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Everything posted by shortchangehero

  1. I'd like to make a request on getting Jacque de Felsen's wiki lore expanded and Jac added under notable humans as the famed destroyer of Oren, skilled commander, fighter and patron Saint of War. This is no joke please

    1. DrakeHaze.


      You can put it on your resume too.

    2. MunaZaldrizoti
  2. gm team seems to have sparred Courland from oren wrath for now...

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      a true miracle for the two people who repelled five


    2. FORƎST


      take your rep and choke on it

    3. MunaZaldrizoti


      lol says the guy who was fighting for Courland this past weekend....hmm.....

  3. @Vege i gave u ur power, plz don't make me take it away...... ally with oren

  4. "sold and we've been offered a contract for one thousand minae for every dead ascended so happy hunting"
  5. "SHE'S ASCENDED! THAT MEANS SHE CAN TEACH MAGIC!" Word spreads like wildfire, people can learn magic from this slave!!
  7. (shes ascended and can teach magik probably I forgot to mention hahahahah (no lie
  8. *Posters spread around of a recent female slave auction!* "Pretty white human lass for sale! Green eyes, athletic and C U R V Y build, nice pretty brown hair pulled back into a wonderful braid. Bidding starts at two Minae (ASCENDED!!! :O)! DO WITH HER AS YOU PLEASE, BID TODAY!"
  9. @Birdnerdy you wont believe what happens next





  10. Jacque de Felsen squints his eyes, he refuses to bid on any non-female.
  11. looking for easterner/samurai rp on the side  or orkish clan this is very serious

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shortchangehero
    3. Chaqery


      Revive the Easterner culture!

    4. PraiseTheLord


      Braguk is a clan of Honourable smiths, that are very well recruiting. Seek me or boomzerang out if you want to join!

      Boomzerang, FreeWud and Pixelartion4

  12. >Keaton the unbeaten

  13. when you win when it matters

  14. Word spreads that Jacque the Great is selling double crates (chests) of dark oak logs for two hundred each.
  15. House de Felsen is renting out the Ostwick Fort and lands. The original cost is an upright payment of 2000 Minae with 1000 Minae per Saint's week. House de Felsen soldiers will half-garrison the Keep to prevent land snipers or rebellions ( I'm primary region owner >:^) )
  16. 10/10 i was once atheist until i saw his avatar
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