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  • Birthday December 7

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    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. ___


      I'm all for dynamic roleplay and seeing empires rise and fall but some of these realms are just ridiculous. I just came back from like a 6 month break but I haven't kept up with IC politics for like 2 years now. I'll give my thoughts on some of these realms.

      - Norland: Has been around for over a decade in some way or another. Deserves realm status.

      - Nevaehlen: I'm honestly not sure what this realm even is. Seems like some sort of druid grove? Should be a vassal under the wood elf realm.
      - Vortice: No... Just no.
      - Aaun: Should be merged into a human empire.
      - Lurin: Sutica 2: Electric Boogaloo. Don't know much about this realm.
      - Numendil: Tough one. It's a cool concept but I think they should be merged into a human empire.
      - Balian: Should let go of the cringe jungle pseudo-French/Spanish aesthetic and become the Holy Orenian Empire it should be.
      - Hanseti-Ruska: Also has been around forever. I like the whole highlander independence thing but should be a vassal under a human empire.
      - Iron Horde: Orcs. Deserves realm status.
      - Veletz: Adria 2.0? Should be a vassal in a human empire.
      - Hyspia: Also no... Playerbase should merge with a human empire.
      - Dunwen: Cute but should be a protectorate of the wood elves, not an independent ream.
      - Urguan: Dwarves. Enough said.
      - Gotrek Union: I don't even know what this is. Never heard of it before typing /realms in chat.
      - Aeltarys: Walmart Valyrians. Shouldn't even be a thing on LotC. No.
      - Petra: Fell off hard. Playerbase should merge with a human empire.
      - Stassion: Don't know what this is, but this is the tenth human nation I've listed so far. Why do we need TEN independent human realms?
      - Amathine: I'm guessing this is the wood elf kingdom?
      - Vikela: Never heard of it before today.
      - Nor-velyth: Never heard of it before today.
      - Ravenmire: Never heard of it before today.
      - Haelunor: High elves. Okay.
      - Celia'nor: Another high elf realm? Please merge with Haelunor.
      - Talar'nor: Dark elf kingdom? Mostly indifferent to it but dark elves and wood elves should just be part of the same nation, imo.

      This is just insane and I'm convinced the existence of most of these realms hurt roleplay and the server's health by spreading players too far apart. Please fix this, I'm begging you.

    3. alexmagus


      @Poor_Fellownor-velyth is nor'asath the dark elf kingdom, talar'nor is celia'nor but the original celianor and is now sitting as an empty city which gives you a warning in chat about it being desolate. other than that it's just sitting empty and unused as a full city build with no one in it.

    4. ___


      @alexmagus Give me something for the pain and let me die.

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