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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Ducklingator

  1. Teegah for dev lead, down with the Tech Team Hegemony

  2. Teegah for dev lead, down with the Tech Team Hegemony

  3. If anybody wants a child ig I can arrange it for a small sum of 10,000 mina.

  4. If anybody wants a child ig I can arrange it for a small sum of 10,000 mina.

  5. question: who is the most legendary figure in all of history

  6. The whole server just popped! I just lost a carb warhammer, 14 stacks of damn wood, and some other good stuff!

  7. Tree puns are terrible. Why wood anybody think they'll be a good thing?

  8. Tree puns are terrible. Why wood anybody think they'll be a good thing?

  9. Tree puns are terrible. Why wood anybody think they'll be a good thing?

  10. Tree puns are terrible. Why wood anybody think they'll be a good thing?







  12. Where do you see the magic list?

  13. Grizzly puns aren't just bad. They're unbearable.

  14. I wanna RP as a travelling merchant, but I can't rename items. That's boring.

  15. I wanna RP as a travelling merchant, but I can't rename items. That's boring.

  16. The orc buff is honestly detrimental to orcs @Hedgehug,

  17. The orc buff is honestly detrimental to orcs @Hedgehug,

  18. tfw you get banned from hypixel for cussing out 12 year olds

  19. Bring beardomancy back to lotc

  20. I just want love.

  21. Today I am like why am I awake so early and http://picosong.com/xv6N

  22. can you still learn household magics? because there aren

  23. do you wanna be my frend

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