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Status Updates posted by Chorale__

  1. Good evening everyone.

  2. LotC merch when?

  3. If anyone has any Lumberjacking tomes, PM me and I'll buy them from you!

  4. If you have any problem with me, please let me know and we can get in TS or a Discord voice channel to work it out!

  5. Good night y'all, I'm headed to bed.


    Be sure to drop some feedback on my GM application!


  6. Does anyone know what happened to @Gemmylou? She left without notice. :(

  7. I'm so close to 500 content. I think I'll film myself jumping naked into my pool from my roof. Who'd give rep to see that? 

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      I would probably give you a restraining order.

  8. I like these new changes. Fancy.

    1. Archipelego


      back at it again with the unpopular opinions (jk i love u)

    2. Jonificus


      No VIP. No upvotes. Why even browse.

  9. Any Wiki pages that you guys would like to see? I'll need some information whether it be from you or from a forum post. 


    Not doing character pages unless they're someone relevant and there's lots of history on said character.

    1. Papa Liam
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Make pages for each and every halfling village we've had so far


      I think some of the villages still don't have pages

  10. Apologies to everyone who saw all of that. My account was hacked.

  11. I'm looking for a wood elf skin done, HMU for details!

  12. I'm paying $15 a month just for this, it better be good.


    1. Fishy


      use a stream ***

  13. I've never seen an episode of GOT in my life.

  14. I think that I'm going to contact a few administrators and see if I can't get an interview with one of them or a few of them. Questions for me to ask them?

    1. mitto


      just why

    2. LatzMomo


      ask them if they plan to change the raid and war rules when combat is re-worked with the new map release. And ask if they can do a Temp-map to test out changes.

  15. Good afternoon.

  16. "I'm not lonely just because I'm alone." ~ @MisguidedRoyal

  17. Oh yeah, by the way... Me and @Malimom are having a child and we're naming to Malichor 'Nor, it's taking his last name... Gender isn't apparent yet but I hope that it's a girl!

  18. I've decided to snoop through the forums and stalk the past lives of our administration. A "before they were famous," if you will. What I found, was that @Telanir once applied for GM, and was hated on for it. THEN, he was denied. Look where the man is today, props to him. Lord of the Craft doesn't deserve you. You're gonna go far, kid.

    ((I'm only 15, I shouldn't be calling you a kid, you're like giant and big... and a scary adult.))

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chorale__


      Update: @501warhead was denied to the GM team THREE times.


      It's really late at night and I'll probably regret posting every single bit of this in the morning. My brain doesn't function after midnight and it's 2 hours past midnight. BAH.

    3. overlord2305


      You sure will kid

    4. Raomir


      bet there was a reason they were denied :thinkplant:

  19. Buying art, HMU!

  20. @Esry stop archiving please, I know you're an FM but STOP.

  21. Any active RP groups? Please, don't shill for your own. I'm not talking nation wise, but more magic wise. I'm looking for something to do with one of my very old characters, reply to this status or HMU in the DM's!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OzYmandi


      @Gob getting a shaman to teach you can be as hard as turning water into wine without chemistry.

      if you want magic, druidism is the absolute best to start and its almost always guaranteed to succeed.

    3. Archipelego


      well, almost always guaranteed if you dont quit your dedicancy halfway throiugh. like most people

  22. Hey there everyone! I'm currently working on an RP guide video for a bunch of you new players. What this will do is address the points of where RP can be found, it'll list off active settlements and show you around them. It's a fairly long video, coming in at around an hour long. I'm currently about nearly halfway through with editing it. The 25 minute mark is where I am right now. I'm free all day today, so the video could possibly be done with and uploaded to where the playerbase can view it within the next day or two! Until then, the active settlements over the past week are as listed for most raced: Sutica, Haense, Norland, Veris, Wood Elves, Orcs, and perhaps the Druids. Happy RP'ing!

    1. Devdog


      Why not ask an AT to do it for you?  That is our  job

    2. Chorale__


      Nobody has seemingly hopped on the bandwagon in doing so, I talked with Vaynth and she didn't seem to have a problem with it. 

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