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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by HedgeHug

  1. If anyone needs me. Just send me a pm here or on skype.

    Dont have an internet connection util now.

  2. May i ask when the serve will  be update to 1.10?


  3. Kilig

    Kilig    Kim

    The gif is cute! You did really well on it!


  4. voodoo is fun

  5. Why don't you give my n-word @Wûd the same lil verdict my friend? ;)

  6. I came. I saw. I meme.

  7. I came. I saw. I meme.

  8. Screeeeee, omg, can't keep looking at you're avatar :,)

  9. Beets........

  10. Leowarrior14 is to be removed from the GM team.

  11. The book of love, is long and boring...

  12. The book of love, is long and boring...

  13. https://gyazo.com/ac8de3549d418ed061ff45513599f8e0

    I have an orc slot but share it with a woodelf. But I won't use the pvp buff when on my welf ;)

  14. im grilling and im ******* at the same time

  15. Raining cats and dogs, and then some lightning... but oml

  16. I recently discovered that FMs can upvote 100 times per day, not sure if that

  17. 1.9.4 has been delayed by one hour. The server will be going down at 4PM EDT to begin.

  18. One more bottle of wine away from starting a blog! xD

  19. Anyone else think there should be a tavern at cloud temple docks? 

  20. after listening to chances new mixtape i think ive converted to christianity hello my brothers

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