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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by HedgeHug

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOLqMg1A5DM

    Are you HYPED to play an ORC, but are scared of our CULTURE and LANGUAGE? Fear not! Contact me and I shall gladly help you fit in! http://tinyurl.com/orcintroduction

    1. sneLf


      Okie...I guess I will check tis out sempai

  2. ******* furries....

    1. Vaynth


      I am offended.

  3. tumblr_mjcv4iD9xH1s6ywb8o1_500.gif

    1. Trinn


      Out of my profile, fiend..........

  4. ~

    Clasping cold and faint air 
    in search for something more


    That what once was around me
    was wealth and now just poor


    Seeking something within me
    to move me through this door


    Escape this truth so heavy
    and relief me from this sore


    For I must stand vividly
    emotions outst in roar


    must not incline in misery
    and soon be good oncemore


    1. Moby_Derp


      It's snowing on Mt Fuji

  5. 15 bucks for The Witcher III worth it or should I just find some way to crack the game? (something I usually do with Single Player games anyway)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Imi
    3. monkeypoacher


      probably. even the base game is pretty ridiculous amount of content and CDPR is worth supporting

  6. 8 days left for the art contest! [link]



  8. All on board for the Lord of the Rings viewing party! \/ link below \/

  9. all summarize ur char!

  10. Allways nice to get scared a bit. I woke up this morning with a fully armed convoy of 10 army trucks, the m60`s on the roofs loaded o.o


    Turned out `twas a training... for a second I was gonna scream ZE GERMANZ ARE KOMIN!!!!


  11. Anorexia isn't a  ... piece of cake

    1. z3m0s


      We need a down vote button.

  12. Any new players that wish to join a small starting town for towny Roleplay. Pm me ((hedgehug

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