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π™»πšžπšŸ XO

Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by π™»πšžπšŸ XO

  1. sir i have just finished my edit of a app can you please check it


  2. well guys i got banned, see you in 8 months

  3. Favorite kind of pie, go.

  4. FMs SERIOUSLY need to chill on removing posts.

  5. My profile pic alone makes me look like staff. So make me actual staff.Β https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/138887-etactor-parkins-event-team-application/

  6. Now is a good time to apply for FM.

  7. 30 AT Apps sit unanswered. The end of the month grows near. Who will make it?! Next time on Dragon Ball Zeeeeeeee.

  8. Sometimes... I really do feel like this is a high school role-playing server...

  9. So after two years, I have decided to rejoin the RP of LOTC. ^_^Β 

  10. Remember guys I have Applied for AT and wish for feedbackΒ Thank you:

  11. Anyone have a character they want to find a way to PK. Poor unfortunate souls for Fi' are missing as of late :( Many people who want to learn, but no souls to do it!

  12. Anyone have a character they want to find a way to PK. Poor unfortunate souls for Fi' are missing as of late :( Many people who want to learn, but no souls to do it!

  13. Anyone have a character they want to find a way to PK. Poor unfortunate souls for Fi' are missing as of late :( Many people who want to learn, but no souls to do it!

  14. Anyone have a character they want to find a way to PK. Poor unfortunate souls for Fi' are missing as of late :( Many people who want to learn, but no souls to do it!

  15. Remember when we thought Vailor was a temporary map?

  16. 5 students... I have 5 students.

  17. I want a cool rank too! ):

  18. When I redeem the keys I've been saving and getΒ allΒ items.


  19. Check out the new magic user lists at the links below!


    They have been added to their respective forum threads. Have fun~

  20. Congratulations to Croleo, Greener and Nolan for being accepted onto the AT!

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