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About Yankee

  • Birthday 02/28/2001

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  1. "Eig't 'undred fer bot' dah mules!" Vidar exclaims before heading off to the stable to collect his Mules
  2. Need a Dwarven clan?

  3. Free my Swamp

  4. APPLICATION RP NAME: Vidar Frostbeard MC NAME: Yank33 WEAPON OF CHOICE: Axe WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE GUARD?: Illuminated Smithing ANY SPECIAL FEATS OR ACHIEVEMENTS?: Very good collector, been in the legion a long ass time
  5. Devs I suggest the sit plugin is removed and fixed

  6. Sends a bird, a note attached "Ah'll supply yer cloth, where shall we meet?"
  7. The Thieves Guild “We do not believe in luck” The Thieves Guild are a group of men and women that are very skilled in the art of theft and burglary. They all follow a certain conduct called The Code. ____________________________________ The Code: Members are expected to show respect to their brothers and sisters. Combat during a job is to be avoided, if combat occurs then it must be reported to an elder. All unofficial jobs must have approval of an elder or master. If a job is to go sour, one must never abandon their brother or sister. A brother / sister will never steal from one another. A brother / sister will never steal from the Guild. If a brother or sister does not respect the code then they will be dealt with by the elders. Punishment will either include lashings, public shaming or death. ____________________________________ Rankings: Master Thieves - there is no dictatorship within the guild. It is ran by a small group at the top of the chain known as the Master Thieves. They have earned their respect and have a joint final say on anything concerning the guild. Elders - Elders have proved themselves to the guild by showing dedication and commitment to the guild. They bring relevant topics forward to the Master Thieves which are to be decided on and keep the guild running to how it should be. Ringleader - Ringleaders will take a job description from the Master Thieves and appoint those who suit the job best. They will also arrange meetings and keep everyone informed on situations. Operative - an Operative is one that has proved themselves by completing a job. They have past the initial test and begin their journey as a professional. Recruit - a Recruit is the first rank within the guild, they usually have just joined the clan and are yet to prove their skills within the field. ____________________________________ Lockpicks: Lockpicks are sold by an independent trader within the guild. Members may buy lockpicks from the seller but are discouraged to sell them elsewhere. ____________________________________ Jobs: A job is an objective set for the guild to complete. Master Thieves or Elders may set jobs but jobs can also be accepted from the general public. A job from the public will have a set pay which will be received on the completion of the task at hand. ((OOC NOTICE)) The Thieves Guild only recruit in rp. Posts below should only be for jobs and other rp, NO applications. If you have any other questions feel free to Pm me in game (Yank33) or on the forums.
  8. Server is up right now, but it is displayed as offline. Just connect normally and it will work.

  9. Looks around at his fellow men gathered around the tables drinking ale, rum and vodka. After hearing of these books "Well lads, dis luuks interestin'. Maybe dis cou'd serve as our first job." He chuckles to himself before raising his tankard and chugging it down his throat in one swift action.
  10. Lava Baron *Neatly written posters would be nailed up on sign posts in every major city* If yer need lava, we're the ones to speak to. One lava bucket - 75 minas Just send a bird to Vidar Frostbeard - Kal'Akash ((Yank33))
  11. Yankee

    [Race] Ogre

    I acknowledge what is being said here, but I don't think I was able to get my point across clearly enough. Ogres are not stronger than Uruks, just slightly larger and live in swamps. The whole point of this was to separate Ogres from Ologs making them two different species, I am unsure to whether this is possible but that was the intention behind the post.
  12. Yankee

    [Race] Ogre

    Edited to suit the intentions. Not meant to be stronger than Uruks.
  13. Yankee

    [Race] Ogre

    I am making lore for Ogres, making them a separate race. The whole point of this.
  14. Yankee

    [Race] Ogre

    Not exactly, they are more similar to Uruks however slightly taller and have a different mindset. I see what you're saying and I should really put more emphasis on the pros and cons. The two separate 'types', the larger one being much more civilised and less war hungry but being more intelligent and wise. The smaller one is combat based yet less intelligent than uruks. No, basically slightly larger Uruks that have a different style and way of life.
  15. Yankee

    [Race] Ogre

    The Ogre This is the lore for a race which live alongside Uruks and Ologs called Ogres. Habitat Ogres reside in swampy areas of the realm and care for their surroundings by treating the earth they were raised upon with respect. They tend to dig into the ground or mountains to make their place of rest and are not organised when it comes to storing things, hordes are often found with a Ogre’s cave. Ogres thrive in swamp and and will struggle to find a successful life elsewhere, ogres living away from a swamp tend to have shorter life expectancy and deformities. History Ogres struggled when they inhabited swamps alone. Ogres littered the lands and were often seen in either couples or alone. Many of these beasts either died through illness or simple starvation. The ones that survived were lost and confused to where to go until they finally stumbled across Duloc, a large Orcish fort situated in the swampland. As they approached the gate, monstrous blue Orks gathered atop the battlements. They looked down on the Ogres, only a small group of three had migrated together, after a friendly conversation they were welcomed in. After a few days of seeking refuge within the swamp, the mighty Swampgoth Shreck'Lak ordered a summit between the Lak clan. After a long and detailed discussion the decision was made to allow the ogres to become branded as apart of the Lak clan. Other than that it is unknown if Ogres live elsewhere, or if there is even any remaining beside the now Lak ogres. Appearance Ogres, living in swampy conditions, are very dirty and unhygienic beings. They embrace the land around them and often smear it onto their bodies. All ogres are born with tusks that protrude from their mouths in a regimented way. An ogre can vary in stature from 7-9 ft and are seen with two different body builds: The first of these two builds is the much larger and heavier of the two. This type of ogre is deemed as obese and consumes much more food to its alter ego. The average weight for this type of Ogre varies between 450-600 lbs. They do not spend time training in combat or klomping but instead embrace the spirit. They tend to be the more relaxed of the two and are the much more easy to reason with. These larger beings, are not necessarily stronger then Uruks. Despite, being much larger their body composition is a higher percent of fat to muscle. Then there is the second of the two. These ogres seem to be more aggressive and prone to anger. They are seen as the warriors among the ogres, they, unlike their other, train and are built for war. These war mongering maniacs often weigh between 400-500 lbs. This is the smaller of the two and tend to be similar to an Uruks strength, more muscle is seen on this variant and they have a lust for blood. Intellectual ability An ogre is considered smarter than Ologs and have the ability to outwit an opponent and plan a sensible cause of action. Ogres are also able to connect with spirits making them able to learn Shamanism - Laklul being the main belief for these creatures. This being said, not all ogres are as intelligent as stated, some are seen to be very stupid and dumb witted. Clan / Culture Known ogres belong to the Lak clan after Shreck accepted them under his wisdom and guidance. They follow similar if not the same traditions as the Laks and also believe in the same gods. Side note - if this is implemented, ogres would have the same buffs as orcs but the race will be renamed. Thanks for reading.
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