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Iron VIP
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Status Replies posted by UnBaed

  1. quite sad when you're lied to about a promotion, promised it in exchange for [redacted]... then it is handed to someone else who was on the team for a week? i c u.

  2. @UnBaed yo gurl I heard u make art

  3. @UnBaed yo gurl I heard u make art

  4. How long does it usually take for Self-Taught Applications to be reviewed?  I also noticed that my application was moved behind a handful of other magic applications that were posted after mine.

  5. can i write lore of the offline dimension?  it is where everyone goes in rp when we log off, you can't hear raiders attacking your city right outside of your home while there so it gives the rules some logic 

  6. can i write lore of the offline dimension?  it is where everyone goes in rp when we log off, you can't hear raiders attacking your city right outside of your home while there so it gives the rules some logic 

  7. can i write lore of the offline dimension?  it is where everyone goes in rp when we log off, you can't hear raiders attacking your city right outside of your home while there so it gives the rules some logic 

  8. "No fast travels!  I want to encourage roadside RP." *has mobs spawn on roads at night, disrupting RP*

  9. "No fast travels!  I want to encourage roadside RP." *has mobs spawn on roads at night, disrupting RP*

  10. Is it too early to make an art shop with art thats 1k+ minas ?? 

  11. hey, fellow losers, check out my deviant art https://unbaed.deviantart.com/

  12. this space is a godless hellscape, and i hope all of you find the light someday

  13. this space is a godless hellscape, and i hope all of you find the light someday

  14. this space is a godless hellscape, and i hope all of you find the light someday

  15. Grape-kun is dead and none of you filthy, selfish animals even noticed

  16. Diablo III is fun, I bet most of you casuals can't even get past Torment I.

  17. Practicing pixel art! Made this one of Artimec for Leo today.

  18. girls are frustrating ?

  19. struggling to get back into drawing now that school has started



  20. Just remove it. 

  21. if i start being edgy on the forums will that make me cool too?

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