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π™»πšžπšŸ XO

Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by π™»πšžπšŸ XO

  1. I officially hate trying to make small statues in MC.. Everything comes out looking like a crappy dragon and I hate it.

  2. Any humans or ElvesΒ looking for a town to live within, hit me up. The town expects activity, assistance within the growth and a follower of the Canonism faith.

  3. Please unban Ballnazor he's a good guy

  4. forever waiting for /vipclaim to work

  5. can i b fire elf plz?

  6. I should've payed attention to the light in the dark...Β 

  7. Anyone here play Black Ops III on the Xbone

  8. Anyone here play Black Ops III on the Xbone

  9. The AT App forums has many cool picks but it could be better, if you think you can do it put yourself forward!

  10. I want another edgy slumber party pls

  11. Hi I wrote my application 25 hours ago so I am worried that no one has ever considered it could I please get an answer. :/


  12. Arcane Puppetry was removed, not soul puppetry.

  13. Like my status if your parents were killed by orcs like mine. Also, like to show respect to the ones that did. :(

  14. Like my status if your parents were killed by orcs like mine. Also, like to show respect to the ones that did. :(

  15. Need opinions: I am thinking of putting on a concert at The Musicians Guild in the near future. all types of musicians would be welcome. Each performer would get 5-10 minutes to complete their performance. It would also be free, free to play and free to listen. I myself would be playing the piano in-game. ((Basically 9 noteblocks)). I need opinions. what do you guys think?

  16. What magics should be self-teachable?

  17. What magics should be self-teachable?

  18. As if you'd delete my post. Was sincere. Come on staff, I'm a peacock you gotta let me fly

  19. squeak0711's avatar is an Undertale spoiler. If there's any justice, ban him too.

  20. Does no one remember we threatened forum warnings and bans for posting Game of Thrones spoilers? No one minded then.

  21. Does no one remember we threatened forum warnings and bans for posting Game of Thrones spoilers? No one minded then.

  22. Does no one remember we threatened forum warnings and bans for posting Game of Thrones spoilers? No one minded then.

  23. Someone should make a list of all hidden rules, here is another one that you guys can add to the list.

  24. Can someone explain me why I am banned from server? Without anyΒ explanation?

  25. Should I like... apply for AT? .-.

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