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Everything posted by π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–

  1. Woke up, thankΒ the Lord for the day woke up by a girl i don't even know her name

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SodaiKamikaze


      I'm good, I'm good, I'm great, know it's been a while, now I'm mixing up the drank.

    3. sullincollivan


      LotC bois roleplayinΒ and smokinΒ dank

      Pick my persona based on the strainΒ 

      indicas make me wanna grind xp for days

      While sativas got me lookin some Oreners to flank

      (yes I can rap and roleplay, best of both worlds like Hannah Montana)

    4. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–
  2. Wow fuckin great. All of my horses keep disappearing.

  3. Finally theres a read more button for linked posts

    1. BonesOfTheEarth


      You could always make it display as a link instead of a post c:

  4. I don't see why Ioannis's app got denied, he's a pretty good roleplayer and is responsible when he must be.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Birdnerdy


      Because he opposes Oren, that's why.

    3. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–
    4. J


      Yep, Bird got it right. ET are in a hostage situation with Oren right now, every applicant goes through their approval.Β kappa.

  5. What is your favorite moment as an Orc or interacting with an Orc?


    1. Bluee


      The moment when you hear a thump as an Olog drops to the ground, lifeless.

  6. I see potential in this allowing more variety in the Orcish kind. In my thoughts, how I picture this would be similar to a Snow Elf being a counterpart to a High Elf.
  7. Roaches everywhere like we forgot to take the trash out

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shalashask


      You'd better take it out then, isn't that why IHOP pays you?

    3. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–


      I work the night shift, so i don't gotta take it out as much ;) I'll be in the cook life soon thoughΒ 

    4. Shalashask


      You thought about finding work as a commis chef somewhere after you've got experience?



    1. π•Ύπ–™π–†π–—π–Œπ–šπ–˜π–


      LMFAO AHHHHH Im so dead I seen this a while back still gives some good laughs

  9. I am present, is there a current war chat existing I am sure there are many things that must be discussed.
  10. What do you know about Orcs? Perhaps you were misinformed, check out this link for some info!Β 


  11. That moment when you try to start writing a RP post about a hunt, and come to find out your getting warclaimed.

    1. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      get off my server filthy orc

  12. Hello and welcome Lord of the Crafters, New Players, and/or people in search of knowledge for one of the main races you can play alongside Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. In joining this server, when Orcs still had a decent activity rate learning felt like it would've been difficult and simply a process to learn. After getting a quick hang of the Orcish language 'Blah' and being introduced to the player base of the Orcish community I felt right at home. One of the first memes I came into contact with this server was that "Orcs killed my parents!" which was quite amusing for some time, but as time passed slowly transformed into something bigger than most people would think. Due to this, changes of perspectives towards the Orcs began to shift and view them as violent savages who enjoy PVP so much that they try and raid every settlement that possibly exists. With this, the Orcish player base began to deplete slowly after many changes in the Rexdom in Vailor all the way into Axios leaving a decent player base to work with but definitely not what it used to be. What is the point of this and what exactly are you trying to get at with this, you might ask? Well let's do a bit of compare and contrast. Orcs of Lord of the Rings Creation: Taking a deeper look into the lore and history of Middle-Earth, i've read that Orcs are a race of creatures who are used as soldiers and henchmen by both the greater and lesser villains of The Silmarillion (The History of Middle-Earth). In this series, Orcs tend to be portrayed as dim-witted yet crafty with making war machines and have a love for no things including the masters serve out of fear. Though many have speculated that the Dark Lord and Sauron's master, Morgoth (Melkor), was the first to create this race it has been recorded that evil of Middle-Earth is not capable of independent creation meaning that they couldn't have been born of the Dark Lord. It is also said that before the Elves were found at CuiviΓ©nen they were kidnapped and tortured by Morgoth transforming them into the disaster of an Orc. Culture: Though much of the Middle-Earth culture of Orcs is not elaborated on they talk about knowledge of harsh medicines and healing arts Orcs may use one another and though it may be harsh and painful it certainly is effective. It is also read that Orcish weapons and arrows are often lathered in venom and/or poisonous liquids to assure the kill. They also like to sing horrible songs such as the ones the goblins sing in the Misty Mountains, along with inventing horrendous machines to torture and kill things. When Morgoth fell, some Orcs took leadership upon themselves settling themselves in petty Kingdoms of their own. It is also said that Orcs are ALWAYS hungry eating type of flesh including Men and Horses and sometimes even delving into cannibalism. Orcs of Lord of the Craft Creation: In the early days of creation, the first man and woman were made to bring life to the lands giving birth to the four descendants Horen, Urguan, Malin, and Krug. After Krug's distrust of Iblees threw him into his fit of rage he revealed himself to the descendants drowning the world in war between the living and the dead. After Iblees was defeated, the descendants split their own ways fathering their own races and children along with teaching their perspectives on life and how it should be lived. Though, they had split ways each had received a curse of their own; Iblees said to Krug as Aenguls and Daemons of the Seven Heavens drew away the darkness of the land "And you Krug, the most hated of The Descendants, you shall always have the lust of war. You are strong? Well the strength shall be used against your brothers, used to pillage and murder! Your lust for battle shall be unsatiated and your descendants shall grow ugly and heartless.” and with this darkness was finally purged. As Iblees disappeared, a Robed figure stood in front of the descendants as the curses started to take effect on them. Though they had initially trusted Iblees, pity was given to the descendants granting them blessings. As the robed figure approaches Krug he speaks: "Krug, may your people show valour and honour where none exist" (Orcish Hunters and Warriors of Aegis traveling in a pack as they begin to hunt the Undead) Culture: Though many have speculated Orcs of Lord of the Craft to be dim-witted beasts who love blood shed through either bad role play or bad communication, but through lore and history of the Orcs it has proved otherwise. Orcs are not dumb nor are they really smart like a goblin could be, but what Orcs have that separates them from others is a trustworthy intuition that keeps them away from others due to Orcs knowing not to trust other races other than their brothers of Orcs, Ologs, and Goblins though it may be easy to believe that due to their language of 'Blah'. The Children of Krug follow after their oldfather in the teachings of the Spirits of the World, as well as being able to communicate with said Spirits through special Orcs known as Shamans, though as Orcs often look for and pay tribute to the Spirits they often provide for their own as they go out on hunts. Through their curse of violence, Orcs have taken Klomp (Combat) as a tradition of their own klomping in celebration, to settle an argument, or even to mate with another Orc. Though many are ignorant of the culture that Orcs have, much of it is divided within the clans individually whom create their own traditions. (Orcs of Clan Lur rushing through vast jungles as they hunt a wild animal)
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