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Status Updates posted by Chimp

  1. Chimp

    papi where u, u never came back after u went 2 get cigarettes :((

  2. Server isn't up!!!

  3. server keeps crashing

  4. Sit tight you goys, 3 more days of downtime incoming! :^

  5. smhhhh med dindu nuffin like cmonbrug it wuz kjuust meme rp dssss

  6. The sad thing is that the devs will have to pay the host even for the days in which they didnt get what they paid for..

    1. Priceflash


      they'll probably get some sort of compensation because a host being down for this long is literally retarded

      they'll probably get some sort of compensation because a host being down for this long is literally retarded

      they'll probably get some sort of compensation because a host being down for this long is literally retarded

      idk why that sent 3 times

  7. This is your daily reminder that the dominion has yet to give their region owner permissions to Aesopians so that he may conduct his antagonist event in there! It is also the reason why he has been bypassing it in the hopes that they would eventually do it but so far nothing, if they do not then everyone who has will risk getting destroyed whilst the dominion stays perfectly safe which will completely ruin the dangerous aspect of the eventline and set a precedent for pretty much every other region owners to do the same which would lead to a stale and boring eventline. 

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Chimp


      how is it false in anyway, re read the statement. "Dominion has YET to give their region owner permissions to aesop" how is that untrue. You just admited that you have not yet.

    3. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      The way you've framed the statement is designed to incite hatred towards the Dominion in an abusive fashion. If it were the whole truth you'd have put "Daily reminder, Aesopian has yet to ask the Dominion PRO permission concerning continuing the September Prince Eventline". 

    4. Keefy


      This argument will cease. This is your verbal warning in regards to it @Holy_Orenian_Empire. Take it to PMs if you wanna argue about it. 


      Whether or not they give perms is their decision alone. Case closed 

  8. Whats the snelf build ip

    1. Archipelego


      darude sandstorm

  9. Chimp

    Where you been , you never came back after you went to buy some cigarettes  ?

    1. Vege


      its ok my son I am home now

  10. Why is oren fighting norlanders for the 10000th time? Yall realise this leads to nothing.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Chimp


      maybe if you prove yall can coexist without raiding them constantly there would be a chance. the first step is always dialogue in any case.

      Edited by Chimp
    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      if only you could open up dialogue with a pack of savage retards chimp, if only

    4. Chimp


      You wont get anywhere by just insulting them keaton.

  11. 2 days later, still waiting on an answer on my ban appeal. :c

  12. Can i get a GM to tp me? I'm stuck underground for some weird reason the tp does not work.

    1. Kilig


      rip. Use your SS. 

  13. Lord of the crash :/

  14. oh noez, pls tell me this isn't another server filled with in the closet nazis.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jonificus


      Well aren't you in for a treat!

    3. Norman


      go goo gaipan

    4. Space


      it is to be funny

      but it's really overused and just... not

  15. Skilltome of Lumberjacking for Sale in the Felsen Auctions!

  16. The crash is real

  17. What is going on? Why does the server keep crashing...

  18. What's up with all those whitelist applications all of a sudden?

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