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Status Updates posted by ibraheemc2000

  1. I just did my first lotc major crime


  2. Imam Rashidun remains To the end.





    My friend This man is the best Lawyer I have seen and you are indeed heroic I salute you o7

    1. L0rdLawyer


      Thank you kind lad. No young lady should be forced under the will of the haters.

  4. do you like turtle soup? 

    ((lmao all you posted is i liked turtles I like this guy i aprovee of anything he applies for))

  5. You Know I must be honest, i am not the best with spelling or grammar but ever scene i joined lotc it has improved

    And those who new me when i first joined can all agree everyone HATED my spelling and my terrible skins and rp(but meh it was the first time i began rping so i learned from it) ever sense you guys became a part of my life i have to say i feel like a better person, you guys even helped me out with how to deal with trolls memes and helped me learn some commonsense You guys are the best

    Thanks lotc You make me happy and a better person


  6. Damn i stoped playing a char for a about 4 days i felt bad so i started him back up and damn he had a welcome party he went on a very successful merchant trip stoped a fight in courland i mean he had a blast

    OH OH @sutica Saeed is coming back tommarrow to give that gift he was gana give but then had to go Ill be sure to bring even better stuff


  7. For all of our wounderfull mothers and everything they done for us here they go song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4J7-WR1QOY

  8. so many new harian citizens WOOP WOOP!

  9. Hey there! have you heard of haria?! sure you have come live here in haria! we just made a law where anyone of all race,gender, and faith can live in haria and own a shop and even set up a guild! We have many opportunity in haria and i wish you all the luck!

    I wanted to point out that recently there has been many refugees in axios and they are all welcome in haria! We harians want them to come to haria and help them get back to their normal lives and rebuild! And to those brave and respectable westland soldiers who lost their home and country and swore to fight the undead KNOW THIS! that your fight is not over! In haria we are still at war with your oppressors and we will destroy this undead enemy! So come and join the army as well i know you can be at peace one you come and i know you will help us fight the worlds common foe of the undead and im sure that we can keep haria safe and secure to protect our people! So come all and live in haria we will be glad to help you! #welcomerefugees #HariaIsHereToHelp #GodProtectHaria #JoinHarianArmyToKillUndead #ComeLiveInHeavenOnEarth


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ducklingator


      theres body there wth dude

    3. ibraheemc2000


      What are you talking about duck 


      ALSO @Chaotikal Its np bud some people who live in haria have as well (i wont name names cuz it is not my right to say whom ofc)


    4. Ducklingator


      Sorry, just realized my mistake. Nobody* :o

  10. Long live the cheese lord!!! CHEESE FOR ALL!!!!!!



  12. The Dunes Of Time
    Thru the sands I walk, the dunes always the same yet always different
    My heart seeks but always turns to the gust of sand that sprays my face and wounding my eyes
    I yearn for the warmth of one I could trust upon my cheek Yet the sun Burns me when the thought arises
    Lost I am in thoughts that burn my every being! Tell me, is there a end of this sorrow?
    Will the sky of mine give me a cloud of rain to wash my grief? 
    or am I to drift deeper into the sands of sorrow becoming lost to my own desolation!
    Tell me! why have the thoughts of happiness hurt me!
    Tell me! When will you utter a word and then leave me to my own destruction!
    oh why does my mind persecute my heart's yearn and turn everything to the sand that loses me to time!
    Tell me...Will I be lost in the dunes of time never to be rescued? 


                                                                                   -Saeed Ibn Malek(made by me ibraheem)

    1. _Jandy_


      I like the Prince of Persia also

    2. ibraheemc2000


      0-o W-what? XD


  13. When life gives you lemons, Throw it back and make cheese instead of what you can make with lemons cuz cheese is the best....Im losing my humanity.......THANKS GUYS!!! XD

  14. Some people committed murder and 

    robed a house in Haria.....Well time to go on a jihad! ;3 Dont worry i wont meta but im waiting for the report of the break in and the blood found. I will find you and i will kill you ;3


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jonificus
    3. ibraheemc2000


      the case has been filed and now from the info we have on recent event we got a idea on who it might be and we pretty much got them ;3


      Do not **** with haria. we got jihady sons of faiz. ;3 LMAO

    4. z3m0s
  15. i need help in lotc my neighbor has a block of cheese....should i steal it?

  16. Beautiful
    How beauty is it to stay silent
     when some one expect you to be enraged from them.
     and how beautiful it is to laugh 
    when some one thinks you are going to shed tears. - Not mine but i recite it in lotc ;3

  17. (hello! this is my first daily poems, It will be random poems I will inform you if I made this poem if it says "-Not myn but i recite it in lotc." then you get the point ANYWAYS!!! here is the first one) The Earth
    The earth spreads out a green carpet
     the daisies open up and the world blossoms:
     speak of the white lily and praise its beauty,
     and forget not the Magnificence of the rose,
     And place the narcissus of the left.
     and mention nhot the jasmine , until it blooms. -Not myn but i recite it in lotc 

    1. Sindi06


      ew gross ew boooo booo 

  18. mind helping me? I was wondering if i should post new poetry in status updates each day cuz why not and i feel like i dont comment much on the forums any thoughts?

    1. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      i think its a splendid idea ibraheem.

    2. Sindi06


      do it u wont

    3. ibraheemc2000



      do it u wont



      >I will ill send it today



  20. some one should make a little jernal on like how the server has been down like a zombie apocalypse for example

    Day one

    the world became panic the server went down everything is chaos and extra extra


    day two

    I have steped into the real world it is scary as ****!


    if you get my point


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      THATS GOOD BUT we neeed to make it into a forum xD

    3. NotAPan


      Just so you know i was memeing

    4. ibraheemc2000
  21. I just thought of something....When lotc is back do we rp that nothing changed or do we rp that like half a year past how should we rp to this? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3m0s


      Rp freezes while the server is down I believe

    3. Vege


      we all fell into a coma and all woke up at the same time

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      It was simply the famous Axios Ice Age, we all went into hibernation.

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