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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by JEEGK

  1. If race for example orc has been a slave since he was born what accent he will use?

  2. Good morning children of the corn.

  3. What is love

  4. How's everyone doing tonight/day?

  5. Hello, I don't know where my edit button is for my application. Please help.

  6. Guys, don't make meme statuses on here. Everyone takes you seriously.

  7. hannah montana should make a comeback 2k16

  8. It's hilarious when you 2v4 orcs and you don't even have a bow.

  9. It's hilarious when you 2v4 orcs and you don't even have a bow.

  10. It's hilarious when you 2v4 orcs and you don't even have a bow.

  11. Where is the rp? -pouts-

  12. How's everyone today?

  13. How's everyone today?

  14. free art for whoever I get for secret santa *-* everyone sign up...

  15. I want a cool rank too! ):

  16. Does anyone take rp seriously anymore or is lotc just one big meme

  17. Important news about TA's coming today. 

  18. who wants to play league

  19. what the hell is wrong with you are you outta your mind !

  20. what the hell is wrong with you are you outta your mind !

  21. I'm still looking for suggestions for player of the week! And no, you cant suggest yourself!

  22. I'm still looking for suggestions for player of the week! And no, you cant suggest yourself!

  23. I want another edgy slumber party pls

  24. Like my status if your parents were killed by orcs like mine. Also, like to show respect to the ones that did. :(

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