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Everything posted by Krodin

  1. Can we have more tha none bonus proffesion or just one?

    1. Flurgh


      Prety sure you get one more once you hit 250hours on your character

  2. Didn't I say the server was being ethunaised? XD

  3. I wonder why some people think I am a cultist http://gyazo.com/3b4bc2f5828636e16ef84002868ff4a8 ... Must be the hair

    1. Shadeleaf


      Its actualy the robes. Das some culty stuff.

    2. Krodin


      Wuuut... I think they matach my skull I wear wuite nicely!

  4. When you are trying to sacrafice things to ibleez but can't figure out how ;-;

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Iblees* and he's a scrub.

    2. Fireheart


      Heard the dude was catching major ZZzzzz's

  5. Hears of cool stuff hapening in other places.... Today is a good day to play LOTC

  6. Can I have a application to join I did not see one...
  7. I have died so many times by frost witches now that I wonder am I delcious?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Krodin


      If they come to Salvus disquised I will attack thats like a monster coming to your city As in raiding that isn't me XD

    3. meg


      We have come to salvus once. You guys have come to our house 3+ times.

    4. Krodin


      2 was me 1 scouting one fight I mean just like the solo frost witches that are so obviosuly frost witches its not even funny

  8. Who is this Kalenz?

    1. ShameJax


      Lotc equivalent of a sneaky hitler.

  9. When the server crashes forever

  10. Gonna do some frost witch hunting :D

    1. Lark


      chill man

    2. Krodin


      Was that a pun or were you tell me to chll? XD

  11. No conection

  12. Being attacked by frost witches and then they forgot about me... I feel so useless XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AGiantPie


      and better than ever ITS THAT TIME OF YEAR

    3. Krodin


      Yea thye told me to go hide in the shed and then they forgot about me XD

    4. Krodin


      I acutally belive it was because I told them my name they got attached to me so they didn't kill me


  14. When I try joining : Server full a few mins later more than the people tried joingf to joined '='

    1. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      It saves spots for VIP

    2. Krodin


      WHY!The vips are already there so if the VIps leave we join and than they join more people get it ;-;

    3. Your Favorite Impure

      Your Favorite Impure

      I think a certain amount of slots are reserved. I.E 270+

  15. OOC - Minecraft IGN:superplayer1000 RP- Character Name: Krodin Ironwood Age: 54 Race/Gender: Male HighElf What would you like to learn?:Daemon lore, Mythoology, Alchemy,Magic ( Magic and alchemy is being updated soon so I will wait on thoeses) Economic Background (Poor, Middleclass, or Rich?): Poor
  16. When not accepted to the clue guys ;-;

  17. is the server riparoni peporoning like anyone else?

    1. Space


      Try direct connecting to the IP.

  18. Not saying there should be frost warlocks but.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShameJax


      It's similar, is it not just water evocation and illusion?

    3. ShameJax


      Well other than the fact that they only manipulate cold that's already around them.

    4. Krodin


      XD Ik I iz joking I was memed ;-;

  19. When you try to assinate someone and it ends terribly wrong.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Assinating with PvP default is possible, but you could easily get meta'd and killed.

    3. Birdwhisperer


      Even if it's not a PK, there's been plenty of people who agreed to not play their character for a week or so after an RP assassination.

    4. Stevie


      yeah i love ASSinations

  20. I don't always meme but when I do it sucks and no one laughs.

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