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Status Updates posted by Chorale__

  1. I hope y'all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. Is the Renatus camp temporary until they can get another City built?

    1. ibraheemc2000


      i hear their build server got corrupt and they lost all their build ;-;

  3. Merry Christmas everyone, don't eat too much. <3

  4. Is the Library of Dragur coming back this map?

    1. Corvoo


      I've heard it is coming back, and that it'll probably be in Renatus. Was told this by one of the folks who run it.

    2. Ford


      yeah it's coming back in renatus

  5. My eyes are rolling to the back of my head right now. It doesn't matter what they say about you - you were a trial, they can't expect the world out of trial, it's a learning experience. RIP Leap, you were a good trial from what I saw. <3

  6. Anyone know what's going on with the Renatus build?

    1. MysticalStranger


      It was accidentally removed.

  7. This, basically.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ryno2


      ^ for better or worse

    3. InfamousGerman


      “remove nexus now you lazy devs **** you”


      ”wait you removed nexus what about muh ale and racial handicaps!!”


      im convinced the dev team can’t win


  8. Oh, happy day. Who's ready for Atlas?

  9. Good night y'all!

  10. Update: It's open book so I'm okay now.

    1. UnusualBrit


      And? Why did you broadcast this to lotc 

  11. We have pop-unit-assessment which counts for 30% of my Spanish grade. I'm going to cry. 

  12. Good night everyone!

  13. A wonderful day in the LotC community, wouldn't you guys agree?

  14. RIP Charles Manson, you weren't a very good guy. 

  15. Let's bring back pickpocketing.

  16. I stand with Keintania, where do I sign up fellas? :))

  17. The Developer's are working hard on trying to fix the roleback issue that ocurred last restart. 

  18. Good morning y'all!

    1. _NotChris


      And this is?


    2. Chorale__
    3. _NotChris


      I understand its "Mooosic" and its in treble clef, but what song is it? 

  19. Heyo! I'm looking for someone to do a small project on interior design, it's nature-themed so if you're any good at that then please let me know. Price is negotiable, I don't have materials and will pay extra if you can provide them for me. My Discord is Chorale_#4767. If you don't have that then just shoot me a quick message through the PM's. I'll need to see some previous work!

  20. Someone update me on what's been going on? I've been really caught up with marching band...

    1. Venomoo


      What instrument do you play b

    2. Chorale__


      I'm lead trumpet! @Venomoo


    3. Venomoo


      Must be nice, I'm bass line section leader 

  21. Wow, you're all being real mature. Tone it down a little bit please.

    1. CaptainBrock


      gey man i agree arigt

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