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Everything posted by shortchangehero


    1. Mj.


      why is ur forum account 2009 YouTube 


    @Mj. @Nazdus @Tsuyose @Mitch



    1. Mj.


      oh, well, I'm the the type of guy who will never settle down

  3. ((As a nation leader involved in this war, I personally think that it's all fine. But on the topic of mob-spawning, the enemy forces should be given a reasonable and set number of mobs they're allowed to spawn in throughout the battle and how/where they spawn in should also be reasonable.)) King Arthur 'the Colossus' Horen chuckles as he sends out a variety of letters throughout his kingdom. "Rally the banners and send out word, within the next two saint's day we must elect a Marshal."
  4. the et is appropriating my ideas

  5. will sell soul for darkstalker or dreadknight

  6. Arthur Jrent bids over the great tower over-looking the independent county of new Orenia: "bidding starts at 5K will be updated as people bid" current bid:5k
  7. the independent county of new orenia is looking for allies and trade and vassals msg if interested or comment below

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      Rufus Strablaski would like land.

    2. shortchangehero
    3. Publius


      +1 the county of orenia trades hard n allies n vassals really good

  8. Rumor spreads as Count Arthur Jrent of the independent county of Orenia is currently looking for a skilled architect to help with the construction of a small village! Arthur promises a very generous and rich amount of Mina to any architect that is up to the task! -=- OOC: I'm paying good Mina for a half-decent build of a small village. The location is a savannah, exact cords for a replica of the terrain can be given after a builder is agreed upon. The build doesn't have to be top quality, but the better the quality the higher the pay. The build has to be done on a build server which I cannot provide.
  9. @solaries id like to play the heir to  Lorraine please

  10. @Solaries

    "You kick out the dog and you replace him with snakes. Both bite, but the difference is you can keep the dog on a leash." ~Jacque de Felsen

    1. gab


      are you telling me you can't put a leash on a snake?

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      You could try, maybe the halflings could manage using their elite halfling leashing abilities

  11. its time us chaos gods show the event team a real server antagonist @Vege

  12. Buying diamond axes for 150 a pop as many as people can sell. They have to be freshly made and non-repaired.
  13. Bidding ends at the end of tomorrow. @nanoninja23 @Man of Respect @Anadunae
  14. Auctioning off two fishing tomes (sold as a package), bidding starts at 800 Minae. Auctioning off polar bear egg, bidding starts at 500 Minae.
  15. selling 2 tomes of fishers and a polar bear egg

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