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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by HedgeHug

  1. Why do you always reply like this?

  2. Why do you always reply like this?

  3. Skeptas Konnichiwa album is dropping this week, cop it quick it will undoubtedly be lit. Also, 2nd of Sep Wiley Godfather is dropping.

  4. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  5. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  6. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  7. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  8. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  9. God, I could use people that know how to draw plants...

  10. God, I could use people that know how to draw plants...

  11. Somebody wants to play as my golem? GMT timezone.

  12. Somebody wants to play as my golem? GMT timezone.

  13. Somebody wants to play as my golem? GMT timezone.

  14. Whats your skype zerachial

  15. I read a lot of the lore when I have nothing to do at school.... Help...

  16. Whats your Skype?


  17. Somebody close to me has passed away. This sucks... 

  18. Have you experienced or witnessed bullying or harassment on LotC?

  19. Do event team members still do PVE monster hunt events?

  20. question on sword of thorns. if one has the recipy:
    1. how do you learn it
    2. what skill is needed for crafting
    3. is it persona bound? (will it survive a map change like the skills?)
    4. what are its ingredients?

  21. Convince me to upgrade to Diamond Vip.

  22. Has an assassination on a king/queen/emperor/any high up noble ever worked on this sever? Seems to me that there'd be too much meta for it to work, and if it did and was pulled off well that people would get salty over it or call it edgy, was curious and thought I might have an ask.

  23. Lots of Media Teams now..

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