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Everything posted by shortchangehero

  1. Word spreads around of a merchant looking for a place to start his trade company's upbringing or any possible sponsors. The man's first name remains unclear though his last name is certain, de Felsen.
  2. @Vege I wasn't listening to Ed Sheeran - I see fire : on repeat for nothing.

  3. #vegetableisnotmyemperor

  4. elven rebellion lets do it

  5. hello i would like to rp royality or nobility any children???

  6. "--Nothing ever lasts forever--"

    "--Everybody wants to rule the world--"

    "--There's a room where the light will find you--"

    1. lemontide331
    2. shortchangehero


      if I could rep u I would

    3. drfate786


      That song came from tears for fears, not Lorde. Listen to it here: 


  7.  a ******* masterpiece

    1. seannie



    2. Wendigo


      Cool video man.

  8. you can take away my cav, but you'll never take away our freeeedoooom!!

  9. oren sends a hacker to try and pugsy us in our box lmfao ******* disgusting

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cjmate


      We died too. 

    3. lemontide331


      its a block glitch hahahaha

    4. Shalashask


      pretty sure combatant was joking

  10. 221 man rally jesus Christ, the rebellion got big

    1. _Jandy_


      the rebellion got thicc*

  11. its about these  hands anyone in my way is going to catch and the posting after im gonna do with the warning points i can now afford

  12. hello can anyone make me undead plz preferably not brain ded necro plz i will rp i swear and do my masters biddin

  13. is anyone willing to awknowledge the felsen watch as an official knight's guild? this is seriously negotiable, Courland is telling me to stop memeing and I will not stand for this, my roleplay guild and character matters to in this war

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      thought @DPM warned you about this already

    3. Unslaughted
    4. iris1612


      pm me if this isn't a meme

  14. I support what nazdus does joenaj


  15. when u finally got 2 : 1 rep rtio hahaha


    1. Vege


      You're a rep **** like this comment please 

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