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Status Replies posted by Tigergiri

  1. The verification process is slow, but I am getting there. When is the bot gonna sent it's command to let me in?

  2. welp i now have free slots cause i came back to very old aged  characters rip Old ass baruchs


  3. welp i now have free slots cause i came back to very old aged  characters rip Old ass baruchs


  4. welp i now have free slots cause i came back to very old aged  characters rip Old ass baruchs


  5. welp i now have free slots cause i came back to very old aged  characters rip Old ass baruchs


  6. welp i now have free slots cause i came back to very old aged  characters rip Old ass baruchs


  7. Making an acount is very hard


  8. To any players who have seen me literally go through 3 different-looking personas in the last 48 hours, having a open third persona slot and deciding what to do with it is difficult, I apologize. 😅 

  9. I love you all— Hope you all are doing great ❤️

  10.  👀  why do you check on my profile every few weeks...I see you fire heart I see you 

  11. I am currently the Story and World Admin as well. Going to shelve Arcas.

  12. Pretty crazy how the staff United the medieval fantasy rpers and the 18th colonial aesthetic rpers in mutual hatred of a plug-in that sent all playerbases back to the Bronze Age lmfao.

  13. Give me mina, or give me death. 

  14. Give me mina, or give me death. 

  15. Give me mina, or give me death. 

  16. Give me mina, or give me death. 

  17. Make sure to put tanlines on your skins to prove you were on the temp map! 

  18. Yeehaw! I am alive.


    I appreciate all the messages of concern and I apologize for not replying to most of them. I was actually kicked out for being a hOmOsExUaL and the past few months have been considerably difficult, alongside the pandemic that is locking me inside, still. Y’all were a second family to me and I’ll be back in time. For now, make the most of the server— even through all its downfalls and problems. I hope to have been a spokesperson for mental health and honest communication during my time in moderation. I tried. 


    All the best!

  19. So @LotsOfMuffins when are you going to respond to everyone on your own thread?

  20. So @LotsOfMuffins when are you going to respond to everyone on your own thread?

  21. So @LotsOfMuffins when are you going to respond to everyone on your own thread?

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