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Found 7 results

  1. [!] A missive is pinned at each of humanity's capitals! Hail, to those who read this! My name is Hera, and I am a highly practiced doctor, alchemist, and healer of the shaman variety. Should you or a loved one fall ill or injured, I am but one bird away. I have noticed a cough arising within Haense and what was Veletz, and in light of such I found it prudent to make my services known. I will take payments of any size, anything that you are able to pay. From a handful of minas, to a basket of herbs, or simply a trinket- I consider them donations, and not necessary for treatment. Though I am primarily a nomad, my home, located in Kaethul also serves as my clinic. I am also looking for those willing to travel with me, and assist me in my treatment. If any clues as to what caused this cough arises, I would greatly appreciate the knowledge. Doctors and healers of Aevos, let us halt this sickness before it spreads! Remember to WASH YOUR HANDS, and UTILIZE AIR PURIFIERS! Signed, The Hearth Alchemist, Daughter of the Healing Flame, Protector of children, Traveling Healer, Farseer Shaman
  2. "The skies darken with blood, brother. Tharb Nûtniin is afoot." (Foolish Goblins suffering beneath the burning rain) If one were to explore the vast plague lands of the recent Orcish curse, one may find it littered with a number of corroded corpses and trees. Indeed, the carnivorous fungi that inhabit the land has a large part to play in this. However, for those that walk upon the tainted earth, a more immediate threat poses itself as the looming clouds paint a red canvass across the dark sky. Deep within the bubbling cesspools that dot across the land, a resilient and vile weed sprouts from the earth. It seeps into the water, drawing in nutrients and replacing it with a sinister waste product. The once calm waters begin to writhe and froth as an acidic discharge seeps from the plants into the ponds. Physical Properties: These weeds are of a dark red colouration, and grow in patterns of chaotic spirals. Small thorns protrude from them that draw in the nutrients from the water, while the base of the weed produces small roots that sprout from the earth it is embedded in, and leak the corrosive waste into the water. It is virtually impossible to examine these plants as per the environment they are contained in. If one were foolish enough, one may be able to sacrifice an arm in the name of knowledge and progress. (A depiction of the red clouds that loom over the Plague) Due to the mass of the plague and the large bodies of water that spread through them, these cesspools can give rise to an incredibly dangerous weather effect. It is referred to by the Shamans as "Tharb Nûtniin", which translates to "Acid Rain" in common. When this corrosive water falls upon the earth, it quickly consumes the flesh of those it comes into contact with. If you are unfortunate enough to be stuck beneath these clouds as they break, you will suffer a most painful death. This acidic element causes further decay upon the spreading disease that inhabits the land, creating an inner conflict between the two aspects of decay the Immortal Spirit, Orgon, has influence over.
  3. In Athera, on the outskirts of The Reformed Kingdom of Oren, a settlement was formed, mostly human, on a fishing wharf. It was out of the way from major roads, and it's population wasn't high, so it's not hard to believe that the economy was so stagnant that the majority of the population lived in little more than mud huts along the small fisheries and make-shift dock. There was one exception: a powerful wizard, likely of dark magic, held a tower that loomed over the little village. His name was Deinalt Mephistaurus, and he enjoyed the power he held over the peasants and fish-mongers. He relished in it and exercised it as a tyrant. The villagers had little choice but to comply with his demands. The years drew, however, and they saw no way out, his demands becoming harsher and harsher as he pushed their limits. Sometimes, they were even summoned into the tower itself, either to never be seen again, or as a dry, pale corpse. Secretly, they sent messages out, begging for help from Oren, but Oren had been caught up with politics and, most importantly, wars, and their resources were stretched thin. The request went unheeded. When war erupted in 1483, the villagers knew they would not receive help soon, if at all, and sought instead to hire mercenaries who would take the job for the meagre coin they could scrounge up. They eventually found some who agreed, and the group stole in at the dead of night to ambush the wizard as he rested, for they knew frontal attack upon his tower would avail little except their own deaths. They did not kill him as he slept, as the wizard did wake, but he was still caught flat-footed and with his magical components outside of his reach. He cast what he could, but blind-sided as he was, the fight was intense but short. Deinalt Mephistaurus fell backwards upon the bed he had woken from, but not before cursing the traitorous villagers with his dying breath, promising pain and destruction to them as long as they lived. In the end, the village rejoiced in the victory of their saviours. After much celebration, the heroes parted and Rahult enjoyed their new freedom. They found some measure of prosperity now that they were no longer bogged down with the unrelenting and unfair demands of the wizard. Ten years later, on the anniversary of the wizard's murder, the Plague hit the town, and much of the population died over night. It was no coincidence, the villagers moaned as they mourned. Deinalt's grip still strangles them today. His curse continues! Some of the villagers suggested seeking clerical help, but this idea was shot down for its massive cost. Besides, the Plague hit them hard; if this were truly the will of the mage, would it not be satiated? Another ten years passed, and upon the anniversary, the village was torn with a localized earthquake. Many died in the fallen rubble. Many more lost their homes. Calls for holy intervention increased, but so did the flight from the village. Nothing could be done to circumvent the next tragedy but to wait. When the 30th anniversary came, the villagers waited with baited breath, waiting for a swoop that would likely kill them off for good this time. But the night passed with no unholy intervention, and they all breathed a collective sigh... until the next morning. Several people (men, women, children) were found dead in their beds, throats slit. A couple people were confirmed missing shortly after, but it was unknown if they were still alive, or if they were, whether they were fleeing justice for the acts or fleeing the curse before it could hit them. The villagers would have loved to follow up these events with a witch hunt, but their seeking was cut short; the Flood had overtaken Athera and their wharf was one of the first to drown below the constant rains. Those who were left had no choice but to leave their homes to be swallowed by the waters and go to Vailor. Some of those villagers may still yet live, as could the Heroes of Rahult... as could the unknown murderer. And though the village is gone, no one knows for sure if the wizard's curse is done. Known Former Villagers: Sahar Tha'un Known Heroes of Rahult: Timeline: 1468 - Athera was settled 1469 - Rahult was successfully settled, building watched over by Deinalt Mephistaurus 1475 - Mephistaurus's demands become strange. Citizens begin to disappear 1483 - The Kingdom of Oren becomes Galahar. Rahult citizens look elsewhere for aid. 1483, Sun's Smile - Mercenaries are hired to kill Deinalt Mephistaurus, a contract is drawn 1483, The Amber Cold - Deinalt Mephistaurus is killed in his tower. 1493, The Amber Cold - Plague hits the town overnight. Many citizens die. 1503, The Amber Cold - A localized Earthquake hits the village 1513, The Amber Cold - Many citizens are found murdered in their beds End of 1513 - Rahult is abandoned to the Flood
  4. Event Planners, MC Names: Anyone that wants to take up arms Event Type: Global Event Event Date: Whenever it would be fun Factions/Nations effected by the event: Everyone! Event Location: Everywhere! Summary: * It had started with a sneeze....that turned into a cough. A simple cold was it....at first. Soon enough it got hard to breathe.....vision started to darken around the edges at times. Pain wracked our bodies soon enough...lungs burned and hacked with fluid. Stomach rebelled all food and nothing could be kept down...wasting away slowly to bones. A Cold? No....this was a Plague. * Concept Images/Screenshots Other Information: When I first came to LOTC I was introduced to the World with a Plague, one of the first to get it and it was hellishly fun. People mistrusted each other and the sick were treated like Lepers, but on the other hand multiple people came together to help the sick. There was RP World Wide and I thought it was a fun experiance. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Very much so, not sure what kind of coding it would take like last time. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Probably one or two 'Infected' to start it spreading.
  5. The Seventian Order [sev-in-tiss, or sa-ven-tis depending on dialect] (An OOC Preface) (Seventis is an epic, a journey that ourselves and many players have embarked on through the last few years on Lord of the Craft. All of the history in this post is well researched and actually did occur on the server. Many players have fond memories of this upstart nation and the small community that comprised it. Even since my leaving LoTC, I have had numerous people contact me and express their joyous times they had. The tedious work of running the faction had always been difficult, but the happiness of the players involved was well worth it. As such, we are continuing this amazing story, wherever it may lead. This is being done, regardless of the reaction. This is an order, and upon this post, is created. We welcome all of our old friends and thus hope to unite the Seventian community once more.) Opening For long the Seventis peoples have existed without a state. Since the outbreak of the Great Plague and the subsequent absorption into the Holy Oren Empire, ethnic Seventians have been cast throughout the world, divided and without a true home. Many of these people long for what once was, what can be again. Now, with the official return of the Seventian royal blood, this longing will cement itself into reality. History of The Seventis Peoples Preface Seventis lays claim to a rich history filled with remarkable individuals, political strife, and memorable acts of courage. The scholars of Seventis have meticulously recorded the past of the nation, keeping careful records of its happenings. Below is the compiled history that strings together accounts from many Seventian citizens and leaders. We owe much to their dedication in preserving such events. The Seventian people have existed since near the dawn of Aegis and continue to survive all that they face. -High Verwalter Albrecht Vallark Early History The first ethnically Seventian people were the Seventis tribe that could be found north of the Kingdom of Oren. The members of this tribe wandered the snowy forests of the wild, gathering food. Eventually, a massive structure was erected upon a large sheet of ice covering a wide bay. This wood building became known as the Great Hall and served as an outpost for travellers venturing into the wilds. The Seventians would give aid to those who passed by and provide refuge from the elements. The most pressing danger was that of the Undead hordes which roamed the frozen woods. The tribesmen, although small in number, were expert at tracking and avoiding these monstrosities. When an abandoned ship filled with Undead minions drifted into the bay, the Seventians fought a last ditch battle to hold them off. Eventually, the people migrated north in an attempt to escape the ever more pressing threat of annihilation. This began a series of movements into the Great Mountains, a looming mountain range far north. The birthplace of the Seventis tribe. Dezios the Great The elders of the tribe elected Dezios to be their absolute leader. Dezios brought his people to a small island where they established the first Seventian town, Rykalos. Rykalos was but a small town in which barely any of the tribesmen arrived. The majority of which were killed in the previous skirmishes to reach the town. The earth was terrible for raising decent crops and the Undead frequented the area. Dezios knew this land wasn't sufficient in order to continue the small groups survival, so they packed up and sailed farther north and settled into a canyon. The canyon wall was lined with ore of gold, which spawned the name "Aurum". The group settled down there and began setting up the small village once more. Everything was prosperous until one fateful day, disaster would strike. The rough canyon walls lined with the precious gold began collapsing upon Aurum. Soon, the entire town was beneath rubble and Dezios with a few survivors barely escaped with their life. After much grief of loss of life and contemplation of the future, they moved farther north. The Great Mountains spanned across more than three northern continents. Norjun was founded at the foot of The Great Mountains. The Norjish people encountered many barbarians and hordes of monsters, but all were defeated in glorious combat by Dezios and his army. The Great Mountains' secrets were presumably uncovered and explored, those texts written by the ancient Norjish are long lost. The giant mountains became the symbol of Dezios' pride as he and Norjun claimed them as their own. While Oren owned a large sum of land, The Great Mountains were surely more than 3x its size. All and any barbarians in the giant white peaks were slain and annexed. Not many of the south even knew about The Great Mountains, but to Dezios and his men, they were home. The Undead tightened their grip on the world as Oren was split in three. Chaos reigned in the south, while in The Great Mountains all was calm and normal. The shifting snow that blanketed the graceful peaks were untouched. Norjun continued to expand and grow as the south suffered and fell into civil war. That wasn't to last. Undead minions crawled their way into the mountains and overpowered the Norjish. The town was burned and sacked, but its citizens not defeated. Dezios rallied an army atop a mountain overlooking the searing town. They charged the confused minions with zeal and force. Dezios downed hundreds of minions with merely his signature spear, now donned The Spear of Dezios. The weapon is said to contain magical attributes and is sacred to House Vallark. The Norjish decimated their horde and Dezios had killed their leader. The victory did not come without a price, however. Dezios was slain in combat by a stray arrow and his legacy was the only thing left to stand living. His closest friend, Symodimi, recovered the legendary spear so that it would be passed down to future generations. Symodimi recovering the Spear of Dezios after the king’s death. Renati and Azar Following the Fall of Aegis to the Undead and Dezios’ death, the people of Seventis fled to Asulon with the rest of Aegis’ population. Dezios had left a letter in his armor, which was given to his son Renati, detailing his wishes for the people’s future. Claudius Centaurum, a battle hardened knight from Norjun, happened upon Renati. Renati had only just discovered the letter and thus was planning arrangements for the Seventians. Claudius acted as a father figure for the young Renati and assisted him in securing Seventis’ place in the new world. Claudius and Renati took their route to Asulon by the same boat, but elsewhere another legacy had begun. Symodimi and Damien (Symodimi’s nephew) Dracaena had also embarked upon the route to Asulon, barely making it out of the besieged Aegis. Following their arrival, Symodimi, his brother Dimatrik, and Damien went to Salvus to purchase a farmhouse. They settled in and later came to find Renati and Claudius. Renati had previously known Symodimi and they conversed. Renati disclosed he would be creating a town, and would name it Azar. Following this, Damien decided to go off and acquire resources for its creation. He obtained an immense amount of wood via keen trading and went to the build site for Azar. Its construction began promptly, and with time, loyal followers began sprouting up, such as Kilgrim Blackaxe, who would remain loyal for years to come. The founders of Azar met in the Solace home of Symodimi. The Civil War Azar slowly gained its roots and soon Casimir Amedaius was met, who proceeded to become the High Architect of Azar, a quaint little town located near the Cloud Temple. During this time of Azar, Renati had noticed an attractive woman near the cloud temple and decided to impress her, which later lead to the creation of Renati's long lost son, Trivane Vallark. Trivane went off with his mother and never met his father; He never knew of Azar one anything but simply lived with the monks. Renati had been constructing Azar along with Casimir Amedaius, but something began to go wrong. Casimir demanded pay for his work, and unfortunately due to the circumstances all workers were working for the good of Azar at that point. The pay would have to come later. Casimir, infuriated, decided to create a rebellion. He organized men for his disposal and recruited Ser Markus Powell, a former rebel in Galahar in Aegis. Markus and Casimir would cause the Battle of Azar. During this battle Damien led the defenders alongside Renati. Symodimi had been absent during it, for unknown reasons. It was later discovered his forces had been cut off from the town by the rebels. The town requested Queen Dawn of Salvus’ aid in this rough conflict. While she wished to stay neutral, some Salvus Peacekeepers honorably gave their lives for Azar. The Battle ensued, and a large amount of Casimir's forces entered from the right flank, surrounding the small town. Unfortunately, the Battle of Azar was a defeat, but all was not lost. The town was sacked and its inhabitants driven from their homes. Renati, defeated, barely escaped. In a moment which does nothing but showcase the underlying unity of the Seventian people, those who had just been forced from their land rallied around Renati, declaring their undying loyalty and proclaiming the need for vengeance. Renati, whose spirit had been broken, was lifted by his’ peoples dedication and resolve. Azarian separatists attack from the hills. The Seventian Kingdom Upon Azar's fall to the Rebels, the Loyalists had no place of refuge. The gracious Queen Dawn offered all of the Azarian Loyalists a place of refuge for the time being in Salvus. She issued the request for the construction of a tent system for the loyalists to regroup and lick their wounds. The Loyalists gained resources, recruited followers, and established their presence in Asulon. Though Damien, Renati, Claudius and Symodimi decided that this was not enough. They could not let the Rebels besiege their town. All of the Loyalists agreed upon establishing another settlement near Azar. This would be a difficult task, however, as they would have to convince the Cloud Temple monks to allow for the acceptance of their charter. This was due to the fact that both Azar and the future Seventis city existed within the borders of the Cloud Temple Sanctuary. They agreed upon the name "Seventis", harkening back to their first appearance as a tribe in Aegis. After a long meeting with the Cloud Temple Monk Talmb, it was decided that the dream of Seventis would become a reality. The Seventians swelled with pride; they had not died when Azar had. Queen Dawn is credited with saving the Seventian people. The Loyalists pledged that they would grow Seventis to a city and that Azar (now Ascella) would be reclaimed. The determination, motivation, and ingenuity of the Seventis Officials and Citizens was driven towards the creation of Seventis. Once again, the Dracaenas had gone off acquiring more and more resources to fund and supply the effort. Donations were set in place and production was increased. Claudius and Renati were organizing the architectural structure of the town whilst patrols warded off Ascellian scouts. They finally decided and commenced constructing the new town. It was built extremely fast, and it surprised the rebels in Ascella. As the Loyalists were constructing Seventis, Markus Powell booted Casimir from the throne of the position of Lord. Markus began establishing states outside of Ascella and eventually formed the Kingdom of Andromeda. Tense relations began to establish between the two entities and almost lead to another war. After all the hard work, dedication, and motivation of all of the citizens of the town of Seventis, their dream had became a reality. After a long conversation regarding diplomacy and politics with the Monks, they decided that it would indeed become a city. Seventis was the first ever city in the Cloud Temple. While it is long gone, it is a remembrance of the hard work that was done by the incredible citizens of Seventis. It was also during a long struggle with the Seventians’ enemy. The relations with Andromeda drew increasingly worse, and it almost led to a crusade by Redbain Adelban. Fortunately, due to the mass drawing in of Allies, Seventis was able to divert the crusade from occurring. The City of Seventis expanded and obtained several territories, namely the colony of Pine Harbor. It also constructed a college for citizens who wished to be educated on Seventis History, and other various subjects such as Golemancy. The college was a masterpiece and attracted several visitors each day. Seventis, however, required renovation and was quite cramped. That was one of the many flaws in its design. War almost occurred, however. Having decided that Seventis was in immediate danger, one of the Seventis citizens dispatched a bird to a Renatus Commander and they brought the entire Renatus Army to Ascella's front door, which made Jullius take quite a few steps back. It scared the citizens of Ascella and most notably quelled the tension between the two states. The Seventis military also had participated in the Battle of Das Boot in the name of Renatus. The Seventians, who once were friends of Salvus, fought against them. This was because of the coup de tate which had occured early in Salvus, leading to Queen Dawn’s death. It began to form relations with several other organizations during this event. The colony of Pine Harbor. Following the creation of Seventis, months later there was an imminent problem for Ascella and Andromeda alike. Markus Powell had died, and left Jullius to control. Jullius was a lazy, terrible Lord that wasn't respected by the people of his town. Renati requested that Ascella join the Kingdom of Seventis in conquest. Jullius accepted, and Ascella began to be annexed and also renovated. Construction plans were sent up and Ascella was being corrected. Soon after, Ascella was deemed the Capital of the Assortment of Territories that was coined, "The Kingdom of Seventis". After Ascella was set in place, it began to expand. They created a charter regarding its' expansion and proposed it to the Cloud Temple monks. Another person, Ursolon Ironheart was rising in the Ascella hierarchy. He was close in overthrowing Jullius, however it was quickly stopped by Renati Vallark. Ursolon was a former steward of Ascella and would go on to create Fairfield, a small farming hub located on the road from the Cloud Temple. Many have fond memories of the little Fairfield. An infamous bandit by the name of Mandarin began terrorizing the kingdom. Relations between Mandarin's associates and Ascella had worsened and they had been prepared to siege Ascella. Knowing this, Renati Vallark issued several defence requests and also petitioned for his allies to ensure that Mandarin's siege would be flaunted; In doing so, the march was crushed and Mandarin was beheaded. To this day, his head is still strung onto a pike. The pike in which Mandarin’s head was placed. After a long period of construction, annexation, and diplomacy the Seventian officials finally agreed upon becoming a Kingdom. Renati, Ursolon, and Ariana began writing policies and for the new nation. The Seventian Nation Begins Damien Dracaena had passed on before this had , and Claudius still had been guarding Renati with his work. Following this, Trivane Vallark had eventually came to finally find his father for the first time after being lost in Azar. Trivane was grown up now and got to know his father a lot more now. The Kingdom was split into several location(s): Sarun, Tyr, and Ursakar. All went well, but the leadership was quite poor from Renati Vallark. The Capital City, Sarun, was quite slow in its' construction. Eventually, Tahnaki Castle was built. Considered the most impenetrable fortress in Asulon, it was a symbol of Seventian engineering. The impregnable Tahnaki Castle. The Great Plague Another problem had arisen as well, undetected at the time. When a Subudai merchant trader had been exchanging goods with another Sarun citizen, its pack mule fell to the ground and was left there in the middle of the street. It was unknown that the pack mule contained a disease and flies quickly spread around the mule, engulfing its carcass. Renati Vallark awoke from his slumber to notice this, and immediately he caught a stench of the plague. The Plague was about to create a mass evacuation and lock-down of almost all of Asulon. It had started from Seventis, and would end Seventis. The Plague quickly spread, and engulfed Renatus, Hanseti, Normandor, Haelunor, and other Kingdoms located throughout the region. Hanseti went into a lock-down as did others. The Plague had consumed Seventis. Seventis was all but destroyed. A known record of the Great Plague: “The Plague is a disease that spreads quickly, strikes without discrimination and has a high fatality rate. It refers both to the disease itself as well as the time it struck Asulon resulting in widespread deaths and chaos. The plague was first recorded in year 37 in Asulon, when it broke in the lands of Seventis. Immediately the infected began to die in mass numbers, resulting in the near collapse of Seventis. Spread by travelers and other creatures, the plague quickly spread to other settlements including Skravia and the Cloud Temple. All attempts to find a cure or prevent the spread of the infection initially failed. The monks of the Cloud Temple who would usually take the injured and sick to their lands for healing, became overwhelmed by the deaths and started to burn the bodies. Attempted cures such as magic and alchemy did not help halt the spread or aid the sick, but in some cases only increased the severity. Reactions were varied. Some nations and settlements such as Holm and Ildon implemented lockdown policies to prevent themselves getting infected. Others were badly struck, such as Seventis and Skravia. Initially closed off, the plague infected the lands of Renatus and struck the peasants of Arethor and Ager with particular vengeance. The Subudai were rarely struck down with the disease, leading to claims that they were immune. Having a stronger immune system, Orcs caught the disease with less frequency, but the effects were still as severe. Kharajyr as well managed to avoid getting sick as often, having better tuned senses and being exposed to more diseases in their jungle homes. Symptoms When the first outbreak of plague occurred in Seventis, several symptoms were common. Over time the initial symptoms became less common as those infected died, and a new variation of the disease became more common. Other creatures and life forms were also infected. Green-Spot Variation - Green dots on the skin causing itching. - Numbness in the digits and limbs. - Weakness. - Memory loss and mood swings. - Vomiting. - Coughing up blood. Blood-Spot Variation - Shivers. - Paranoia. - Coughing of blood. - Fear of blood itself. - Internal hemorrhage, resulting in bleeding through mouth. Other - Wheat could also suffer from the plague disease and would wither in the field. Eating bread or other goods made with infected wheat could result in infection. - Beasts of all kind could also be struck by the disease and displayed similar symptoms to the sentient life forms. The disease passed freely between them. Results - Death usually occurred within one Elven day. - Among those who survived, many were scarred for life from the green or black dots. - Many initial survivors were killed by other diseases because of a weakened immune system, or from monsters that could attack them more easily. - Many small settlements were made completely devoid of life, as the plague killed all who lived in them. Political results - Seventis ceased to be an independent nation and was annexed by Renatus to become the Duchy of Norjun. - Many nations imposed a lockdown, such as Hanseti and Holm, that helped reduce the spread of the plague but also caused additional problems. - Distrust among nations increased as there were accusations of some who had helped spread the plague, either consciously or inadvertently. - Over half the peasant population of Arethor and the surrounding areas were killed, allowing the nobles to tighten their control. - Distrust of the monks increased, as they were seen as helping the disease spread, and some citizens of Asulon lost faith in them. - General chaos was common across the lands of Asulon, including crime, looting, murders and panic. Some areas created plans should the plague or a new disease break out once more in the future, although the plague has not been seen again in Asulon. Prevention The plague was the deadliest, fastest spreading and most contagious disease ever recorded in Aegis or Asulon. Prevention methods were initially limited to avoidance of those already infected, often by leaving civilized areas. Some nations and settlements issued lockdowns to prevent the plague from entering their borders. In time other methods were developed, such as masks that helped prevent the catching of the plague” Some consider the plague to be the event that brought the Holy Oren Empire to true power. The outbreak is well documented. Many nations have blamed Seventis for the plague and the death it brought. This has led to much shame among Seventians. In truth, however, it was the barbaric Subudai who delivered this unspeakable horror unto the Seventis people. The very tribe that Seventis worked so hard to defeat brought a quarter of the world to die. Seventians should not feel responsible for this event, as they were merely the victims of the barbarians. The Duchy of Norjun After the terrible plague that was against Seventis and its people, a series of assaults by the Flays cemented the demise of Seventis. This relentless attack on the Seventian nation extracted every last bit of life left in the land. As Aerios struggled to maintain the duchy, things got worse as his brother, Trivane, was assassinated in Arethor. Before Trivane’s demise, Seventis had been absorbed by Oren as a duchy as a last ditch effort by Trivane and Aerios to save some remnants of Seventis. This effort was largely in vain because this absorption went against all Seventis has stood for -- loyalty, individuality, and resolve. A series of other conflicts, which included a second civil war lead to increasing tensions between the higher ranking Oren officials and the newly named Norjun (after the old town in Aegis). This led to Aerios being forced to forfeit his crown, something he did not willingly do. Norjun effectively fell apart, leading to the Seventian people being cast across the world and merging into other nations and ways of life. Despite being spread across the land, many Seventians hold true to their heritage and are culturally independent. The Holy Oren Empire. Seventis Until Now Since the end of Norjun, the Seventian people have been without a true home. Although they can be found in many distinct nations and regions, they have no true nation. The Seventian people long for their past, hoping to once more attain their former glory. This nostalgia has led to a feeling of unity despite physical separation. Now, the Seventians’ are called home again. They are called to a Seventian home, one which welcomes them with open arms. They are called to the Seventian Order. The Seventian Order has risen. The Order The Seventian Order will begin as a rallying cry for all true Seventian peoples. Upon the unification of the Seventians, the Order will set out to restore the pride of the people and reforge the Seventian identity. The task of the people will then be to spread their unique culture and establish themselves a solidified home in the world. In due time, this region would become home to the Seventians, and the civilization would begin again. Starting with a small village, our hard working people will aim for greatness. The Seventian Order is in essence the rebirth of Seventian ideas and way of life; an eagle declaring its resurrection among a longing people. Hierarchy Lord of Seventis: The one who carries the blood of Dezios the Great. The leader of the Seventian people stands above all, guiding them to greatness. The Lord holds power over both the Verwalters and the members of the Order. | High Verwalter: The High Verwalter is charged with the preservation of Seventian culture, ideas, and way of life. He or she is the second highest authority among the Seventian people and governs the policies of the state. They are also charged with overseeing the administration of the primary Seventian settlement, whatever or wherever it may be. | Verwalter: The Verwalter is a regional governor in Seventis. This position will be assigned only when Seventis expands and will not initially be present. | Knight of Seventis: This title is given to sentinels who display exemplary skill in combat and/or intense dedication for Seventis. Knights are sometimes, albeit rarely, given land as a reward for their service. | Sentinel of Seventis: The sentinel forms the backbone of the Order, giving their sword to the cause of their people. These individuals are required to protect and expand Seventis when called upon to do so. | Member of the Seventian Order: The only prerequisites for becoming a member of the Order is to either hold Seventian blood or be under the State’s governance. Members comprise the citizenship of the state and are only called to battle when necessary. The Purposes of the Order The Seventian Order stands with two main goals. The first, and most direct, is to spread Seventian culture to those who are alien to it and to reestablish Seventian civilization. The second and ultimate purpose of the Order is the recreate the Seventian civilization. This, we realize, will only come with time and dedication and is not expected immediately. The Seventian State When it is deemed time, the Order will set out to establish and maintain a Seventian State for all Seventian peoples. This will occur naturally and will only be done when the Seventian Order is sufficiantly prepared to face such an undertaking. The state will be centered around the primary fortress of the Order. Immediately to the exterior of the fortress will exist the main settlement and a small port. This will began as a small village and grow naturally. When necessary, other small villages or castles will be built in the countryside and governed by the Verwalters. Seventian Culture Seventian culture is defined in a multitude of ways. Seventis is proud of its heritage and traditions. It also values its people, who are determined and united. Seventian Art: The artists of Seventis typically create portraits of key figures or impressive landscapes. This has its roots in the old Seventis tribe which would sketch lands before they were migrated to. New Seventian Architecture: The architecture of the Seventian Order would mainly consist of woden domestic buildings and impressive stone defensive structures. Seventian Music: Seventian music mainly consists of marches or folk songs. Seventian Food: The Seventian diet is made up of bread which is made from harvested wheat or various types of meat. Seventians also indulge in fine ale. Sevention Government: Seventis has always been ruled by an absolute leader with powerful advisors. Seventian Scholars: Seventis has always been known for its hard working scholars who work to preserve history and advance to the future. One such individual is Vincent Divine, who compiled the largest archive of books in the known world. Another notable scholar is Trivane Vallark, who worked to preserve Seventian history. Seventis Language: (This is a work in progress, we plan to create a small but detailed language. More info to come.) Seventian Symbolism: Throughout history, the Seventians have adopted numerous symbols to represent their nation. The heraldry of the nation was typically determined by the banners of House Vallark. Noble houses were also allotted a coat of arms. Notable examples from distinct points in time are shown below. The recognisable shield of House Vallark, about 5 years after the Great Plague. The crest of House Dracaena, loyal banner house of Vallark. Upon the foundation of the Seventian Order, new and symbolic heraldry has been adopted. These changes are meant to bring about the reunification of the Seventian people and showcase that Seventis stands above all of its citizens, and is a fruit of their labors. As such, the ruling House Vallark has chosen a distinct banner from that of Seventis. The Seventian flag is highly representational of the Seventian people. The red stands for the royal blood of Dezios the Great, and the righteousness of his’ descendants rule. The black is the endurance of the Seventian people, and the hardships that they have overcome. The white triangle is symbolic for the Great Mountains in which the Seventians once ruled, long ago. Finally, the black eagle spreads its wings to showcase the authority of the Seventian Order and of House Vallark. It also serves as a rallying symbol for the people. The flag of Seventis. Whilst looking similar, the symbolism in the new banner of House Vallark is somewhat different. The red still represents the royal blood coursing through the veins of the Vallarks, inherited from the hero Dezios the Great. The black, however, represents the numerous civil wars, the Great Plague, and the dissolution of old Seventis. It is a mark not of shame, but of remembrance for the past difficulties the House has faced and serves as a reminder of their responsibility. The white background symbolises the purity of the House, despite corruption that may be present in the people at any given time. As before, the spread black eagle is a mark of authority that is uplifted by the Seventian people. The banner of House Vallark. A Call to all Seventians! A Declaration from the Order Upon the Order's commencement, all Seventian people both by blood and by governance shall be considered full fledged members of the order. This will include individuals not currently living in Seventian state and those who reside in other nations. One can claim Seventian heritage if he or she has lived under Seventian rule at any point in time, or has ancestors who had. Seventian ethnicity is also, of course, a valid claim. Those who hold Draecana, Vallark, or Centaurum blood will be made Knight of Seventis upon their return. These Seventian people are called together under the Order. Though our home may be gone, we are not. We have survived since the dawn of Aegis and we will continue into the future, regardless of the challenges we face. Come, Seventians, from wherever you may be. Your home beckons you.
  6. Event Planners, MC Names: I leave this to the ET (Also possibly the Nation Leaders if they agree to let this affect their settlements and capitals.) Event Type: World-Wide uprising/riots Event Date: 6/12/14-Undecided (Most likely when nation leaders come to an agreement and somehow discover a cure.) Factions/Nations effected by the event: All Event Location: Various cities and settlements across the Fringe Summary: The 29th of the Grand Harvest. Only a few days had passed since a disease so horrifying not seen since the days of Asulon had rose and dispersed across the Fringe reaching hundreds of settlements and even the hearts of the major nation's capitals. Thousands daily collapsed from the disease while those lucky enough to endure the terrible sickness continued to wander the realm hopelessly. While in the beginning they had expected for their beloved friends,comrades, and nation to save them and assist them in this time of crisis. But oh were they so very wrong..... The nations across the realm lay in in a shattered state of disarray and panic. All nobility, military leaders, and nation leaders were evacuated from their very capitals, leaving only a small handful of guards to man the gates, and each day they would lose another twenty soldiers from the sickness. Instead of protecting the ill citizens under each of the leader's respectable nations the world powers had decided to resort to a more drastic and terrifying way in an attempt to end the spread of the infection, slaughter. Each day a military squad marches through the lands and slaughters any poor and innocent traveler without warning. Even previous military men loyal to their homeland are turned away or murdered on the spot if found to be infected. Thousands are driven from their own homes with these methods while hundreds more die before they even escape the borders. With nowhere else to turn and a cure not in sight anger and panic mix and boil. The people had been betrayed by these selfish methods of self-protection by the leaders of their homeland and would no longer stand by and die without reason. With the armies of each nation abandoning their posts in fear of infection, various of towns and cities are left vulnerable. This would be the beginning of an uprising.... Concept Images/Screenshots Other Information: This will be an event to give those who are sick a actual role in the plague rather then being slaughtered everyday and denied by their own nations. Together in organized raids with the ET the infected will attack chosen settlements or capitals and cause a considerable amount of damage such as setting fires or tearing down certain structures in riots. The armies of the nation that own the settlement or capital can defend, however they are highly at risk of being infected if they attempt to do as so. Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes as they will be needed to organize these riots so infected know when to partake. If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Yes, any actors that can play infected will help bolster their numbers. Also builders will be needed to assist in doing the damage or setting fires after it is RPed.
  7. *A splintery wooden box sits before you, with a hastily-painted black crow on the lid. As you open it, careful not to injure yourself on sharp bits of wood, you notice it is full to the brim with small printed pamphlets.* The Calling of the Lone Blackbird. “Help The Fringe Survive” What are we? Hello, weary survivors, lost warriors, widowed wives. Do you seek a higher purpose in this sick world? Do you seek to help end this plague, to do what the Mali’aheral of Tahn’siol refuse, what Oren and Urguan cannot? The corpses of our brothers and sisters are being burned, and we must not wait until pestilence knocks on our door. The Lone Blackbird will provide any volunteer with armor, weapons, bandages, food, and a protective mask. Our duty is to seek out and euthanize the infected, and distribute masks to those who have not yet been afflicted. For our safety and security, only applicants will be given directions to our camp. You may find the application here: *You notice that a pull-out tab has been enclosed here in the pamphlet.* Here are our order goals, current ones are starred (*), constant ones are marked (-): *Clean Oren and rescue those holed up in Orenian territory. *Rescue the remaining Dwarves of Urguan and Clean Arkon. -Give any survivors clean food and water and an infection mask. -Cure Infected with Flame. *Quarantine infected or abandoned settlements and salvage what is left in them.
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