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Status Replies posted by Tigergiri

  1. So @LotsOfMuffins when are you going to respond to everyone on your own thread?

  2. Does anyone want/need a character played?

  3. Muffins got hella staff reported and the outcome was her switching jobs with Telanir 

  4. the reynolds pamphlet. 

  5. Bruh the google doc of complaints is 38 pages long

  6. do people listen to the truth that ive been telling for months now that im not on staff? People listen to what they listen to...  

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEsvIK526tg }


    I’m taking my time in the back of room
    Don’t assume I’m as cold as I seem
    Widen the eyes, show the teeth, Holding hands
    like it’s planned, how do they know what they mean

    I go up to a friend grab his arm what’s the code
    i should know? do you struggle like me
    he says finish your drink, then we’ll bounce, get it down
    Hit the town I still don’t know what he means

    Am I
    Missing something vital here?
    Cause I
    Woke up feeling kind of weird

    Guess I’ll just pretend - play along
    Till they figure it out - I don’t quite belong
    Mmmm, mmmm
    Fake it till you make it but I’m getting it wrong 
    think I’ve figured it out I don’t quite belong
    Mmmm, mmm

    Suddenly face to a face, man to man
    understand? I say yes but I don’t
    It’s working a charm, here take this, you’ll be wired
    But I’m tired, I’d rather smoke it alone

    In goes the drink and the fire and out
    Comes the doubt and the stutter and shame
    I chew over a word, but it’s wrong, No I’m fine,
    What’s the time, I think I’m done with this game

  7. let rukio post her lyrics :n: its the only thing i come back for


  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPMV9hD2i7k

    Dead to me
    Even if you're still alive
    It's a mess to me, so rest in peace
    You're dead to me
    Six feet under the ground, you turned it around on me
    Wrong place, wrong time, let it die
    Told my friends wouldn't let it get to me
    Somebody that I used to know is dead to me
    Think less of me, you're dead to me
    I don't want anything to do with you
    I'm through with you
    You're dead to me, and I'm dead to you
    I'm six feet under the ground, you turned it around on me
    Had me thinking that I never really tried
    If you told me that you cared, then you lied
    And the pills won't work
    You hate me I'm the worst
    It hurt, hurt, hurt
    I'm dead to you, you're dead to me, I'm dead to you (dead)
    You're dead to me, and I'm still alive
    It's a mess to me, let me rest in peace (dead)

  9. I am doing tarot card readings to feed my coffe fund. (5 bucks) fight me mods

  10. I’ve been going up and cleaning the messes left by previous managers and administrators regarding story.

    This includes pieces placed in the wrong subsections, “Forgotten” pieces, pieces without feedback but denied or the like, and so on.

    I can only do so much as much of the vote documents or channels are deleted due to angy people who got fired.

    If you believe you have an issue, send me a pm on discord or a forum pm regarding your lore.

    As note, for the pieces in the “Loremag” section (Shuul, Selkie, Silvered Steel, Steam Power, Yeu) they have been accordingly moved or updated on the Accepted Stuff 2 Document available in the story discord.

    All the pieces in the “Loremag” section were already voted on and I am searching for voting documents to retrieve them and give them proper verdict, if not, I will send it through manager-speed-re-review.

    Aswell, pending pieces left by Sykogenic (Frostwitches, Voidal Circling, Treelords, Runesmithing) are all being resolved, aswell as Fi in the pending section.

    I will be pming loreholders regarding this soon enough.

  11. Myneborian Independence when? 

  12. Myneborian Independence when? 

  13. Myneborian Independence when? 

  14. does anyone need a child played?

  15. does anyone need a child played?

  16. Uh oh.. someone decided that Gold wasn’t worth enough...

  17. Tribute for Ian Holm, Rest in Peace brother 😢


  18. we wuz kangs

  19. How do I edit my submitted application?

  20. hey umm you still have yet to go over my app again


  21. How do I edit my submitted application?

  22. The color puple. 


  23. It’s been a year since I’ve been a GM, but the  ‘ding’ sound from when your soulstone recharges still makes me think a modreq just went up and I instinctively tab back in to check the game chat.

    staff has ruined me 😞 

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