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Status Updates posted by Punished_Pup

  1. Guys, I don't think Funky realized he disabled comments.. 

  2. Me getting home from morning shift and looking at the forums


  3. Goofy for Satin to get banned (unless there was more that we don't know), but it was just as goofy for him to commit low tier online vigilantism instead of reading a book or literally anything else to improve himself than wasting his time over "hehe wheel person".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      @JentosYeah my bad to suggest that Satinkira spend his time doing something more productive, there was 100% more than a single 'joke' to have been made for moderation to decide to ban him, right or wrong, there was infinitely better ways for Satin to spend his time and he wouldn't have been banned over something menial. The only reason I felt compelled to say anything isn't because I'm mad or anything, but because I walked that, I was pissed due to situation that happened, so I quit the server for about two years, read books, learned some Java, built a server box, as that was a better use of my time than trying to be a passive aggressive troll, even if it would have been considered justified.


    3. Jentos


      Perhaps your bitterness is justified? Perhaps it is not. I do not know the truth of the matter. You seem to know more than you let on however, unless you derive from assumptions. I can only know what Kira has told me - and it never seemed he did much (I must admit he is a dear friend of mine - and I’ve never known him to be some evil brute), the report was never shown to him so he himself doesn't quite know what it was that exactly got him in trouble. You make a mistake, however, in assuming that others must necessarily meet your expectations. Reading a book and teasing/trolling others is not a mutually exclusive activity. It’s a bit unrealistic, and unfair too! I am sorry, however, if you feel this way. It seems you have very strong feelings with the situation at hand, and for what it’s worth, we unfortunately dont appear to be seeing eye to eye. 

    4. Punished_Pup


      I'm be real, I'm just gonna work out how to do texturing.

  4. God I wish that were me not having to sacrifice two entire days for a week for a civil war. 

  5. Me when the Admins make a mistake.



  6. We do a lil bit of shid posting when the admins make whoopsies. 


    Edited by Venomous_Pup
  7. Feeling like unironically we as players should try perform making an experiment where we elect a tile to be exempt from staff rules and make our own rules and edit and adjust them accordingly to what we think provides more enjoyable RP.


    Edited by Venomous_Pup
    1. Twinny
    2. BrandNewKitten


      A “Badlands” area has existed on other maps. It’s always a bit of a mess but people have a lot of fun in them. 

  8. Andria Fi'talareh - last logged in 73 Days ago
    Avern’dionne Fi’talareh - 2 days ago with two hours
    Ikur Sullas - 2 days ago, with 3 hours
    Silvos Sythaerin - No idea
    Dimaethor Elervathar - 21 hours ago, 4 hours played
    Galanthil Maehrindor - No idea
    Iaria Elervathar - 2 days ago, 2 minutes played
    Iatrilemar Elervathar - Unknown when last online
    Lelien Lazul - 73 Days ago
    Cereburr Asul'Ailer -  No idea
    Need I say more.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      Your talking point about the Maheral is something that should be debated more IRPly, though I get that you don't want to hand your 'culture' off to someone you don't know, however, I think remaining unchanging and trying to keep Haelun'or 'protected' from changes to the status quo has led to this entire conflict. My main reason for bringing up the whole Maheral thing was because I just find it annoying we get called anti-RP when I feel like such an important cultural position being voted on is being done behind close doors is frankly anti-RP and limits the possible RP, what if I want to manipulate or bribe someone into voting for a certain individual? What if I just wanted to inform the Malauriran on information I've discovered on a certain character to ensure that the 'correct' Maheral got voted in rather than an 'impure' one? It being done entirely through Discord defeats the point of being on a RP server, and causes people getting frustrated with a government system than seems to be reliant more on OOC friendships rather than anything done IRPly and has had a serve affect upon Haelun'or's ability to retain players as a result of this, as a newer player, it feels unfair and pointless to RP in any place where they will get zero progress because they're not friends with older players, only due to circumstance of them being newer to the community at large.

      Speaking of OOC comments, I really was delighted to see an ex-sohaer call me mentally ill to someone in DMs over LotC, along with remarks to two others, really don't understand why, considering when it was brought up I didn't say anything bad. I will admit that I have complained somewhat about Haelun'or OOCly, but it isn't because I wanted to see the Nation destroyed, my complaints are mainly in hopes that they might be listened to and the Nation can change for the better, and I am not the only one who has felt the same. Keep in mind I returned to Haelun'or sometime in October I think, with the active OOC intentions to help build it up, but realized I was going to get little head way when Iverach basically told me his plan was to abandon the new players in favor of trying to get old players to return, hence why I joined Ivarielle's movement when it popped up. Even still with no obligation to do this, I asked Cookiie if they wanted me to get them a clean copy of the Hnor Island, even though I'd been with Ivarielle since day one and haven't made that fact hidden both IRP and OOCly. For your final point, I've unfortunately spent 2 days since last week for this conflict so I have been actively engaging it. Ultimately, Haelun'or had four-five months to prepare for this entire conflict, frankly mistakes were made on part of the 'old group' that remained, and as a result there has to be consequences if you opt to ignore a threat that made itself publicly known for months. 

    3. BrandNewKitten


      While I can’t speak to the OOC dealings that you have experienced (You won’t catch me bad mouthing you in DMs) what I can say is most of the time, like 8/10 times, the Vet chat 100% has no part in Maheral selection. We just go “Okay this is the person the last Maheral chose as a successor.” Which leaves the door wide open for newer players. 

      One person decided that Elesia Elervathar’s constitution was un-Maheral-like. Realistically the way Elesia was pushed out was the problem here since it should have been a vote of no confidence from everyone. But it happened & a new Maheral doesn’t pop out of nowhere so the chat got the ball rolling again because largely that is what we are there to do. Keep the baton passing. Our names are on that document not as a vote, more like a stamp of approval that the new Maheral can reference when trying to leverage their station. 

      Does this one part of the culture happen off the server sometimes? Yes but it almost always is led by the active members of the Malaurian. I personally don’t have a device for LoTC atm so it is the camaraderie that brings out the want to include all the oldies. 

      Again it doesn’t take all of us voting for a new Maheral to be chosen. The rest of us were just invited out of respect & stayed tuned in when we realized how messy things were OOCly. It’s not that we try to dismiss change. We just have had to deal with OOC spite-fueled rampages time-after-time. The way we have been dealing with it is by trying to boost active player morale, engaging them in proper debates, elections, etc… because that is how the nation is ran. Not by the whims on 1-5 players.


      There is a story to be told here. It can’t be told in PvP & it can’t be ignored until it is gone. Otherwise your side is just a fad & won’t last. There has to be compromise. 

    4. Punished_Pup


      Both sides opted to ignore each other around the end of conflict after PvP was turned off, I would say the quality of Roleplay unironically degraded imo when PvP/conflict was turned off. As it essentially became passive aggressive petty remarks to each other, as there was going to be zero consequence to bad mouthing one another since PvP and villainy RP was disallowed, and with no real way of 'proving' who controlled the city. From our point of view, we had both infiltrated the government and have easily battered Hnor in conflict, taking a city these ways should be legitimate avenues, same as getting voted into power, they have different and interesting ways they can branch. I think for the whole PvP that was on for 3-4 days, rest of the conflict it was turned off. We do have people they have RPed and are willing to RP but as I mentioned above, not many people are willing to engage when it has degraded into pettiness. Something I will say, at least from my perspective on an OOC level, the goal isn't to obliterate Hnor, and we have tried offered a fair compromise to the mod admin so that way old Hnorian folk who don't enjoy what is provided either OOCly or IRPly are left high and dry. Ultimately as well, it can lead to interesting conflicts down the line and development of persona's, if I was on Hnor's side I would be down for some refugee type RP and attempt to rebuild what was left with the remnants of old Hnor as it has an amazing story there that can be told. 

      Though frankly, the only point I don't agree with is the 'fad' part, I honestly don't believe we are, we had almost 30 players on today RPing in the tavern, and as I mentioned, I know from talking with people more are bound to follow suit if we were to gain control of the city. But the other part about it being a 'fad' I don't like is I think unironically forcing players to build long lasting stable groups vastly limits the potential of newer groups forming, which in turn limits people's enjoyment on the server, much rather spent three-four months doing something I enjoy than grinding a year for something I don't really enjoy because it is the closest thing I can get to what I wanna do, granted in this case, since this is a fight over a Nation I can understand that it is different, but ultimately if our group is a fad, you can easily just regain control of the city, and you have a fun new bit of history to teach IRP, warning future generations of 'Aheral the dangers of trying to take Hnor by force and how it leads to the death of the Nation.  

  9. The Silver Scandal is the truth! Any who say otherwise, are simply liars and insurgents!


  10. Tbh idk if the changes are good or bad, but all I can say is that I feel the implementation has been poor, I feel giving at least a weeks grace would have helped people freak out less and any concerns or suggestions could have be addressed during the grace period. 


    Edited by Venomous_Pup
    Removed the image, no idea why it got included again when I keep tryna making status updates.
  11. Ivarielle's Haelun'or is beautiful! I can only hope the rebels, blinded, will see such one day AY'IVARIELLE AY'LARIHEI AY'HAELUN'OR

    1. _Sheylo_



  12. Seven glorious hours of defending Haelun'or for the Silver Phoenix, may the Hydra fall!

  13. Imagine making citizen doors public during an on going conflict.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      Indeed, red tag moment.

    3. Nooblius


      Wait, what? @Venomous_Pup Why did admins do that? Who was being kept out?

    4. Punished_Pup


      Basically during on going conflict citizen doors got made public and someone was able to flee as a result without proper emoting, was handled with modreqs.

  14. Massive OOC salt.

  15. Been playing Elden Ring, I think the part most players are gonna find rough is being reminded that they are Maidenless. 

  16. 48 hours till Elden Ring comes out.. 

  17. I'm on my Joker arc, sorry gamers.


    1. Epistile


      It's not about the mina... it's about sending a /msg

    2. CanadianKiwiFlight


      Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order... and everything becomes chaos. 



  18. "H-Hey guys, please report to us any bad members of the community, we-we will ban them, promise!" - Staff (probably)

    This post highlights why I feel most of the community sometimes struggle to take evidence or straight up report what happens to them, time and time again players have been actively let down by the people in charge meant to protect them, letting the excuse of 'due process' cover them from having to do anything and hope the matter somehow magically resolves itself. I honestly have no idea how sometimes people get the book thrown at them instantly when they **** up, then other times someone has to put themselves in the firing line by making a big public forum post to expose some of this shit that happens.


    1. RoamingRonin


      Can't wait to see what mental gymnastics staff does to reason out why they don't just ban folks who do things such as the one mentioned in the post. It will surely be an Olympic level performance, for sure. 


      One quote I can remember from a particular ordeal: "And if you don't think we don't take actions against players for misbehavior, then maybe you should reflect on what I'm doing right now." 


      Irony so sweet, I could get diabetes. 

    2. ImCookiie


      If only so many of them weren’t protected by the people meant to protect the community… 

  19. They have taken you from the Imperial City's prison, first by carriage and now by boat, to the east, to Morrowind. Fear not, for I am watchful, you have been chosen.

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