otherwise they will die. It’s possible that several of the eggs may die or be eaten, depending on where one lays them. One day after being ‘laid’, the eggs will hatch and become rather large tadpoles of around 1 foot in length, from head to tail. Over the course of 5 in game years, or weeks in real time, a Wonk will grow from a tadpole to a fully grown adult Wonk. A Wonk will always take the subtype of their parent. IE, a Frog Wonk’s parent would have had to have been a Frog Wonk. Lifespan Wonks have a maximum lifespan of 120 years, after having been born as a tadpole in a communal pond or lake. You are not able to play a Wonk until they are 5 years old, though at that point they are fully physically mature. They appear to get physically older, but what is really happening is their skin is starting to dry out as their ability to retain moisture decreases. A Wonk always feels tied to the water, but as they age, their skin dries quicker. At around 50, a Wonk will begin to feel their skin being more leathery and dry, cracking more easily. At 75, they would constantly have cracks and flakes on their skin, spending most of their free time in the water. By 100, a Wonk is rather elderly in appearance from their skin being almost unable to retain moisture at all, beyond for brief periods. They can maintain this for another 20 years to the age of 120, but at that point it’s too much. They return to the water to die, feeding the tadpoles with their nutrients to create another generation. Redlines of Lifespan Wonks are playable at 5 years, they will be a fully grown Wonk in a ‘young adult’ state. Wonks continually dry out and will need to bathe in a damp place for a short time every x amount of years in order to stay alive. This x value changes with age and will be summarised below. Keep in mind these values are just a general guideline and do not need to be RPed to the exact value. 5 - 49 YEARS: Every 5 years. 50 - 74 YEARS: Every 3 years. 75 - 99 YEARS: Every 2 years. 100 - 119 YEARS: Every year. 120+ YEARS: By now, a Wonk is too aged to survive outside of a submerged, wet environment and will die very quickly unless kept in water. This becomes the effective death of the Wonk. If one remained permanently submerged they could in theory persist for a while beyond this point, but would be incredibly feeble. A Wonk ages visibly also, for the sake of simplicity the stages will be listed below. 5 - 49 YEARS: Skin is perfectly normal with no signs of cracking, wrinkles or dryness (unless Toad, in which case they’re always slightly dryer appearing than a Frog) 50 - 74 YEARS: Skin is slightly leathery and dry with slight cracks upon their skin to form. 75 - 100 YEARS: Skin would be cracked, wrinkled and flaked at all times. 100 - 119 YEARS: The Wonk becomes wrinkled, and placed in a weakened state alongside constant cracked and flaked skin even when submerged. 120+ YEARS: Same as 100 - 119 except they will wilt and dry up if outside the water for even brief periods. Subtypes There are two subtypes of Wonk, each based respectively on Frogs and Toads. There is also a sort of cultural split, between Reformed Wonks and Tribal Wonks, covered in the Mental Description. Frog Wonks Reformed Frog Wonk Knight The Frog Wonks are slightly taller than their Toad counterparts, with a height range of 4’6” through 5’0”. Frogs are prone to being skinnier and more lanky than Toads, with smooth skin slightly slimy to the touch. Their skin tones are made up of various shades of any range between green or yellow, with optional, little, neon splashes of bright color along their hands and feet and or optional white stomachs up to their lower maw. Their pupils are black, but the iris’ can be any bright color they so desire. Redlines of Frog Wonks Height can biologically not go outside of the ranges of 4’6” to 5’0” at all. Skin tone for a Frog Wonk can be any shade of green or brown, with an optional light coloured patch on their stomach and up to their lower maw. Hands and feet can be a different, vibrant to neon, colour of the players choosing. If in doubt with colouring, just use the average colour schemes on an average frog. Do NOT use neon colours. Skin is smooth on a Frog Wonk, being slightly more slimy than their Toad counterparts. Toad Wonks An aged Toad Wonk The Toad Wonks are slightly shorter than Frogs, standing between 4’1” and 4’7”, with stockier bodies. Their skin, in comparison to the Frogs, is bumpier and more rough, though still with a slightly slimy consistency. Their skin tones are made up of various shades of any range between brown and dark green, with optional, little, neon splashes of bright color along their hands and feet. Their pupils are black, but the iris’ can be any bright color they so desire. Redlines of Toad Wonks Height can biologically not go outside of the ranges of 4’1” to 4’7” at all. Skin tone for a Toad Wonk can be any shade of brown-ish green up to a very dull red/orange, with an optional light coloured patch on their stomach and up to their lower maw. Toads can also have splotches of a darker colour. If in doubt with colouring, just use the average colour schemes on an average toad. Do NOT use neon colours. Skin is bumpy and dried looking on a Toad Wonk, being slightly more rough than their Frog counterparts. Traits Wonks have physical strength similar to that of the average human, though they find it difficult to put on any additional muscle mass. Their hands and feet are disproportionate to their bodies, larger and slightly bulbous. Their heads are also larger, without much of a neck and simply an extension of their torso into their heads. Upon their limbs, mostly around the hands and feet, Wonks can hold a different colour to the rest of their skin, e.g. green skin but with red tinted hands. Additionally, the hands and feet of a Wonk are ever so slightly sticky to an extent one would find uncomfortable if they were to touch it, like the dried stain of spilt soda. This stick is however not strong enough to hold anything heavier than a pebble. Both their hands and feet only have four digits, more frog-like than Descendant-like in appearance. And similar to the creatures they originate from, they have notable tongues. They can extend outwards at about 4x the length of a normal human tongue, and can be moved easily enough by a Wonk, but is only as strong as a Wonk’s finger, and much more precarious to use in a combat like situation given how vulnerable and weak the tongue tissue is. In Character, their voices are rough. You could say they have a frog in their throat. However, for typing purposes, this doesn’t influence how one types words or letters when emoting. Wonks exhibit no sort of poison through their skin, as some species of frog might. The slight, slimy texture of their skin has no sort of advantage or ability, and simply feels a bit gross to the touch. Wonk blood, however, exhibits some special properties. Depending on the temperature of the Wonk’s location, their blood will alter in color. In warmer, more comfortable climates, Wonk blood will be a bright, cherry red. In colder climates, Wonk blood will quickly become a deep blue. Consumption of Wonk blood, to any non-Wonk, will result in a light high if the blood is red. If the Wonk is cold, however, and the blood is blue, then it will only cause a feeling of being ill and an intense dizziness. Redlines of Wonk Traits Wonks are descendant like in terms of their legs and torso, the rest of their body being frog-like. Wonks cannot hop like a frog, their legs are only as powerful as a Descendant’s and function like a Descendant’s also. Torso is Descendant like, meaning their posture is straight and allows them to stand upright with their head facing forwards. Hands and feet are identical to ones seen on a normal frog, albeit larger and with a faint stickiness about it. More information under Abilities section. Wonks heads are identical to a normal frog head in all regards except that they possess the ability to form speech. Wonk tongue can only extend out to the Wonk’s arm length and possess a strength similar to one of their fingers. More detail under Abilities section. Wonks, being essentially big frogs, do not possess a visible pair of teeth. If a Wonk were to bite down upon something it would instead crush instead of cut were enough force applied. Wonk skin, despite it’s slightly slimy texture, exhibits no special properties or poisons, period. Wonk blood will change color, depending on the temperature of their location. A warm location will cause the blood to become cherry red in coloration. If a non-Wonk consumes this, they will experience a light high. A cold location will cause the blood to become deep blue in coloration. If a non-Wonk consumes this, they will only experience a feeling of illness and an intense dizziness. Strengths & Weaknesses Wonks, being large animals, possess Lesser Souls. They can not learn any magic that relies heavily on a soul connection (ie voidal magics, aenguldaemonic connection, etc.). The only things that they would be able to learn, magic wise, would be things that don’t rely upon such a strong soul (ie Kani). Wonks are not Aspectual creatures of Fae. Their true creation and origin can only be theorized, but it’s clear that they are not any sort of Fae creature, as they cannot commune or be communed with. A Druid interacting with a Wonk is the same as interacting with a Descendant, despite their lesser souls. Wonks are also partially warm-blooded meaning that their bodies are capable of heating themselves if need be, but they are never comfortable in cold environments and much prefer the warm, wet nature of their homes (They won’t die simply from going somewhere cold on the map). A Wonk can do a number of things to ensure warmth, including bathing in warm water, sitting in the sun, or well made and appropriate clothing. Their tongues can extend about the length of their arm, and can be moved easily enough by a Wonk, but is only as strong as a Wonk’s finger at best, and much more precarious to use in a combat like situation given how vulnerable and weak the tongue tissue is. Additionally, any Wonk who has not bathed or moisturized themselves in any significant amount of time will find their dry skin to be somewhat flammable, no more than a corpse might be. This is worth noting and remembering for any Wonk players, and if they get into a situation where fire is involved. Redlines of Strengths & Weaknesses Wonks possess lesser souls, resulting in the inability to learn soul-based magics that require the Greater Soul of a Descendant. For instance, voidal magics, things that require aenguldaemonic connections, etc.) Wonks are not Fae creatures, and not of Aspectual origin. As such, they cannot use Nature’s Communion and Druids cannot commune with them. They WOULD be able to learn, however, anything that doesn’t require a Greater Soul. For instance, Kani, Further Alchemy, or any such thing without dependence on the soul. Wonks are partially warm-blooded. This means that, while they prefer the warmth of their homes and any rather warm and humid place, they won’t die from visiting a cold location for fun reasons. They do, however, feel the cold much more keenly than other races, giving them the tendency to avoid it if they can, or at least bundle up, drink warm fluids, or keep their visits short. Wonks exhibit a tongue that functions similarly to that of their frog counterparts. Extends roughly, at maximum length, the distance of one block. However, once they extend it beyond halfway, their control of it lessens. Their tongues maintain the strength of their finger, and until extended fully can be manipulated rather well. This doesn’t apply well to combat situations, however, given how soft and malleable the tongue tissue is. Wonks are required to actively bathe or visit the water. If a Wonk hasn’t visited a body of water in at least a week, they are noticeably more flammable. Not to any substantial extent, but enough to make them as flammable as an old corpse. Mental Description Wonk Culture There are two kinds of Wonks. Reformed Wonks (which are playable), and Tribal Wonks (which are event creatures). Each one, their culture, and their predispositions are covered below. Reformed Wonks Reformed Wonks have a distinct curiosity with Descendant culture. Traditions, clothing, even phrases and architecture. These Wonks have modeled their own mixed society, and as a result, their habits, on the descendants around them. This usually takes the form of mimicking all sorts of habits and style of Descendants, but in a more placid and peaceful lifestyle sort of way. Suits, jackets, tanned plads, or really any other nice clothing are all favorites of the Wonks. However, given their status in life and where they choose to live, the material which clothing is made out of is rather simple. Tweed, simple and easy to acquire cloth, among other things, make up the vast majority of Wonk attire. As a whole, these Wonks are a simple, not warring people, though of course the exception may exist. Classy but shabby clothing, nice but simple homes, and overall quiet lives a Wonk might live, though if they find themselves too attracted to the habits of Descendants, they may find themselves fully indoctrinated to their habits and tendencies, even the violent and destructive ones. These Wonks tend to live away from Reformed villages, with whatever Descendant group they’ve grown fond of. Reformed Wonks are the only type of playable Wonk. Communities of Reformed Wonks, those that are neither fully indoctrinated into Descendant societies nor Tribal, tend to band together and develop small villages. These villages are a mixture of new Descendant values and old Wonk ones. There are a couple of virtually universal traits, however. The vast majority of these villages exist within wetlands, given the Wonks reliance on wet areas and heat, as well as such areas being the most comfortable to Wonks. Communities tend to build out around a single pond or lake, of which eggs are traditionally laid as a central and communal area to raise new Wonks as a village. These communities generally remain rather small, with most Wonks choosing to live in groups and clusters in a single building. The social structure of these villages is similarly lax and group focused, resources and food freely distributed among Wonks yet guarded jealously from non-Wonks. The buildings themselves tend to be rather simple and shabby structures on the surface, but large underground rooms and tunnels are an essential part of any Wonk villages. The vast majority of buildings are all interconnected just under the surface, tunnels held firm in the wetlands via perfected Wonk techniques. The culture of these villages ranges a bit, depending on the location and what other, stronger groups may nearby. Powerful groups could likely exercise some control over the lifestyle of the Wonks in the area, with their own Descendant customs and beliefs. Yet, some things are virtually universal. A reverence for nature and the wetlands are prevalent among virtually all Wonks. Wonks emerged from the wilds, and for everything they are they thank nature, which they view with an intense reverence. This is particularly the case in the wetlands, where many Wonks make their home. The water and the heat are important for the health of a Wonk, so they view areas that can supply both of these needs as sacred. As such, Wonks will take care of these areas and any attempt to harm the location around a Wonk village will be met with staunch resistance and incredible stubbornness. In short, Reformed Wonks can range from independent Wonks who follow the habits of Descendants, to village Wonks who focus primarily on living in and protecting their land. Despite this, it’s not uncommon for village Wonks to wander, particularly in groups. Village Wonks are, additionally, not prone to aggression unless goaded. Individual Wonks may be, of course, aggressive, but the general attitude and vibe of a Reformed Wonk village will be much more relaxed, if guarded towards nosy outsiders. A surefire way to cause the otherwise placid Wonks to grow aggressive, through, is to interfere with the area they call home, as well as whatever meager possessions they may cherish. Redlines of Reformed Wonks Require an accepted CA to play. Reformed Wonks are the only playable kind of Wonk. Reformed Wonk villages are intrinsically different from Tribal villages; more relaxed and welcoming, albeit still superstition and suspicious of untrustworthy outsiders. Their culture is a mix of old Tribal superstitions and lifestyles and Descendant influences. As such, the exact nature of a Reformed Wonk village can be largely determined by the forces around it that may influence it’s lifestyle. Their clothing, homes, and tools are all made out of the most readily available materials in their environment. Tribal Wonks The Tribal Wonks are those who remain in their swampish abodes and tribes, and do not venture out like their Reformed brethren. They live in a close-knit society seemingly locked in a primitive time, who see the newly arrived Descendant races as ones unfamiliar, with their lack of written history to remember such encounters outside of tales. Tribal Wonks are at core gatherers and to an extent, hunters also. They frequently forage through the marshes for any food to boil or eat raw and otherwise use their basic spears and bows to hunt any mammals or fish as their primary food source, though this usually with a bit of trouble as the Wonks smaller stature render them weaker than most large wildlife. Tribal Wonks are event creatures only. Any other culture, habits, or actions are a result of the event member who chooses to use this lore. Redlines of Tribal Wonks Tribal Wonks are unplayable event creatures. More exotic and wild than the ‘domesticated’ Reformed Wonks, sporting a traditionally tribal outlook and lifestyle. As the Descendants and other arriving humanoids are unfamiliar to them, they’re very wary about others and visitors; being quite harsh or hostile to them. Hunter gatherer lifestyle, with these Wonks eating primarily meat. Abilities Tongue Manipulation Wonk tongues can extend about the length of their arm, and can be moved easily enough by a Wonk, but is only as strong as a Wonk’s finger at best. The further a Wonk extends their tongue, with a maximum of one block out, the more difficult it is for them to move and control it well. About half a block out is where their control starts to degrade, making it difficult and dangerous to use it beyond that, particularly in a combat situation, with the weak and vulnerable tongue tissue. Mechanics Tongue strength is only as strong as a finger. Maximum length of one block. After half a block, control lessens and the tongue becomes much less dexterous. One emote is required to extend tongue. Redlines A Wonk’s tongue is soft tissue and incredibly easy to cut through. This means a Wonk’s tongue is largely useless for combat. Submerged Breathing & Seeing Wonks are also incapable of drowning of air deprivation, being able to absorb air through their skin via the water around them. This allows them to remain submerged for lengthy periods of time, coupled with their ability to see under the water. They aren’t able to speak underwater, however, having to keep their mouths closed or risk drowning. Wonks have two sets of eyelids, the innermost being transparent. This gives the impression a Wonk may not blink, but they do, simply with the transparent eyelids. This also allows them to keep their vision clear underwater, with their transparent eyelids closed but the outermost ones not. A Wonk can close their outer eyelids, but there is simply no need to do so. Mechanics Wonks cannot drown, nor can they asphyxiate by normal means. Two sets of eyelids, the innermost being transparent. Allows them to see clearly underwater. Redlines This is a passive ability. Wonks still need to blink, but can do so discreetly with their inner eyelids. Collective Wonk Redlines Redlines of Hatching An adult Wonk can start growing eggs whenever they wish OOCly, though ICly it’s random and they can only do so once. There is no male or female Wonk, simply Wonks. Wonks cannot FTB, either together or with other races. Wonks can assign ‘genders’ of a sort to themselves, similar to other constructs that might. Wonk eggs are carried on the back of the parent, from the lower back to the shoulders. Said eggs start as the size of marbles, but grow to around the size of a tennis ball. This process from creation to full size takes around 4-6 days. The Wonk’s back will slowly return to pre-carrying state over several years, the specific time is up to the player to decide. Eggs must be ‘laid’ in freshwater, otherwise they will die. It’s possible that several of the eggs may die or be eaten, depending on where one lays them. One day after being ‘laid’, the eggs will hatch and become rather large tadpoles of around 1 foot in length, from head to tail. Over the course of 5 in game years, or weeks in real time, a Wonk will grow from a tadpole to a fully grown adult Wonk. A Wonk will always take the subtype of their parent. IE, a Frog Wonk’s parent would have had to have been a Frog Wonk. Redlines of Lifespan Wonks are playable at 5 years, they will be a fully grown Wonk in a ‘young adult’ state. Wonks continually dry out and will need to bathe in a damp place for a short time every x amount of years in order to stay alive. This x value changes with age and will be summarised below. Keep in mind these values are just a general guideline and do not need to be RPed to the exact value. 5 - 49 YEARS: Every 5 years. 50 - 74 YEARS: Every 3 years. 75 - 99 YEARS: Every 2 years. 100 - 119 YEARS: Every year. 120+ YEARS: By now, a Wonk is too aged to survive outside of a submerged, wet environment and will die very quickly unless kept in water. This becomes the effective death of the Wonk. A Wonk ages visibly also, for the sake of simplicity the stages will be listed below. 5 - 49 YEARS: Skin is perfectly normal with no signs of cracking, wrinkles or dryness (unless Toad, in which case they’re always slightly dryer appearing than a Frog) 50 - 74 YEARS: Skin is slightly leathery and dry with slight cracks upon their skin to form. 75 - 100 YEARS: Skin would be cracked, wrinkled and flaked at all times. 100 - 119 YEARS: The Wonk becomes wrinkled, and placed in a weakened state alongside constant cracked and flaked skin even when submerged. 120+ YEARS: Same as 100 - 119 except they will wilt and dry up if outside the water for even brief periods. Redlines of Frog Wonks Height can biologically not go outside of the ranges of 4’6” to 5’0” at all. Skin tone for a Frog Wonk can be any shade of green or brown, with an optional light coloured patch on their stomach and up to their lower maw. Hands and feet can be a different, vibrant to neon, colour of the players choosing. If in doubt with colouring, just use the average colour schemes on an average frog. Do NOT use neon colours. Skin is smooth on a Frog Wonk, being slightly more slimy than their Toad counterparts. Redlines of Toad Wonks Height can biologically not go outside of the ranges of 4’1” to 4’7” at all. Skin tone for a Toad Wonk can be any shade of brown-ish green up to a very dull red/orange, with an optional light coloured patch on their stomach and up to their lower maw. Toads can also have splotches of a darker colour. If in doubt with colouring, just use the average colour schemes on an average toad. Do NOT use neon colours. Skin is bumpy and dried looking on a Toad Wonk, being slightly more rough than their Frog counterparts. Redlines of Wonk Traits Wonks are descendant like in terms of their legs and torso, the rest of their body being frog-like. Wonks cannot hop like a frog, their legs are only as powerful as a Descendant’s and function like a Descendant’s also. Torso is Descendant like, meaning their posture is straight and allows them to stand upright with their head facing forwards. Hands and feet are identical to ones seen on a normal frog, albeit larger and with a faint stickiness about it. More information under Abilities section. Wonks heads are identical to a normal frog head in all regards except that they possess the ability to form speech. Wonk tongue can only extend out to the Wonk’s arm length and possess a strength similar to one of their fingers. More detail under Abilities section. Wonks, being essentially big frogs, do not possess a visible pair of teeth. If a Wonk were to bite down upon something it would instead crush instead of cut were enough force applied. Wonk skin, despite it’s slightly slimy texture, exhibits no special properties or poisons, period. Wonk blood will change color, depending on the temperature of their location. A warm location will cause the blood to become cherry red in coloration. If a non-Wonk consumes this, they will experience a light high. A cold location will cause the blood to become deep blue in coloration. If a non-Wonk consumes this, they will only experience a feeling of illness and an intense dizziness. Redlines of Strengths & Weaknesses Wonks possess lesser souls, resulting in the inability to learn soul-based magics that require the Greater Soul of a Descendant. For instance, voidal magics, things that require aenguldaemonic connections, etc.) Wonks are not Fae creatures, and not of Aspectual origin. As such, they cannot use Nature’s Communion and Druids cannot commune with them. They WOULD be able to learn, however, anything that doesn’t require a Greater Soul. For instance, Kani, Further Alchemy, or any such thing without dependence on the soul. Wonks are partially warm-blooded. This means that, while they prefer the warmth of their homes and any rather warm and humid place, they won’t die from visiting a cold location for fun reasons. They do, however, feel the cold much more keenly than other races, giving them the tendency to avoid it if they can, or at least bundle up, drink warm fluids, or keep their visits short. Wonks exhibit a tongue that functions similarly to that of their frog counterparts. Extends roughly, at maximum length, the distance of one block. However, once they extend it beyond halfway, their control of it lessens. Their tongues maintain the strength of their finger, and until extended fully can be manipulated rather well. This doesn’t apply well to combat situations, however, given how soft and malleable the tongue tissue is. Wonks are required to actively bathe or visit the water. If a Wonk hasn’t visited a body of water in at least a week, they are noticeably more flammable. Not to any substantial extent, but enough to make them as flammable as an old corpse. Redlines of Reformed Wonk Require an accepted CA to play. Reformed Wonks are the only playable kind of Wonk. Reformed Wonk villages are intrinsically different from Tribal villages; more relaxed and welcoming, albeit still superstition and suspicious of untrustworthy outsiders. Their culture is a mix of old Tribal superstitions and lifestyles and Descendant influences. As such, the exact nature of a Reformed Wonk village can be largely determined by the forces around it that may influence it’s lifestyle. Their clothing, homes, and tools are all made out of the most readily available materials in their environment. Redlines of Tribal Wonks Tribal Wonks are unplayable event creatures. More exotic and wild than the ‘domesticated’ Reformed Wonks, sporting a traditionally tribal outlook and lifestyle. As the Descendants and other arriving humanoids are unfamiliar to them, they’re very wary about others and visitors; being quite harsh or hostile to them. Hunter gatherer lifestyle, with these Wonks eating primarily meat. Ability Redlines Tongue Manipulation A Wonk’s tongue is soft tissue and incredibly easy to cut through. This means a Wonk’s tongue is largely useless for combat. Submerged Breathing & Seeing This is a passive ability. Wonks still need to blink, but can do so discreetly with their inner eyelids. Purpose Wonks are an interesting, unrealised piece of lore that has already been relevant in LoTC and would be a shame to see it die with the end of the September Prince event line. This lore piece aims to revitalise said lore and add more for ET to work with and the possible addition of an enjoyable and unique CA race to play. Citation Aesop, for the September Prince eventline lore, and all relevant information like Khurmt. Zarsies, for creating the original Wonks. Written by Rickson & Archipelego (and like 1% Aesop). Lightly rewritten & formatted by Archipelego.
  8. holy **** this is amazing to watch from an outside perspective

  9. “Oh yeah **** im supposed to host a festival **** **** uhhh okay”
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