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Everything posted by MCVDK

  1. “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may.” HE WHICH WALKS ‘PON THE FIRE [STORY OF THE JOURNEY] Fire roared. Silence broke. Stars blurred by aureate colouration. Chaos yet peace. Silence yet noise. Death yet life. Distance yet closeness. Eternity yet current. It felt as though the world stood still - as though the Gods had elected to omit the essence of existence in itself. Brave men are no cowards. Wise men are no imbeciles. And yet here was an oxymoron made reality. One creation which contradicted the truths known - which altered truth itself. Molten rock ran through the crevasses of the mountain side. It slithered and torched through flora and sediment as if it was a snake on the slow hunt for food - fueled by starvation. If one were to fall into the hills here. If one were to slip into the lakes of lava. It would take a second for the flesh to burn. Your heart would halt its drum and you’d be dead. One second. It slithered like a snake yet killed even faster. Once more the Gods seemed cruel - to let this creation hold so much influence on the mind and the body. Chaos seemed to rule here. Chaos. Where do we live? Where do we die? Why do we die? When do we die? Do we know? Should we know? Questions eternal yet death comes before eternity as though a wicked ruse had been played amid our lives. Life, o’ beautiful life, ever there yet so frail and as the frailty shatters life disappears - another trick? When do we end the eternal thoughts? Where do we end? Perhaps the end is then the start and the start of the end - are we to accept the simplicity of existence? Uncertainty - ever near uncertainty. Sweat. Sweat drops on the forehead. Silence. The Ashen Knight was there. He reached the hill of hills. He was there yet his journey unended. He stared at the fire-snake. He stared at the nest of its creation. He could feel the heat. He could feel the warmth. It was painful yet pleasant. It was home yet unknown. He sat there before the nest of warmth - before the aureate colours of molten rock - crisscrossed in admiration and dread. Scribbles upon papers. Charcoal upon papers. Words of wisdom yet foolishness. Sweat on his forehead. Sweat on his chest. He sat there and wrote before the nest of fire. He sat there and stared. He sat there. Alone in thought. Alone in debate. Alone. And yet he wrote and wrote. He wrote for days. He wrote for weeks. He threw parchment to the fires and yet then wrote once more. He knew of the truths. He knew of the fears. Yet did he write the truth? As the lava starvation rose. One can write yet never eternally. Food. No. Starvation. Yes. What is and what is not. Where and why. How and when. Chaos. Thoughts? No. No thoughts. Only chaos. Only focus. Only mind. Only words. Words of wisdom. Words of certainty. Uncertain? Yes. Certain yet uncertain. Oxymorons. Ever there. Ever frightful. Ever focused. Unanswered as the questions eternal. Unanswered yet focused. The Ashen Knight knew not of all yet he knew of the fight and he knew of the foe. And so he wrote. And wrote. And wrote. THE TOME OF FOES [ACCESSIBLE ROLEPLAY TOME] “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of the world but those who fight and win battles that others do not know anything about.” LESSON OF SELF Ever near is the enemy - for the enemy is self. Ever near is the enemy - for the enemy is doubt. Ever near is the enemy - for the enemy is fear. Ever near is the enemy - for the enemy is heedlessness. You shall understand the highest foe of yours is you - for when you become mindless of your own, mistakes are formed in the midst of brawl and so you unfold your early demise. Learn of the self and the self shall become an ally, yet leave the self unchecked and no foe shall evince mightier than of the mind. Ensure dominance over mind and so you shall find the ease wherein foes are slain, for whereas one has brawn and another has resilience - none shall victor the wise. LESSON OF MAN Ever frightful is He, man of impermanence, and so a foe is born. He of our oath, kept by the line of Horen, sees drakes beneath the skin and death within the eyes. Yet fear can be remedied and nescience cured - your foe is only foe till he is friend and a friend is made by the essence of credence and credence is found in the acute. Crusade not man, when man crusades you - for in crusade only chaos is found and so the credence of some is overtaken by the wrath of others. Seek not to ruin man, as man seeks to ruin you, for they know not of what they ruin. Teach man and man shall teach you - yet be not reckless in your desires for man can be foul and foul they will be. LESSON OF THE STEEL Mighty is the hand, yet mightier the steel. Nearly all foes will carry on them weapons. Weapon of steel. And yet this steel comes in many forms. You will find throughout your studies that steel may impact steel, yet the right kind of steel may bend other kinds of steel, only due to the form of the steel itself. Your blade is sharp, yet will do naught on the hardened plate. Your hammer is blunt, yet rarely precise. He who victors is he who knows of the steel in his hand - be not a fool for plate cannot be stabbed. LESSON OF THE ARCANE Widespread is the archaic arcane arts and so you will often encounter them on your journey, yet you need seldom fret. You will notice swiftly in the brawl of the arcane - should your eyes be keen and your mind be focused - that distance is the key to triumph. Stand too far and the arcane shall fly through the winds of yore, yet stand too close and the art becomes but a flicker on the wall - for the arcane need time and focus absolute, and so should this focus be splintered the sorcerer can do naught but fall. LESSON OF THE UNKNOWN Oft you shall stand before the unknown and the unknown before you, yet even the unknown can be fought and slain. Observe the unknown as the unknown reveals. Train your vision to catch the mistakes, the faults, the flaws - let them move to you and reveal, let them lower the curtains before you welt. Consider its stance and motion - is it fast or slow? Is it focused or feral? Watch till the unknown becomes known and assault only then - for it is harder to fight when blind than when not. And should doubt yet prevail the mind then heave your aurum and see its might - otherwise simply fight. LESSON OF THE ETERNAL Creatures of the night and the darkness, the eternal ones are wicked beasts often concealed in the skin of man. They are fast and robust yet manipulative and bright. Rarely they are seen as anything but man, yet another side of darkness may be found beneath the skin of an otherwise innocent facade. Aurum has few consequences above the mortal wounds, yet fire has been found to counter whichever wicked souls they hold. Salt has been found to influence these creatures as well, yet primarily when added to the wounds - perhaps more useful in tests. Pure brawn will not defeat these beasts. LESSON OF THE GHAST That which can be seen yet is not there. That which can be found yet is lost. The Ghast, or the Phantom, are wicked lost souls of men which once walked and yet they fall to the soundness of the dark and are overtaken by hatred and chaos. What can be reached yet never touched is hard to fight yet aurum holds high influence over these entities. Yet be careful for these beasts take hold of the mind and body in ways unexplained - let them not possess you for they will haunt you till you die. LESSON OF THE GHOUL Demonic creatures of foul desires, those of ghoulish descent focus solely on the absolute ruination of man. Much akin to the Eternal ones, the Ghoul will seem as man until they are not, whereafter a wicked demonic form is released from beneath the skin. These creatures can reach the strength of powers higher and draws from Iblees’ himself - they are not to be taken lightly. They deal in trickery and deceit, yet few direct weaknesses of them are unknown. Aurum has no direct influence over them.
  2. [x] NUNTIUS MORTIS Announcement of Death It saddens the hearts of the Office of the Prelate, as well as the Office of the Archiepiscopal See of Albarosa, to announce the death of His Eminence Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa. His Eminence passed away in his sleep last night and appeared peaceful upon the deathbed. It is assumed the death is a consequence of the extended diseases of the elder Cardinal throughout his life - which had been an issue of the Cardinal for the past two or so decades. His Eminence has lived a lengthy and pleasant life, and was last heard to be satisfied with his work and his duties throughout. Born to the Basrids of Savoy. As a Cardinal, his Eminence has lived in humbleness and poverty - his residence of the Churches across Almaris and his inheritance split into the coffers of the Holy Mother Church - and his Eminence therefore leaves no will in the wake of his death as there is naught to pass. Any overseen objects shall be passed onto the Church as per the wishes of his Eminence, as explained to the most trusted scribe of his Eminence but a year prior to his death. It is our hope his Eminence finds peace in the Seven Skies and his spirit of service may pass on. * 1839 - 1922 † His Eminence, Father Cyrus Theodoros Basrid Cardinal of Albarosa, Archbishop of Albarosa & Prelate of the Priesthood As published by The Office of the Cardinal of Albarosa Scribe: Leo Highland
  3. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 48th Pontificate of Sixtus V, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Callahan ( @clown king ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  4. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 48th Pontificate of Sixtus V, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Lorina ( @bumblefina ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  5. No.. Please no. GOD PLEASE NO. (I would've made this the gif of "NO NO GOD PLEASE NO" but I can no longer easily paste the gif onto the forums..)
  6. The Cardinal Albarosa scribbled down the name, before reaching for the ballot to submit his vote.
  7. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Ledicort ( @HIGH_FIRE ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  8. Discord: MCVDK#9258Bid: 8 USDSkin Name: SWAMP WITCH
  9. T H E S O L I T U D I N O U S S O L I T U D E [x] In the silence of my solitude my mind is free to dream, To contemplate the things that were, that are, and those that might have been. While a life yet still to come which I have never seen seems tentative at best Stirring up a future hope from which I never rest. For memory is part of life and dreams of future speak, But in the now my soul resides in a body strong and weak. In my body works the weakest frailty of men and it may lay me low To steal away the freedom we call life as we daily come and go. When we do and say the things that make us what we are Naked truth in action, unblemished or with scar. Where we seek the touch of love's forgiving soft caress The refuge of all lives set free of loneliness. My mind can see so clearly in the still and rest of peace The many deeds of men that daily never cease, The good, the bad, the selfish and societal conformed. But I must contemplate my life since the day that I was born. For I am far from blameless in so many varied ways, And shall be ever still until my dying days. Even in my solitude with secrets I don't share I need to know that somewhere close there's someone who does care. I crave to feel that comfort of someone holding hands Secure within the knowledge that there's nought I can't withstand. Grateful for the one who sees me in my need, for we are all the same When finally The Reaper comes to make his mournful claim. “The Sanctuary of Solitude” by Reginald Reid [x] “We have lost our mind, ne?” “Well, ti, maybe, not sure, probably, seems likely to be honest, but, hmph.” “How do we fix this then?” “Well, hmph, well, maybe we stop eating these mushrooms to start.” “Okay, and then?” “We return to civilizatio-nnnnn-n?” “Why?” “To be around people, y’know? Might be good for the old mind.” “What do we mean, we are ne alone-” Around the druid laid a desolate wasteland of an olden woodland. He was alone, entirely alone. Alone with the voices which rested in his head. Alone with his thoughts and his thoughts alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. And yet oft the druid wondered to himself - for he was still yet alone - if solitude was so bad? For solitude had been part of his life for most of his life and his life had lasted a while. Surely, if a life lived elsewhere of life and the life lived had been adequate, then life lived in solitude was no bad life to live? And yet, yet, the olden druid, and even elder mali’ame, continued to wonder on the life which had been lived for centuries; would life lived contrarily have been more than adequate? Oft did the druid wonder on the word solitude. Solitude; lonesomeness; isolation. Synonyms of solitude yet never entirely the same. What was solitude truly? He knew solitude was to be alone and alone the druid was, yet solitude also hinted towards the woodlands. What is the woodland if not an isolated - and yet oh’ so peaceful - area of land filled with trees and blossoms, with animals and insectoids. Who could be alone when surrounded by this? Who could be alone when one was closer than ever to a landscape which reeked of life. And oft did the druid wonder then, what did he do on his lonesome. He was the Tempest Druid. Tempest. Tempest.. Tempest… He had this Totem, yet felt no connection to the word. He had been what the Tempest should be. He had been violent and fast. He had been a warrior. He had been a fighter. He was as the tempest wind is. He was what the Tempest is supposed to be. He was. He was.. He was… Yet if one were then are they still? He recalled one night to himself - for he was still yet alone - of the earth and the wind. He recalled the shake of the trees. He recalled the motion of the canopies. He recalled the tempest wind above his own and yet the druid stood still. Unmoved by the wind. Unmoved by the thought. Unmoved by his Totem. He recalled his content in his place. He recalled his lack of desire to move. His lack of desire to act. His lack of desire to fight. He was satisfied in the wilds. He was satisfied with his solitude. And so the druid decided; solitude was not so bad. Yet lack thereof was not either. He found a Balance needed to be there. He found the thoughts of yore to return once more. A Balance, indeed, of Balance knew the druid. So did the druid then decide; solitude can be found even in civilization. For his mind had run wild. And yet solitude remained. He found solitude of mind and solitude of soul. He found his own in the midst of the solitude alone. He knew solitude would always be there even if civilization would start to ensnare; for the druid knew in certainty that solitude would be found anywhere. So the druid decided on a fact most true. Solitude was solitude even when without. For the solitude of mind was always there anyhow. And the druid would start to tread through the woodland then - his direction aimed for civilisation. He would head to society once more and yet knew one aspect was not as before. He did leave his solitudinous solitude behind yet on his way - the druid became BROTHER SOLITUDE. The Tempest Druid no more.
  10. [x] EXAM PROBATUS APPROVAL OF EXAM AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue approval of the Canonical exam submitted by the Acolyte Frederick ( @Tornaedo ). By the issuance of this approval, the Office of the Prelate confirms the fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is ordained by a Bishop or thereup. This exam confirms knowledge of the subsequent topics: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church It is therefore concluded, by the Office of the Prelate, that the Priest-candidate holds adequate knowledge of the Canon to sermonize and practice as a full-fledged member of the Canonical clergy. It asked that the Priest-candidate in question contacts a local Bishop or higher for the rite of ordination. This serves as evidence for the approval exam. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  11. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Frederick ( @Tornaedo ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  12. Can you write somewhere what mods are actually in the modpack?
  13. Mori as a stepmom?? Sign me up!
  14. [x] EXAM PROBATUS APPROVAL OF EXAM AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue approval of the Canonical exam submitted by the Acolyte Malcolm of Lallybroch ( @Drew2_dude ). By the issuance of this approval, the Office of the Prelate confirms the fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is ordained by a Bishop or thereup. This exam confirms knowledge of the subsequent topics: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church It is therefore concluded, by the Office of the Prelate, that the Priest-candidate holds adequate knowledge of the Canon to sermonize and practice as a full-fledged member of the Canonical clergy. It asked that the Priest-candidate in question contacts a local Bishop or higher for the rite of ordination. This serves as evidence for the approval exam. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  15. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Malcolm of Lallybroch ( @Drew2_dude ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  16. It’d be very based of you added the individual days as well. (e.i 6th of Owyn’s Light, 1912. ect.) Very nice work though.
  17. [x] EXAM PROBATUS APPROVAL OF EXAM AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue approval of the Canonical exam submitted by the Acolyte Erik ( @Laeonathan ). By the issuance of this approval, the Office of the Prelate confirms the fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is ordained by a Bishop or thereup. This exam confirms knowledge of the subsequent topics: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church It is therefore concluded, by the Office of the Prelate, that the Priest-candidate holds adequate knowledge of the Canon to sermonize and practice as a full-fledged member of the Canonical clergy. It asked that the Priest-candidate in question contacts a local Bishop or higher for the rite of ordination. This serves as evidence for the approval exam. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  18. [x] EXAM PROBATUS APPROVAL OF EXAM AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue approval of the Canonical exam submitted by the Acolyte Petyr ( @Crevel ). By the issuance of this approval, the Office of the Prelate confirms the fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is ordained by a Bishop or thereup. This exam confirms knowledge of the subsequent topics: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church It is therefore concluded, by the Office of the Prelate, that the Priest-candidate holds adequate knowledge of the Canon to sermonize and practice as a full-fledged member of the Canonical clergy. It asked that the Priest-candidate in question contacts a local Bishop or higher for the rite of ordination. This serves as evidence for the approval exam. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  19. [x] EXAM PROBATUS APPROVAL OF EXAM AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue approval of the Canonical exam submitted by the Acolyte Adelric ( @MRCHENN ). By the issuance of this approval, the Office of the Prelate confirms the fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is ordained by a Bishop or thereup. This exam confirms knowledge of the subsequent topics: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church It is therefore concluded, by the Office of the Prelate, that the Priest-candidate holds adequate knowledge of the Canon to sermonize and practice as a full-fledged member of the Canonical clergy. It asked that the Priest-candidate in question contacts a local Bishop or higher for the rite of ordination. This serves as evidence for the approval exam. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  20. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Erik ( @Laeonathan ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  21. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Petyr ( @Crevel ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
  22. [x] ASSIGNATIONEM EXAMEN Issuance of Examination AS ISSUED BY FR. CYRUS CARDINALIS ALBAROSA ( @MCVDK ) It pleases the Office of the Prelate, beneath the 47th Pontificate of Pontian IV, to hereby issue the Canonical exam to the Acolyte Adelric ( @MRCHENN ). By the issuance of this exam, the Office of the Prelate confirms the assumed fulfillment of Canonical education and sees fit the Priest-candidate is evaluated in his (or hers) knowledge of the subjects deemed necessary for Priesthood, and thereafter sermonizing the word of God. This exam shall cover the subsequent topics, for which the Priest-candidate is assumed to have been taught and prepared for throughout his (or hers) time as an Acolyte: The Holy Scrolls and the mandate thereof Dogmatic principles of the Canonist Church Catechism of the Canonist Church Hierarchy of the Canonist Church Laws and ordinances of the Canonist Church On completion of the Canonical exam, the Office of the Prelate shall review the contents of the Priest-candidates exam and therefrom determine whether or not the answers - and correspondingly the knowledge of the Priest-candidate - are of an acceptable level for ordination. His Eminence, Fr. Cyrus Cardinalis Albarosa Praelatus Ecclesiastici, Archiepiscopus de Albarosa et Episcopus de Buron (Common. Prelate of the Priesthood, Archbishop of Albarosa and Bishop of Buron)
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