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  1. On the 13th of Maria’s Peace of 106 D.R. [!] A depiction of Thiago del Maravillas cradle. Late into the night, with the stars glittering brightly above, did the Princess-Royal Renata Alba and her husband Carlos del Maravilla welcome in a child. Sporting the darkened hair of his father, and his mothers eyes, a son was welcomed into their household two Saints nights ago. Lord Thiago Ferdinand Jago Sol del Maravilla Born beneath the Hyspian Zodiac of La Cantuta, the dual Baronial household of del Maravilla wishes the newborn babe peace and serenity in all that he does. The Lord Thiago has been baptized in private within the Church of Blessed Francisco, and the family asks that people pray for this new life. ON HEIRSHIP On the matter of heirship, despite Lord Thiago being the firstborn, the heirship will be considered meritorial. It matters not when you were born, but instead what you do with your lot in life and how you make use of it. Upon the Baronial couple's youngest child reaching the coming-of-age of fifteen, the heir will be announced. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba del Maravilla, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorado, Dual Baron of Soles Gemelos, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts Su Señor, Carlos del Maravilla, Baron-Consort of Clemente, Ministro de Interior
  2. COURTLY APPOINTMENTS THE APPOINTMENTS OF COURTLY POSITIONS II La Corte de Girasol 10th of Javier’s Justice, 104 D.R. The Girasol Courts welcomes another appointed member within their ranks, looking forward to what they may show for it. Court Scribe The Señor Nicolas Murietta has been appointed as a court scribe, with a focus on history. Maestro de la Caza The Señor Nicolas Murietta has been appointed in a subsidiary role beneath our Maestro de la Caza, the Señor Alejandro Flores, in the study and care keeping of Hyspias farmlands. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Girasol Courts
  3. 7th of Javier’s Justice, 104 D.R An artist's depiction of an artisanal Hyspian bouquet. With a fruitful engagement after Hyspias El Puente, it brings the royal household of de Pelear and the Baronial household of Salazar much joy to announce the matrilineal union of Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba Francisca Estefania Palmira de Pelear, Princess-Royal of Hyspia and Lord Carlos Lorenzo Juan Salazar. Through varying trials, they grew fond of each other and now wish to invite family and friends alike as they bind together in matrimony. THE WEDDING The wedding will take place in the Church of Blessed Francisco within Hyspia - where it will be encouraged to bring donations for the church in lieu of gifts for the bride and groom. [Friday, May 31st, 4pm EST] THE LOUNGE In celebration after the wedding, the wedding party will gather within the recently renovated palace lounge, where they may enjoy music, food and games. l FORMAL INVITATIONS Su Alteza Real, Ramona I, Sovereign of Hyspia and her household La Honorable, Maria Denodado, Vizcondesa de Bandera and her household Su Senória, Fleur Halcourt, Baronesa de Campagnon and her household Su Senór, Joaquin and Gabriela Salazar, Baron de Campos Salvajes and his household The brides household The grooms household The citizenry of Hyspia PERSONAL INVITATIONS Su Alteza Real, Santana Leya, Crown Princess of Hyspia Su Alteza, Inigo Andres, Prince of Hyspia Su Alteza, Solana Aracely, Princesa of Hyspia Su Alteza Real, Ariadne Casimira, Princess of Balian Su Alteza Real, Ophelia Johanna, Princess of Balian Su Alteza Real, Mona, Princess of Dunfarthing Su Alteza, Rafael Arsenico, Infante of Hyspia La Honorable, Cosima Temesch, Viscountess of San Adriano Su Senória, Fleur Halcourt, Baronesa de Campagnon Su Senór, Conan, Thegn of the Norn Senórita Esfir Amador, heiress to the Viscounty of Zvezlund Senór Demitrey Denodado Senór Pedro Salazar Senórita Ornella Roa Senórita Amelia Miramari Senórita Adelina van Leuven Senórita Liesbeth Kort Senór Aleksey Campos Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chamberlan of the Courts His Lordship, Carlos Salazar, Canciller de la Patria
  4. TO START A LEGACY 6TH OF CARLOS STRENGTH OF 104 D.R. It was as mid-day hit, and Hyspias sun grew the hottest, that the birth of a child came. One that cements the beginning of the legacy of the newly named Salazar Barony; a baby girl. The baby girl mirrored her fathers eyes, a cobalt blue and hosted her mothers hair coloring in a full head of hair. Swaddled and kept close while surrounded by her adoring family, her name was announced: Lady Leya Estrella de Alula Salazar @D.Hearthfire The name was after two female figures in the parents' lives, each of great importance. The first, after the Crown Princess Santana Leya and the second after Joaquins mother, Estrella. ON INHERITANCE In the establishment of the Salazar legacy, the inheritance set forth will be of a meritorial nature. The heir to the Salazar Barony will be announced once the youngest born comes of age at fifteen, and given the years before that to prove themselves for the heirship. THE BAPTISM As is in Canonist fashion, the newborn Lady will be baptised in the church of Blessed Francisco. The baptism will be open to friends and family to attend as they wish. SIGNED, SU SEÑOR, Joaquin Salazar, Baron de Campos Salvajes SU SEÑORA, Gabriela Salazar, Baronesa de Campos Salvajes, Dama de Honor
  5. COURTLY APPOINTMENTS THE APPOINTMENTS OF COURTLY POSITIONS La Corte de Girasol 1st of Horen’s Calling, 104 D.R. With the previous Saints day missive on Courtly Changes, a series of individuals has since been appointed into our Girasol Courts. Maestra de la Modas The Baronesa Fleur Halcourt has been appointed to the role of Maestra de la Modas. Maestra de Musica The Lady Marcela Denodado has been appointed to the role of Maestra de Musica. In a subsidiary role beneath Lady Marcela, the Infante Rafael Arsenico has been appointed Master of Heraldry. In a subsidiary role beneath Lady Marcela, the Princesa Mona of Dunfarthing has been appointed as Court Jester. In a subsidiary role beneath Lady Marcela, the Baronesa Fleur Halcourt has been appointed as a musician of the courts. Maestro de la Caza The Señor Alejandro Flores has been appointed to the role of Maestro de la Caza. Infante Rafael Arsenico has been granted a subsidiary role beneath Señor Alejandro as a gardener of the courts. Señor Pedro Salazar has been granted a subsidiary role beneath Señor Alejandro as a gardener and animal caretaker of the courts. Court Astrologer Infante Rafael Arsenico has been appointed to the role of Court Astrologer. Court Alchemist Vizcondesa Maria Denodado has been appointed to the role of Court Alchemist. Señor Pedro Salazar has been granted a subsidiary role beneath Vizcondesa Maria as a herb gatherer. Court Event Runners The following individuals have been appointed as court event runners: Princesa Royal Renata Alba, Infante Rafael Arsenico, Princesa Mona of Dunfarthing, Baronesa Fleur Halcourt and Señor Alejandro Flores. Court Scribes The Señorita Amelia Miramaris has been appointed as a court scribe. We welcome each of these individuals into our Girasol courts and look forward to just how they come to fill their positions. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente, Gran Chambelan of the Girasol Courts
  6. COURTLY CHANGES ADDITIONS & CHANGES TO THE CORTE DE GIRASOL La Corte de Girasol 15th of Francisco’s Resolve, 103 D.R. [!] A painting of a meeting of the courtiers of the Corte de Girasol. Overview The following missive will cover changes to the Corte de Girasol, the appointment of Gran Chambelán and open up recruitment for the court. Sovereign Consort (Sovereign Prince Dimitri Otto de Pelear) The sovereign consort holds all authority over the courts and will run such as they deem fit with no requirement of permission from the Sovereign of Hyspia. In such a role the Sovereign Consort will be expected to dedicate a lot of time to ensuring the courts run smoothly, and provide care and entertainment for the people. Grand Chambelán (Princesa Royal Renata Alba de Pelear) The Gran Chambelán holds the second most amount of power over the courts and can act on behalf of the Sovereign Consort with the required permission; the Gran Chambelán sees to the daily running of the courts and ensures the court runs smoothly alongside the Sovereign Consort. They can also make decisions on behalf of the Sovereign Consort, should they be given the permission to do so from the Consort themselves. Maestra/o De La Modas (Baronesa Fleur Halcourt) This position is dedicated to overseeing fashion and cultural trends within the Sovereignty of Hyspia; they see to setting a theme for different styles and aethetic trends within the Sovereignty, as such they will work with tailors, designers, and artisans to create clothing and fashion accessories that tie into the overall culture of Hyspia. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. Maestra/o de Musica (Lady Marcela Denodado) The Maestra de Musica is responsible for overseeing all the musical aspects of the court from the creation of new musical compositions, to running performances and other musical events. It is also the role of the Maestra/o de Musica to preserve traditional music and performances of the Sovereignty. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. Maestra/o De La Caza (Señor Alejandro Flores) The Maestra/o De La Caza is responsible for running hunting expeditions and games for the Sovereignty, as well as preserving the flora and fauna that are native to the lands of Hyspia. They are also responsible for the upkeep of any royal animals used in the hunts, such as hounds, horses and falcons. The Maestra/o may appoint those beneath them to aid in the role. Court Chaplain (Vacant) The Court Chaplain is the spiritual advisor and head clergyman for the courts and is responsible for hosting Canonist ceremonies, offering counsel to the people of Hyspia, and helping maintain healthy ties between the nation and the Canonist church. This is an integral role for also ensuring the spiritual well-being of the court and nation. Court Event Runners (Princess Royal Renata Alba) (Infante Rafael Arsenico) (Princess Mona of Dunfarthing) (Baroness Fleur Halcourt) (Señor Alejandro Flores) (Vacancies) While in the name, the role of Court Event Runners is to plan and host events for the Sovereignity of Hyspia. Their work takes place in the writing of missives, the detailed planning of what shall happen during said event and even the setting up of events beforehand. This role is a particularly important one, integral for any court and nation. Court Scribes (Princess Royal Renata Alba) (Señorita Amelia Miramaris) (Vacancies) Court Scribes are responsible for documenting the proceedings of the court, royal decrees, and historical events. They will be required to be able to write in various writing forms, from elegant calligraphy to swift shorthand, and must maintain detailed and accurate records. The scribes will also manage the royal archives. Court Alchemist (Vizcondesa Maria Denodado) The Court Alchemist holds the responsibility of conducting tasks of both scientific and alchemical importance. They will have to do such whilst upholding Canonical law, and only make concoctions that will aid the Sovereignty, such as brewing medicinal concoctions to aid the sick and injured. This role may also involve researching more functional aspects of alchemy, perhaps even being used within the military for conflicts or military strategies. Court Astrologer (Infante Rafael Arsenico) The Court Astrologer has the ability to study the stars and grow to know the Hyspian zodiacs in an more in-depth fashion. Their job is to keep track of the stars and skies movements, detailing it in a monthly report to the Sovereignty of Hyspia, all the while keeping track of the fortunes and lack thereof provided by the Zodiacs. Handmaids (Lady Sera Denodado) (Señora Gabriela Salazar) (Señorita Amelia Miramaris) (Vacancies) The court handmaids are tasked with the personal care and assistance of the royal family members; they are responsible for a range of duties such as attending to their daily needs, providing counsel and perhaps even providing protection if needed. This is position that required trust, discretion and loyalty. Conclusion To conclude the missive, I would like to congratulate Princess Royal Renata on her appointment as Gran Chambelán, and urge those who are interested in a court position to contact either Prince Dimitri or Princess Royal Renata to organize a meeting. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca, Del’mar and Monterro, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk
  7. A Handbook to Hyspian Court Etiquette Written and Published by Fleur Halcourt On the 7th of Francisco’s Resolve, 103 D.R. In cultivating a splendid Hyspian society and nurturing a culture of mutual respect, it is paramount to provide our young and new members with meticulous guidance in the art of courtesy and chivalry from their earliest days. Here, we offer a handbook that presents a compendium of revered traditions and indispensable rules governing propriety and decorum among the esteemed Señores and Damas of Hyspia. The Sovereign Crown The Sovereign Crown of Hyspia are the highest ranking members of the Royal court and Government of Hyspia, All are to be addressed Formally in both public and private unless deemed otherwise by the Royal member. The Sovereign - Su Alteza Real or “His/Her Royal Highness” The Sovereign Consort - Su Alteza Real or “His/Her Royal Highness” The Crown Prince/Princess - Su Alteza Real or “His/Her Royal Highness” The Princess Royal - Su Alteza Real or “Her Royal Highness” The Royal Family Underneath the Sovereign Crown is the Royal family, this includes the children, Siblings and Aunts/Uncles of the Sovereign. All members of the Royal Family are to be treated with the same respect as the Sovereign Crown. Children of a Sovereign (past or present) Principe and Princesa’s of Hyspia are to be addressed with Su Alteza or “His or Her Highness” Nieces and Nephews of the Sovereign that bear the de Pelear name are titled Infante or Infanta, if born under the second in line and are addressed by Su Alteza or “His or Her Highness” - and if born under those further in succession, they are addressed by Lord/Lady [First Name]. Bows or Curtseys are essential to both the Sovereign Crown and the Royal Family. The Nobility Duke - Su Gracia or “Duke [House name]” Duchess - Su Gracia or “Duchess [House name]” Conde - El mas honorable, His Lordship or “Conde [House name]” Condesa - La mas honorable, Her Ladyship or “Condesa [House name]” Vizconde - El honorable, His Lordship or “Vizconde [House name]” Vizcondesa - La honorable, Her Ladyship or “Vizcondesa [House name]” Baron - Su Señorio, His Lordship or “Baron [House name] Baronesa - Su Señoria, Her Ladyship or “Baronesa [House name] Children of the Nobility are Styled as His Lordship or Her Ladyship alongside any titles they hold or “Lord/Lady [First name]” The Sovereign Council All members of the Sovereign council are addressed as His/Her Excellency unless they hold a higher title. Gentry and Commoners Though not titled, all Gentry and Commoners are still to be treated with respect and are addressed with "Señor/Señorita/Señora" Tiaras, Circlets, Diadems and Flamenco’s Only those donning the titles of “Their Royal highness” may wear tiaras. This includes children, siblings of the Sovereign. When it comes to Diadems, Infanta’s and Infante’s may be included. Circlets are allowed to be worn by those of Mainline Duchies whilst Flamenco’s may be worn by the lower peerage such as Counts. When it comes to persons outside of the Royal Family, Tiara’s, Diadems, Circlets and Flamenco relics may only be worn on special occasions, such as weddings and the debuts. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Sovereign-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, and Montenno, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk THE HONOURABLE, Fleur Angelique Halcourt Baroness du’Campagnon.
  8. AN IN-DEPTH LOOK INTO HYSPIA On the 14th day of Maria’s Peace of 103 D.R. Infanta In-fan-ta A daughter of the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne. Infante In-fan-te A son of the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne. What Are They? The Infanta, or Infante, is a special role within Hyspian society that exists within a gray area. Considered that of lesser royalty, they can only be born from the second-in-line to the Hyspian throne, and only if the second-in-line did not marry out. Should these ambiguous conditions be met, an Infanta or Infante is born. Stylized with the honorific of ‘Your Highness’, they are considered to be above the noble-born Lord and Lady but below that of the royal-born Prince and Princess. Their role in Hyspia is to provide for the crown and citizenry, and should the worst happen to the main-line, to take on the role of Princes and Princesses and to go on to lead Hyspia. An interesting fact: The first of their title and name to be known in history, is that of twins born to the Prince Arman of Hyspia and his consort, the Princess Harmen. Born in the year 1959 was His Highness, Infante Rafael Arsenico and born shortly after him was Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba, as evidenced in this missive, ‘The Break of Daylight | The Birth of Twin Foals’. They would go on to set the precedent of what an Infanta and Infante may do and become. What Can They Do? While the lesser royals have fewer perks than their higher-ranked cousins, they still have quite a few advantages that differentiate them from those noble-born. Much like their cousins, upon their fifteenth, they are granted a titular title to hold for their station that will go back to the crown upon death. This, more often than not, shall be a Barony. They are not granted a royal guard, and nor may they wear a tiara or crown - this honor reserved for their royal-born cousins. Instead, they may wear circlets or diadems. In case of debuts into society, or Hyspia’s El Puente, they may wear the heirlooms of their ancestors - a time in life which they may don the tiaras or crowns withheld otherwise when they debut alongside their royal-born cousins. Upon marriage, an Infanta or Infanta cannot make more of the title, but instead go on to make Lords and Ladies under their name - much like their royal-born cousins. An interesting fact: Should the work be put in by the Infanta or Infante, they can be promoted to that of a Prince or Princess, just the same as they may be demoted from their roles for a lack of work. This was showcased in the promotion of Her Highness, Infanta Renata Alba to Her Royal Highness, Princess-Royal Renata Alba circa 103 D.R, as evidenced in this missive, ‘An Amendment to Titles’. Promotion does not change their position in succession, but it does allow for the other benefits their royal-born cousins are granted, such as a royal guard and the honor of wearing tiaras and crowns. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente
  9. The Line of Succession Clarity of the Royal Line Issued by the Sovereign Crown 12th of Cesar’s Gift, 103 D.R. Present version by Ramona I, 103 D.R. The Line of Succession Her Royal Highness, Sovereign Ramona I Her Royal Highness, Crown Princesa Santana de Pelear Her Royal Highness, Gran Princesa Xiomara de Pelear His Royal Highness, Principe Inigo de Pelear Her Royal Highness, Princesa Solana de Pelear His Highness, Principe Arman de Pelear Her Royal Highness, Princesa Blanca-Francisca de Pelear The line of Princesa Frisketa de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Princesa Lucia de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Princesa Sofia de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Princesa Veronica de Pelear is removed due to her patrilineal marriage. The line of Principe Alejandro de Pelear is removed due to his treason and disownment. The line of Princesa Renata de Pelear is removed due to her Baronial ascension. The line of Infante Rafael de Pelear is removed due to his Baronial ascension. The Royal Titles 1. Duque de Paraiso (Duke of Paraiso) Currently held by Santana Leya de Pelear 2. Duque de La Dorada (Duke of La Dorada) Currently held by Renata Alba de Pelear 3. Marqués de Chalibre (Marques of Chalibre) Currently Vacant 4. Conde de Vicisco (Count of Vicisco) Currently held by Arman Lorenzo de Pelear 5. Conde de Macaguiri (Count of Macguiri) Currently held by Inigo Andres de Pelear 6. Conde de Dureno (Count of Dureno) Currently held by Solana Aracely de Pelear 7. Conde del Carmen (Count of El Carmen) Currently held by Blanca-Francisca Narcisa de Pelear 8. Conde de Caño Raya (Count of Caño Raya) Currently held by Xiomara Aracely de Pelear 9. Conde de Rosario (Count of Rosario) Currently Vacant 10. Conde de Capazón (Count of Capazón) Currently Vacant The Royal Lines of de Pelear Viceroy Cesar I The line of Cesar I and Laurelie Henrietta de Pelear née Vuiller, and spouses married into the de Pelear line. FRANCISCO JAVIER DE PELEAR [deceased] His Royal Highness, Viceroy Francisco I Born in 1886 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Married to Amity Ioanna Morovar - born in 1889. AMITY IOANNA DE PELEAR NÉE MOROVAR [deceased] Her Royal Highness, Vicereine Amity I Born in 1889 to Baron Leopold-Sigmar Morovar and Baroness Maeve Morovar. Married to Francisco Javier de Pelear - born in 1886 SOFIA CAMILA BARBANOV-BIHAR NÉE DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Royal Majesty, Queen Sofia of Hyspia of Hanseti-Ruska Born in 1887 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Married to King Georg I of Hanseti-Ruska - born in 1872. ALEJANDRO ARMAN SANDS [deceased] Mister Alejandro Sands Born in 1887 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Disowned for treason. Formerly Alejandro Arman de Pelear. His Highness, Principe Alejandro de Pelear VERÓNICA FRISKETA WEISS NÉE DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Veronica Weiss Born in 1892 to Viceroy Cesar I and Vicereine Laurelie I Married to Viscount Audo Weiss - born in 1892. Viceroy Francisco I The line of Francisco I and Amity Ioanna née Morovar, and the spouses married into the de Pelear line. ESPERANZA ALBA DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Royal Highness, Gran Princesa Esperanza Alba Born in 1911 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I. Unmarried CESAR FRANCISCITO DE PELEAR [presumed deceased] His Royal Highness, Viceroy Cesar II Born in 1913 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I Married to Karyna Rezalin Colborn - born in 1913. KARYNA REZALIN DE PELEAR NÉE COLBORN [deceased] Her Royal Highness, Vicereine Karyna I Born in 1913 to Sebastien de Savoie and Countess Anabel Colborn. Married to Cesar Franciscito de Pelear - born 1913. FRISKETA MEDINA VILAC NÉE DE PELEAR [presumed deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Frisketa Vilac Born in 1913 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I Married to Baron Casimir Marius Vilac - born 1896. JAVIER RAFAEL DE PELEAR [deceased] His Highness, Principe Javier de Pelear Born in 1914 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I. Unmarried. LUCIA RAQUEL GALBRAITH NÉE DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Lucia Galbraith Born in 1920 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I Married to Baron John Augustus Galbraith - born 1920. NACIO KARYNA DE PELEAR [deceased] His Highness, Principe Nacio de Pelear Born in 1920 to Viceroy Francisco I and Vicereine Amity I. Unmarried. Viceroy Cesar II The line of Cesar II and Karyna Rezalin de Pelear née Colborn, and the spouses married into the de Pelear line. RAMONA MAISEL DE PELEAR Her Royal Highness, Sovereign Ramona I Born in 1936 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I. Married to Dimitri Otto Kortrevich - born 1933. DIMITRI OTTO DE PELEAR NÉE KORTREVICH [deceased] His Royal Highness, Sovereign-Consort Dimitri I Born in 1933 to August Vilac and Baroness Ileana Kortrevich. Married to Ramona Maisel de Pelear. ARMAN LORENZO DE PELEAR His Highness, Principe Arman de Pelear, Conde de Vicisco Born in 1938 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I Married to Harmen Carmen Denodado - born in 1938. HARMEN CARMEN DE PELEAR NÉE DENODADO Her Highness, Princesa Harmen de Pelear Born in 1938 to Viscount Demitrey Denodado and Viscountess Annika Denodado. Married to Arman Lorenzo de Pelear. LAURELIE LEONA DE PELEAR [deceased] Her Highness, Princesa Laurelie de Pelear Born in 1938 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I Unmarried. BLANCA-FRANCISCA NARCISA DE PELEAR Her Highness, Princesa Blanca-Francisca de Pelear, Condesa del Carmen Born in 1938 to Viceroy Cesar II and Vicereine Karyna I. Unmarried. Sovereign Ramona I The line of Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear née Kortrevich, and the spouses married into the de Pelear line. SANTANA LEYA DE PELEAR Her Royal Highness, Santana Leya de Pelear, Duquesa de Paraiso Born in 1957 to Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear. Married to Luis Emilio Murietta - born 1955. LUIS EMILIO DE PELEAR NÉE MURIETTA His Royal Highness, Luis Emilio de Pelear, Duque-Consort de Paraiso Born in 1955 to Vicente Murietta and Mariposa Murietta. Married to Santana Leya de Pelear. INIGO ANDRES DE PELEAR His Highness, Inigo Andres de Pelear, Conde de Macaguiri Born in 1961 to Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear. Unmarried. SOLANA ARACELY DE PELEAR Her Highness, Solana Aracely de Pelear, Condesa de Dureno Born in 1964 to Ramona I and Dimitri Otto de Pelear. Unmarried. Present as of 106 D.R.
  10. A BATTLE ON THE SANDS OF HYSPIA On the 12th day of Owyn’s Wake of 103 D.R. It was upon this day that Dastardly Darkspawn rode into and rudely interrupted Hyspias festivities. They demanded for everyone to get on the ground, and the Hyspians would not have it, their beach party having been interrupted and grilled corn burnt. Three brave Hyspians stepped forth, allowing others the chance to escape and gather help. Señor Alejandro Flores. Señor Carlos Salazar. Señor Nicolas Murietta. Bravely they stood, without armor nor proper weapon, to fend off the encroaching Darkspawn. In turn, while their fight took place, an escape took place as well. Two Hyspians and a visiting Haenseti, escaping within the clear blue waters of Hyspia and riding out to gather aid. Princess-Royal Renata. Infante Rafael. Lady Esfir Amador. And aid they did find! Coming across the Holy Order of St. Jude, their men rode back with the trio to assist in the ongoing fight. Holy Ser Macskaul. Holy Ser Barend. Holy Ser Lucien. Arriving armored and with weapons, the fight truly began - the Holy men riding in upon horseback and the Infante Rafael striding in, with his shouted claims of them messing with the wrong ‘Fish of Hyspia’. Darkspawn were stricken down, and those injured on the Hyspians side were carried over by the Lady Esfir to the Princess Renata, tending to dire injuries. The Hyspian people and the Holy Order of St. Jude worked together today in tandem, killing the Darkspawn in the name of DIOS. Injuries may have been had, but none were lost upon this day. Viva Hyspia! DIOS prevails above all! Signed, Her Royal Highness, Renata Alba, Princess-Royal of Hyspia, Duchess of La Dorada, Baroness of Clemente His Highness, Rafael Arsenico, Infante of Hyspia, Baron of Evaristus Her Ladyship, Esfir Artemesia Amador, 12th Baroness of Mondstadt, Heiress to the Viscounty of Zveslund SEÑOR, Alejandro Flores SEÑOR, Carlos Salazar SEÑOR, Nicolas Murietta
  11. THE UNION OF JOAQUIN AND GABRIELA On the 14th day of Francisco’s Resolve of 102 D.R. A depiction of the traditional Hyspian courtship of Joaquin Salazar and Gabriela Cabrera. With the first of many weddings to sprout from the festivities of El Puente, it brings us great joy to announce the union of Joaquin Andrea Emiliano Salazar and Gabriela Alondra Maya Cabrera. The duo grew fond of each other over the years, working hand in hand during meetings - Joaquin the guard, always protecting and Gabriela the maid, always serving. They have every intention to build a home and life together, and invite family and friends to witness such an event. THE WEDDING The wedding will take place in the Church of Blessed Francisco within Hyspia - where it will be encouraged to bring donations for the church in lieu of gifts for the bride and groom. [Sunday, May 19th, 5pm EST] l FORMAL INVITATIONS Su Alteza Real, Ramona I, Sovereign of Hyspia and her household La Honorable, Maria Denodado, Vizcondesa de Bandera and her household Su Senória, Fleur Halcourt, Baroness de Compagnon and her household The brides household The grooms household The citizenry of Hyspia PERSONAL INVITATIONS Su Alteza Real, Santana Leya, Crown Princess of Hyspia Su Alteza, Solana Aracely, Princess of Hyspia Su Senória, Fleur Halcourt, Baroness de Compagnon Senór Demitrey Denodado Senór William Temesch Senórita Angelina Leon Senór Fynn Senór Nicolas Murietta Senór Carlos Salazar Senór Pedro Salazar Senór Mateo Acosta Senórita Catalina Ayala SIGNED, SENÓR, Joaquin Salazar SENÓRITA, Gabriela Cabrera
  12. EL PUENTE The Coming of Age of Hyspia La Corte de Girasol 6th of Franciscos Resolve, 101 D.R. El Puente; a week-long festival in which connections are bridged and made. A time to make new friends, strengthen bonds and to potentially find a partner for life. Announced the previous Saints week, an informational guide was published with what you need to know in order to sign-up and attend. It is upon this Saints day that the sign-ups close and in this missive below, those debuting will be listed in the order they shall be called upon - with a detailed event list afterwards for your perusal. PARTICIPANTS The order in which the participants are listed is the order they will be called on. Royalty may debut singularly, as may heirs - following this, though, all family units are to debut together to keep this orderly. THE SOVEREIGN HOUSE OF HYSPIA Her Royal Highness, Santana Leya de Pelear, Crown Princess of Hyspia His Highness, Inigo Andres de Pelear, Prince of Hyspia Her Highness, Solana Aracely de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia His Highness, Rafael Arsenico de Pelear, Infante of Hyspia Her Highness, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia THE COUNTY OF RAH'TUMA Lady Revekka Panya-ha Luceran THE VISCOUNTY OF BANDERAS Lady Marcela Annika Denodado, Heiress of Banderas Lord Aaron Wilhelm Denodado Lady Veronica Flor Denodado THE VISCOUNTY OF ZVEZLUND Lady Esfir Artemesia Amador, Heiress of Zvezlund THE VISCOUNTY OF PAVIA Lady Ornella Bambalina Roa THE BARONY OF COMPAGNON Lady Fleur Angelique Halcourt, Heiress of Compagnon THE BARONY OF CASCANOVA Lord Esperanzo Octavio Galbraith THE BARONY OF SVARGRAD Lord Hadeon Audo Valkonen, Heir of Svargrad COMMON HOUSEHOLDS Señor Joaquin Andrea Salazar Señor Carlos Lorenzo Salazar Señor Pedro Miguel Salazar Señor Nicolas Vicente Murietta Señorita Josefina Mariana Murietta Señorita Gabriela Alondra Cabrera Señor Mateo Santiago Acosta Señorita Angelina Fortunata Leon Señor Joa von Leopold Señor Alejandro Flores Señor Fynn Pasmoso EVENT SCHEDULE [From May 11th to May 18th] THE OPENING BALL El Puente will open with a ball, in which the participants will first make their debut in front of the Sovereign and Sovereign-Consort. As aforementioned in the informational guide, each participant will bring a token as a gift to the person they believe has contributed the most to who they are today. Afterwards, music and catering will be provided! [Saturday, May 11th, 1:30pm EST] THE SALAZAR RODEO The second day of El Puente will begin with a rodeo hosted by the Salazar Household. Take part in a myriad of activities, ranging from a horse show to fighting bulls - and be sure to bring your own horse! A market will be set up outside of the rodeo as well, allowing those to hawk their wares. [Sunday, May 12th, 2pm EST] THE GALBRAITH BULL FIGHT A day spent within the ring, certainly. Esperanzo Galbraith will be hosting a bull fight, giving you the chance to watch or join in the revelry. Be sure to bring a crimson cape and some extra bandages, for surely this bull will take you on a ride for your life. [Sunday, May 12th, 6pm EST] HALCOURTS REVERSE MASQUERADE Upon this night, attend this masquerade in reversal. Instead of donning a mask, don the household colors of the one you wish to court. The night shall be spent roaming and finding your household colors, to see who holds that secret flame for you. [Monday, May 13th, 5pm EST] A ROYAL DINNER Join the Sovereign family within the palace for a dinner, one of which rumored to have a dastardly theme veiled in mystery. A chance to showcase your etiquette and skills, it will certainly be a night to remember. [Tuesday, May 14th, 5:30pm EST] COMEDY NIGHT Visit the palace's recently constructed comedy lounge, and enjoy a series of performances by clowns and comedians. One such special appearance being the widely renown Mona de Honk! [Wednesday, May 15th, 2pm EST] PARTY ON THE BEACH In an event hosted by the royal duo, Infante Rafael and Infanta Renata - come enjoy a party on the beach. Music, catering and the like will all take place and as the party begins to wind down, the attendees will be brought inside for a tavern night, hosted by Señor Konstantin. [Thursday, May 16th, 4pm EST] HYSPIA GAME NIGHT It is time to get back to those younger times, but with a twist! This Hyspia game night will include an old favorite, Sardines; a game of hide and seek in which when you find the hider, you join them until all are in the same corner. Following this, a scavenger hunt will take place, trekking you about the city and the final game of the night will be the Hound and the Hares. The final game will see that the Hares hide, while the Hounds seek them out. [Friday, May 17th, 5pm EST] NIGHT MARKET The final day of El Puente has hit, the majority of the day open for the attendees to enjoy - that is until night hits. When night comes, the night market shall begin. Decorated vividly in lights, those attending are welcomed to explore beneath the stars. A series of stalls will be set-up for your buying pleasure, with a puppet show that will take place. Something special will take place on that night, and that night alone, in which the Flor de Luna will bloom beneath the full moon. [Saturday, May 18th, 4pm EST] DENODADO CAMPING TRIP As the night market comes to a close and as does El Puente, join the Denodado household on a camping trip within the desert sands. Explore within the night, amidst camaraderie and laughter and seek out adventure. [Saturday, May 18th, 5pm EST] Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona I, Soberana of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of La Dorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta de Hyspia, Baronesa de Clemente
  13. EL PUENTE Informational Guide La Corte de Girasol 2nd of Francisco’s Resolve, 100 D.R. [!] A depiction of the debuting Hyspians. EL PUENTE El Puente is a week-long Hyspian festival, in which lifelong connections are bridged and made. Friendships are formed, companions with whom you can enjoy your time alongside, and for some, they find their lifelong partner, their spouse. The Sovereign State of Hyspia is pleased to announce its first El Puente festival as its generation comes of age. The festival will take place from the 21st of Maria’s Peace [Saturday, May 11th] to the next Saints week ending upon the 28th of Maria’s Peace [Saturday, May 18th]. Sign-ups begin today to be slotted for a debut and end in a Saints week. INFORMATIONAL GUIDE This guide shall provide the necessary information to our citizenry and visitors on what to expect in the upcoming El Puente. On the matter of debuts, there are a few things of note to keep in mind for those attending: When planning your clothing, it is best to keep in mind that this is within Hyspia - heavy furs and coats may lead to heat exhaustion, even as food and beverages will be supplied. Those debuting are encouraged to wear familial colors, with a hint of blue somewhere upon their person. Hyspia is known for its vibrant wear and fashions, and for those unaware of it, an informational missive has been attached as an in-depth look into Hyspian fashion. Men and women alike are meant to debut, with participation meant to come from both sides, and those of all status. In an effort to keep this from being a lengthy process, royalty may debut alone, those of higher status debuting first - while those following shall debut with their family. Showcased once before in history, under the Queen-Consort Sofia of Hyspia, an exchange of tokens will take place. Those debuting are requested to bring a token, whether a flower or item of sentimental value - which are then to be given to an individual they believe has most contributed to who they have become today. FURTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION The following will be a guide as to etiquette to adhere to during El Puente. The donning of tiaras is allowed in this for the nobility, should they have an ancestor they inherited it from. Be careful not to be alone with another, as it could lead to rumor and scandal. Chaperones will be around for this very reason. A Quinceañera is a cultural tradition in which when a female comes to be fifteen years of age, a coming-of-age celebration is held. The male version, though more uncommon compared to its counterpart, is the Quinceañero. When wishing to propose courtship, the offering of pearls is what one must do. When filling out your application to sign-up, which the form will be attached below, a Peer is the titled head of the household of your family, for example, this being the Viscountess Denodado or the Baroness Halcourt. The heir is the declared heir of that household. If you are neither, you will simply mark that you are neither and specify whether you are a commoner, nobility or royalty in one of the following questions. Otherwise, as to your application, be sure to include your full name, what nation you reside in and any pertinent information for our El Puente planners. If one wishes to partake in the upcoming El Puente, one may direct their interest towards the form below. Sign-ups will end on the 12th day of Francisco’s Resolve of 101 D..R. (7th of May) and we will be accepting no more entries thereafter, as the debut list will be published once closed. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta de Hyspia, Baronesa de Clemente
  14. EL ZODIACO DE HYSPIA The Hyspia Zodiac Volume II La Corte de Girasol 4th of Javier’s Justice, 100 D.R. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO [!] A depiction of the silver comet. With last month's missive published on the Hyspian Zodiacs, volume two of your monthly guide to the Zodiacs will be published so as to discern your luck and lot in life for the coming month. Alongside this, any anomalies will be detailed to cover just what is happening in our night sky. EL CABALLO DE ZAFIRO El Caballo de Zafiro or the Sapphire Horse is but one of many anomalies found within the night skies as of late. Streaking meteors, blazing comets and so much more have been seen across that of Aevos and Hyspia alike. The Sapphire Horse, though, has led our researchers to believe this will be the month of El Caballo, the Horse, for the zodiac is so strongly associated with sapphires. EL TORO El Toro, i.e. the Bull. During this month, the Bull will find that their closeness with the horse will bring them luck by association. They will enjoy added prosperity by staying close to their friend, but should they come into a fight, they will find that their luck during this month can go either way. EL ABANICO El Abanico, i.e. the Fan. Another month of trying times for the Fan, as secrets long-kept will be brought to the limelight. Even the utmost of grace may not save this particular Zodiac, so caution is forewarned. EL CABALLO El Caballo, i.e. the Horse. This is a month of prosperity for the Caballo, when everything aligns just right for them. It is the time to find work, love and to go for the goals they may have pushed off the previous month. LA CANTUTA La Cantuta, i.e. the Cantuta. The Cantuta will struggle during this month, for their peace may be interrupted by a series of actionable moments. More than ever, they must practice patience and understanding for family and friends. EL MATADOR El Matador, i.e. the Matador. Compared to the previous month, the Matadors month will not be of ease, but rather a neutral one. It can teeter either which way, luck favoring neither good nor bad, making this a good time to experiment with something new or keep with the status quo. LA ARTISTA La Artista, i.e. the Performer. The Performer will have the time of their life, and yet, their luck will flip-flop during the entirety of this month. Surprises will be around every corner, good and bad - but it is said to be a time of high risk and high reward. Their choices during this month will impact them greatly. EL PAVO REAL El Pavo Real, i.e. the Peacock. Much like the previous month, it would seem the Peacock is with luck again. They shine brightly much like stars within the night sky, grasping for what they wish and seemingly attaining it with ease. Certainly a time to preen and to grow your influence! Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of La Dorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia, Baroness of Clemente SENORITA, Amelia Miramaris, Dama de Honor
  15. TREATY OF SAND AND KARSTS Issued by the Sovereign Crown 8th of FRANCISCO’S RESOLVE, en el año de nuestro señor, 99 Introducción With the signing and promulgation of this document, the Sovereignty of Hyspia and the Unified Domain of Vortice, henceforth referred to as ‘the signatories’, do agree on their honor to the terms laid forth hereafter. ARTICLE I: Non-Aggression The signatories agree in the absolute to a pact of non-aggression. There shall be no military conflict between either state; nor between their constituent vassals or noble Houses. Any breaches of this term shall be resolved through the appropriate diplomatic channels. ARTICLE II: Sovereignty The signatories mutually recognize the other as the sole sovereign state over their respective lands, and all titles affiliated with their respective styling. ARTICLE III: Trade The signatories mutually agree to give one another a place for trade within their respective capitals. There shall be a limited sale of resources, and a priority set on luxury goods, textiles, and refined products. The signatories shall offer discounted prices on any items traded between themselves hereafter. ARTICLE IV: Duration This treaty shall remain in effect for twenty saint weeks from the signing of this document, and will be reinstated with the approval of the signatories. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written. Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Gran Chancellor de Hyspia, Maestro de la Esquela de Veronica, Oficial de Imigracion, Capitan of the Opal Odyssey HER HIGHNESS, Lenora Jusmia The 10th Sovereign of the Depths, Monarch of the Unified Domain of Vortice HER NOBILITY, Lady Aerith Maelstorm Matriarch of House Maelstorm, Minister of the Department of Livelihood of Internal and External Affairs of Vortice
  16. EL COMITÉ DE EMBELLECIMIENTO THE BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Issued by the Sovereign Crown 14th of Owyn’s Wake, 99 D.R. Introducción The Office of the Interior pens this missive today to call upon those with green-thumbs and architectural minds to join the Beautification Committee within the Sovereign State of Hyspia. After greenery has spread amongst Hyspia, taking place after the planting of the community garden, it aided in giving it a more lively appearance. This was met with positive response from our citizenry, inspiring the beautification project, so as to further our home we live within. The goal of the committee is to improve upon and not destroy. This will mainly take place by the planting of gardens and crops in empty spaces, setting up proper roads to vassalage and the repair of what has been broken. For those interested in taking part in this project, they may contact Senora Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria. Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HIS HIGHNESS, Rafael Arsenico, Infante of Hyspia, Ward to La Patria HER EXCELLENCY, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria
  17. [!] Flyers have been found about Hyspia . . . A depiction of those gathered for a Hyspian meal. The Murietta household alongside the School of Veronica presents multiple days of culinary delights in celebration and honor of the Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspia Quinceanera. The food and dishes within Hyspia are world-renowned for its flavor, seasoning and ingenuity - and with this in mind, we wish to share a few recipes to the public to enjoy as they please. CLASE DE COCINA The first day will take place within the Hyspian square, where a class will take place on the making of Hyspian cuisine and varying dishes that can be made for your enjoyment. Learn to make things such as canapés and enjoy the fruits of your labor after! [Thursday the 18th at 5pm EST] CONCURSO DE COCINA The second day will be a showcase as to what all you have learned from the first, in which a cooking contest will take place! The same foods you learned from the first day will be judged upon, with a mystery round in which you may make anything of your own imagination. [Sunday the 21st at 5pm EST] Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Gran Chancellor de Hyspia, Maestro de la Esquela de Veronica, Oficial de Imigracion SENORA, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la PatriaS
  18. EL ZODIACO HYSPIA The Hyspia Zodiac Volume I La Corte de Girasol 3rd of Horen's Calling, 98 D.R. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO [!] A depiction of a star cluster. With the recent missive published on the Hyspian Zodiacs, a monthly guide to the zodiacs will be published so as to discern your luck and lot in life for the coming month. Alongside this, any anomalies will be detailed to cover just what is happening in our night sky. EL RACIMO DE GIRASOLES El Racimo de Girasoles or the Sunflower Cluster was found when studying the skies. The clustered stars form together, accumulating almost seemingly in the shape of a sunflower. This grouping of stars is believed to be particularly prosperous, forming during the week of our Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspias Quinceanera. Known to be the Garisol Princess, this cluster bids good tidings to her future and the future of Hyspia. EL TORO El Toro, i.e. the Bull. During this month, the bull will find that they need to work harder than ever to keep things going exactly as they wish. It’s not the time for hotheaded actions, but a time to put the stubbornness to use to aid their friend, the horse. EL ABANICO El Abanico, i.e. the Fan. This month will be trying for the fan, for it will be a month of secrets and trials that will try even the most graceful. When your friend comes to you, do not ignore them or you may find you regret it later. EL CABALLO El Caballo, i.e. the Horse. This month will be difficult for the horse most of all. Their tampered down emotions will come to a head, and they will need to call heavily upon their friends during this time to face the challenges ahead. LA CANTUTA La Cantuta, i.e. the Cantuta. The cantuta will be needed more than ever during this month, being called on by all friends for assistance in keeping peace and unity as they are known for. There will be hardly a quiet moment for this zodiac sign. EL MATADOR El Matador, i.e. the Matador. Unlike a majority of their fellow signs, the matadors' month will be one of ease. Much like the sandy bull pits, they will dance around any problems with ease and find success in most things they do during this month. A great time to be a go-getter! LA ARTISTA La Artista, i.e. the Performer. It is the month of the artist, the performer - for the largest zodiac is shining brightest. During this time, you should strive further than ever. Push for those projects, take on a bigger show and form bonds never to be forgotten. This is your time to shine. EL PAVO REAL El Pavo Real, i.e. the Peacock. The peacock's time to shine is now. Preen those feathers, put on your fanciest outfit and use this time to become exactly who you want to be. This is a great time to make friends, find potential love interests and even start a business or two. You were born to shine and now is the time. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia SENORITA, Amelia Miramaris, Dama de Honor
  19. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO DE HYSPIA The Zodiac Signs of Hyspia La Corte de Girasol 3rd of Horen's Calling, 98 D.R. LOS SIGNOS DEL ZODIACO [!] An abstract depiction of the Zodiac Signs. With the Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspia’s, Quinceanera looming close, the Sovereign State of Hyspia recently approved a new, modern study of the zodiacs alongside their meanings. The theme of the Quinceanera is rumored to be of the Cosmos and with this in mind, detailed below are the seven constellations, their personalities and who they are likely to get along with. Associated colors and gemstones are written alongside this for your reading perusal. CALENDAR CONVERSION Attached is The Hyspian Calendar. By finding the month you were born, you can find your Zodiac. The commonly used months of Aevos are listed down below, alongside their conversions to the Hyspian calendar. The month of Sun’s Smile to the month of Carlos’ Strength. [Sunday] The month of The Amber Cold to the month of Javier’s Justice. [Monday] The month of The Deep Cold to the month of Francisco’s Resolve. [Tuesday] The month of Snow’s Maiden to the month of Horen’s Calling. [Wednesday] The month of Malin’s Welcome to the month of Owyn’s Wake. [Thursday] The month of The First Seed to the month of Cesar’s Gift. [Friday] The month of The Grand Harvest to the month of Maria’s Peace. [Saturday] EL TORO El Toro, i.e. the Bull. Born during the month of Carlos’ Strength. Color: Red; Gem: Sunstone The Zodiac of the Bull is seen in the night sky, stars connecting to form its proud horns. In Hyspian culture, the Bull is heavily renowned for its strength and pride, and also infamous for its stubborn nature and hotheaded personality. Those born under this sign are known to be much the same, quick to anger while being incredibly hardworking. Naturally, much like their non-zodiac counterparts, the Bull and the Matador do not get along. Yet, with this symbolic relationship, they can be known to become unlikely friends - pushing each other to be better in their constant challenges. Just the same, the Bull and Peacock clash in personality and outlook. It is said sometime ago the Bull and the Peacock were raised by the Horse, who brought them up each with differing values. The Bull was quick to anger, and start fights - while the Peacock primped and preened. The Bull and the Peacock bickered always, each wanting their own way. The Bull interfered with the Peacock, tired of its incessant preening and so the Peacock dramatically challenged the Bull. Their feud continues even to this day. The Bull gets along with the Horse, enjoying their challenging and aloof nature. EL ABANICO El Abanico, i.e. the Fan. Born during the month of Javier’s Justice. Color: Yellow; Gem: Aquamarine The Zodiac of the Fan is seen in the night sky, stars connecting to form an arc across the sky, representing the Hyspian fan. In Hyspian culture, the fan is known primarily to the upper class. An entire language, one secret, is dedicated to the usage of the fan - each movement graceful and filled with elegance. This sign in question would be seen most often with the introvert, where one rather find solace in the quiet. They are known to be trustworthy, able to keep given secrets. The Fan doesn’t get along with the Performer or the Peacock, disliking their loud and extroverted nature. They get along well with the Cantuta, very much in tune with one another and known to be the best of friends. EL CABALLO El Caballo, i.e. the Horse. Born during the month of Francisco’s Resolve. Color: Blue; Gem: Sapphire The Zodiac of the Horse is seen in the night sky, stars connecting upwards to form the horse. In Hyspian culture, the Horse is known to be the representation of the royal family. Regal in its stature, the Horse is known to be extremely loyal and challenging alike. Individuals of this Zodiac work tirelessly, never seeming to slow down and have a certain aloofness to them that makes it difficult to know just how they feel. The Horse is special in the way that they get along with all, naturally popular. LA CANTUTA La Cantuta, i.e. the Cantuta. Born during the month of Horen’s Calling. Color: Pink; Gem: Lapis Lazuli The Zodiac of the Cantuta is seen in the night sky, stars connecting in a spiral to form the symbolic flower of Hyspia. In Hyspian culture, the Cantuta is known as the flower of unity, symbolizing the bond of Hyspians. They are known to be peaceful and harmonious, bringing people together during dire times. Those with the Cantuta sign are known for their close familial bonds, and their love for socializing. While this sign can bring the others together, they don’t get along well with the louder signs of the Peacock or the Performer. Above all, they get along best with the Fan, known to be the best of friends. EL MATADOR El Matador, i.e. the Matador. Born during the month of Owyn’s Wake. Color: Green; Gem: Bloodstone The Zodiac of the Matador is seen in the night sky, stars connecting upwards to form the Matador's hat, the montera. In Hyspian culture, the Matador is an individual whose entire livelihood is based on whether their challenge with the Bull goes well. They are known to have great courage and bravery, as they dance their way about the sands of the arena, red cape swinging. At the same time, they are known to run into dangerous situations - though quick to adapt. They don’t get along well with the Bull, always challenging each other further and further. Yet, with this symbolic relationship, they can be known to become unlikely friends - pushing each other to be better. The Matador, though, gets along well with the Performer - their professions alike in a way, in which they create performances for those to enjoy. LA ARTISTA La Artista, i.e. the Performer. Born during the month of Cesar’s Gift. Color: Orange; Gem: Turquoise The Zodiac of the Performer is seen in the night sky, the largest zodiac yet in that the stars connect outwards to form the flamenco dancer. In Hyspian culture, the flamenco dancer is an artist dancing to cultural music in the day to day and festivals alike. They are known to be extroverts and to have an adaptability to difficult situations as the show must always go on. The sign has a high drive, always striving to do something more and always bigger and better. The Performer likes all signs, even if all signs do not like them - though they hold a general distrust for the Fan and Cantuta for their quiet natures. They get along especially well with the Peacock, and are known to pair with them in projects and matrimony. EL PAVO REAL El Pavo Real, i.e. the Peacock. Born during the month of Maria’s Peace. Color: Purple; Gem: Jade The Zodiac of the Peacock is seen in the night sky, stars connecting outwards to form the Peacock. In Hyspian culture, the Peacock represents the vibrant colors and passion the Hyspian people are so well-known for. The Peacock is confident and friendly, making many friends but never terribly close with any specific person. They are known to be noisy and dramatic, their feathers ruffled when something doesn’t go their way. Extroverted by all means, the Peacock is a socialite. The Peacock doesn’t get along well with the Bull, the Fan or the Cantuta, finding them troublesome for their day to day wants and needs. Despite this, they will interact with them but never get terribly close. Unlike the previous signs, they get along especially well with the Performer, known to join together in projects and matrimony. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Santana Leya de Pelear, Crown Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Paraiso HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia SENORITA, Amelia Miramaris, Dama de Honor
  20. 12th of Carlos Strength, 97 D.R. A depiction of the children of the orphanage. The Hugo’s Cradle Orphanage is pleased to announce the overwhelming support received has allowed for the orphanage to officially open to the public. A grand opening will be held this next Saints Week, open for all to attend within the Sovereign State of Hyspia! GRAN INAUGURACIÓN The grand opening will begin with an announcement from our Orphanages Headmaster, Mona de Hyspia. A tour will be provided to those visiting so they can see the grounds, ending in the recently planted community garden. PICNIC DE HUGO Within the garden, those attending will get to enjoy various dishes made from ingredients entirely grown and made by the children and caretakers of the orphanage. A picnic will take place where all may enjoy! [Friday the 12th, 6pm EST in Hyspia at the Hugo’s Cradle Orphanage] Signed, Her Highness, Renata Alba De Pelear, Infanta de Hyspia Her Highness, Mona de Hyspia, Princess of Dúnfarthing, de Coin, de Orphanage Caretaker, de Honk Senorita, Amelia Miramaris, Dama de Honor
  21. 5TH OF JAVIER’S JUSTICE D.R 96 In the coming Saints week, a day has been dedicated to DIOS and the coming of Spring. Colorful streamers will decorate the streets, flavorful meals will fill the stands and the faithful will come out to enjoy the day. It is rumored that a vibrantly colored rabbit will appear during the festivities, and the person to catch it will receive an extra special prize. COMIDA Y MISA The festival will begin with a mass within the church of Blessed Francisco - in which a Lorraine cross will be provided for all in attendance. After the mass takes place, food will be provided for the masses to enjoy. BÚSQUEDA DE HUEVOS Once those have eaten their fill, the games will begin. Eggs are hidden throughout the city, painted, colorful and filled with confetti. A race begins to find the most in an allotted period of time - the winner being granted a prize. Other games will take place for your enjoyment afterwards. Come one, come all! [Sunday the 7th, 5pm EST in Hyspia] Signed, Her Highness, Renata Alba De Pelear, Infanta de Hyspia Senorita, Amelia Marimaris, Dama de Honor
  22. [!] Flyers have been found about Hyspia . . . A depiction of varying forms of seafood. Days are often filled with work, whether governmental, as a shopkeeper or the raising of a family. Enough time isn’t taken for the simple enjoyment of a meal and time with your beloved family and friends. With this in mind, and a recent blessing by DIOS of an abundant haul of rabbit meat and vegetables from hard-won crops, the Murietta household will The recent collections and rabbit hunts have proved abundant and a blessing by DIOS. It is with this in mind that the Murietta Household will host a barbecue for all to attend this next Saints day, taking place within the main square of Hyspia. Be sure to come hungry, as plenty will be provided for all in attendance. [Wednesday 27th, 6pm EST in Hyspia] Signed, SENORA, Mariposa Murietta
  23. A NEW MASTER OF COIN On Treasury and Taxes Issued by the Sovereign Crown 8th of Francisco’s Resolve, 95 D.R. It pleases the Interior Office to announce the appointment of a new Master of Coin within the Sovereign State of Hyspia, charged with the handling of the treasury and the collection of taxes within our fair state. Their face has come to be known amongst the populace and we believe wholeheartedly Mona de Hyspia will make a great fit under our office and we look forward to the work she will showcase in the future. @minarichankun Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER EXCELLENCY, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria
  24. HYSPIAN COMING-OF-AGE TRADITIONS Quinceañera and El Puente La Corte de Girasol The 15th of Javier’s Justice, 95 D.R. With the new generation of Hyspia, and our recent rise to a Sovereign state, the question has risen as to the coming-of-age traditions of our culture. As is with each generation, new traditions come to be - but this following missive is written to denote the traditions old and new to allow for a better understanding of the Hyspian people and culture alike. HYSPIAN QUINCEAÑERA [!] An image of a Hyspian woman dancing at her Quinceañera When an individual turns fifteen within Hyspia, they are to undergo coming-of-age traditions. A well-known one is the Quinceañera, which is held upon the coming of age of a child into adulthood within Hyspias culture. Traditionally, when the party is decided upon and held, invitations specify a few things. Such as, the forbidden color. A color will be listed, that only the one coming of age may wear and who they specify - and all else are forbidden from wearing that color. In the Sovereign family, that color forbidden commonly is the color blue. A theme is picked, anywhere from the ‘Hyspian Sun’ to ‘Orange Blossoms’ - but is left up to the one hosting the event. For most, the event will take place over the span of a Saint’s day - while those of royal lineage may have one that lasts up to three Saint’s days, including that of the traditional bull fight a royal must take part in for their coming of age. Each Quinceañera can vary greatly, but one item that stays unchanging throughout them all is the pinata. It is a vibrantly colored, reinforced bag that dangles from high up above - and must be broken with a pinata stick or bat. It is known to cause a tinge of chaos with the difficulty of breaking it down, but once broken, a spray of candy and trinkets come everywhere. It is during the Quinceañera that the individual can be presented with pearls, it could be a pearl necklace, bracelet or otherwise - the meaning of such is to declare one’s love and intentions to court them. A recent tradition to take place is a Quinceañera hosted by the royal family, for those less fortunate to have the means of which to host one of their own. This is covered entirely by the royal household, to provide an avenue for all within Hyspia to take part in the coming-of-age traditions. EL PUENTE FESTIVAL [!] A painting of a Hyspian man and woman enjoying El Puente. El Puente is a festival centred around celebrating the connections that are held between the people of Hyspia. During such a festival, events will take place in order to strengthen the bonds between the people of Hyspia, and encourage new ones to be formed. The Cantuta flower will also be central to El Puente, as the Cantuta symbolises the harmonious coexistence of the diverse cultures within Hyspia. [!] A depiction of the Cantuta Flower. During El Puente, the Sovereignty of Hyspia will host three annual events which will be accompanied by events hosted by Hyspia’s respective noble families. The three events will be a Grand Ball hosted by the Sovereign and Sovereign-Consort, and a Night Market promoting Hyspian goods and services, which will then be followed by a Fireworks Display. En El Nombre De Dios HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Koravia, Soberano-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER HIGHNESS, Renata Alba de Pelear, Infanta of Hyspia
  25. THE HYSPIAN NEW PLAYER GUIDE How to Make a Hyspian Issued by the Sovereign Crown 6th of Horen's Calling of 93 D.R. Introducción This guide is created for those intending to make a persona within the Sovereign State of Hyspia, a nation comprised of farfolks and those seeking to make a name for themselves. Based within the desert and badlands, the people of Hyspia, Hyspians, are commonly known for their vibrantly colored fashions and nationalism for their home. The capital of Hyspia, La Dorada, is ruled by the Sovereign family, the de Pelears, also known as the Soberana and Soberano of Hyspia. Their children are known as the Princes and Princesses of this nation. Below, we will touch further upon the cultural aspects and populace of Hyspia, detailing what may need to be known. A depiction of the average Hyspian. The Culture and Dynamics of Hyspia The Hyspian culture is steeped in nationalism and vibrancy, a storied people with a rich history as can be seen in the varying eras of the Hyspian people. From times of schism, to vassalship and to their current place now of independence - the Hyspian people kept themselves going through pure grit, bringing them to where they are today. Linked below are missives that delve deeper into Hyspian traditions and beliefs: On Heritage and History The Common People of Hyspia The History of Hyspia An In-Depth Look Into Hyspian Fashion Hyspian Language Guide Hyspian Independence A Call to All Farfolk The Hyspian Schism The Life of Cesar I The Hyspian Culture The Hyspian Calendar These documents cover a host of traditions and touch on nationality and beliefs. Touching further upon the people's values, family is everything. Hyspia is an extremely family-oriented place, in which large families will be seen living together and taking on the professions of those before them. A love for family and friends alike is had, and the Hyspian people are not afraid to love. Getting Started To get started in Hyspia, there are a few things to do first. First and foremost, when creating your persona, pick a name that fits within the group's cultural identity. Examples of male and female names are provided for ease and convenience: Male Names Santiago Mateo Carlos Andres Miguel Camilo Raul Alonso Cortez Javier Female Names Isabella Maria Daniela Carmen Valentina Martina Elena Catalina Luciana Antonella --- Following your choice of a name, consider your appearance. Hyspians typically have dark hair and a range of eye colors, with clothing mainly consisting of primary and vibrant colors, such as reds, green and blues. They wear flowing fabrics and have sun-kissed features, hinting at their desert heritage. Linked below are free-to-use outfits that work within the fashions of Hyspia: Alternatively, Pinterest has a variety of options. Keywords to utilize in your search can certainly include: traditional mexican outfits, spanish clothing, 1500s spanish fashion and traditional spanish dress. Alongside this, a Pinterest board has been made with references to refer to here. The Hyspian community also harbors a good number of skinners who can be contacted to help you get situated. --- Once your appearance is chosen, and you have an idea of what you wish your persona to be and do, you are already a majority done! Create your persona in /menu, click on an empty slot to set them up, and type in /realm join Hyspia once you are ready. Head down to Hyspia, bind your SS pillar, and contact a Steward within our Discord! To contact a Steward, join the Hyspia Discord and request the citizen role, including your RP name and username. Once allocated the role, you will gain access to more channels, including house-requests and region-and-door perms, where you can request region perms, citizen doors, and the purchase of a household and/or shop. To contact a steward, fill out the form within the channel specifying your budget and ping @Steward along with your form. A Steward will assist you in purchasing a home with in game currency, with the first week of taxes being free. Taxes are collected every Sunday, and failure to pay results in warnings and potential eviction. Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, Sovereign Princess of Hyspia, Duchess of Pacazu, Baroness of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lady of Ladorada, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestress of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Matriarch of House de Pelear HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Dimitri Otto of Korvia, Sovereign Prince-Consort of Hyspia, Duke-Consort of Pacazu, Baron-Consort of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk HER EXCELLENCY, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la Patria
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