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Status Updates posted by Suzzie

  1. https://picarto.tv/suzzie2 Streaming art if anyone wants to watch. I'm drawing a certain nerdy elf of a friends.

    1. Suzzie


      Stream done. Result: bQxWn27.png

  2. How do hands work even 40c99ae2dab833d4f68e4ae74b8a32d4.png
    If  anyone wants to use this feel free to ask. Dunno if I'm finishing it though.

  3. blood for blood, Katie

    1. Katiesc


      Be one with Him, Suzzie

  4. 656c9527efa6ffa7ff5f3fbb7616f992.png
    I'm very proud of this. I think the colours go so well. ; v;

    1. Kaelan


      That's really good. Is this a LOTC character or something else?

    2. Suzzie


      It was just me drawing. I have a strange habit of drawing random things. Sometimes I use them, most of the times not. 
      In this case I am not.  

  5. @The Rabbi is terrible tech support.

  6. also I can't verify my discord with /freja because of the new tag format please send help

  7. Anyone have an idea for a sketch? I might take it and draw it. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. idiot


      Draw a burger, in a burger, in a burger. With a cute dancing tomato on top.

    3. Suzzie


      I just made the skeleton better. 1cc0c39fb379990a6f5c222ad3ddd9d5.png 

    4. idiot


      now it just needs to hold a burger in a burger in a burger with a kawaii dancing tomato on top.

  8. do you like art? I like art. http://i.imgur.com/c1a9Xhe.png

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Suzzie


      @Flugalplease. please stop. no more debating servers on my profile. i specifically have been trying to avoid this 'oh aren't you from there' topic because i hate stirring things up.

    3. Kvasir


      i love you suzzie


      bb marri mi

    4. Suzzie


      ok hunibun

  9. Elves are nice. I like drawing elves.
    .. Maybe this'll be a new character. Hm.

  10. Free dark elf sketch up for grabs. First come first serve? cYwOIdA.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Suzzie


      Because I'll never use it. I was trying to draw my character and it morphed into something else entirely. So I thought someone else might want it.

    3. Adelemphii


      If you don't want it, why not just scrap it?

    4. Tibertastic
  11. hey you. you ever written a plant? can I crush it into paint? if yes, tell me what it is, I want to make LoTC pigments [TM]

    1. tadabug2000


      Off the top of my head, alabaster leaf and Bane mele tembi are plants that can be used as dyes - the first makes white dye, the second doesn't specify the type of dye, but that it can be used to dye or for tattoos both


    2. Astrophysical


      Look up colorstone :3

  12. Hiya, nerd. c:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kvasir


      you all play minecraft be quiet

    3. Suzzie
    4. Kvasir


      i don't know how i replied to this one but the statement is still true

  13. how does one change their little title thing? i don't wanna be old fart ;c

    1. Nolan_


      you have to post 500 posts till you can change it or it use to be a FM could change it for you, don't know if they can still do that

    2. Suzzie


      oh yikes. 476 posts to go, better get drawing :')

  14. I think I just had my first run in with an Event Team member. It was amazing.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aerochrometilt


      Them ET folk corrupt the minds of the youth, be sure to run if ye see one.

    3. excited


      god i hate et so much...

    4. ScreamingDingo


      at least the et are actually doing something


  15. I'm not dead I swear.

  16. I'm so proud of yooooou.
    Blue suits you nicely, friend.

  17. I'm the self declared queen of flower crowns now. 

  18. It's hard to instigate roleplay when you feel so awkwardly distant from everyone. Erhergrhrg I'm a trainwreck.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kardel


      Roleplay in taverns!

    3. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      You should join Skyfall, I've been looking for a new assistant to clean out the latrine. 

    4. Smaw


      Orc love is best love.

  19. okay gamers how can I make a cool lil wizard elf

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excited


      didn't expect to see you here suzzie god damn

    3. Suzzie


      i like to keep people on their toes and make grand appearances

    4. excited


      sounds g lemme know if u'd like any help getting settled

  20. so when's the 'how to train your dragon' arc

    1. TheDrHedgehog


      You missed it. (Iykyk)

  21. Some of the things I see here truly scare me at times.

  22. There comes an accomplished feeling when you take an O.C you love and make them better.

  23. why yes I'll take one of your finest elves

  24. Wow lookit you, with that dainty little tag.

    1. Crowbill


      Oh he must be so proud.

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