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  1. WRIT OF BANISHMENT PENNED BY THE VIZIER OF RAH’TUMA, 184 S.A. Leh-iy to the loyal Mouth of Rah’tuma and may the Gods bless your homes, This writ, empowered by the authority of PHARAOH ATEMU-TA, officiates the BANISHMENT of the TRIBE OF LUCERAN and ARVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA from the borders of Rah’tuma. SUMMARIZATION OF THE CRIMES OF THE TRIBE OF LUCERAN The TRIBE OF LUCERAN has been seen to disrespect the PHARAOH, put his divine authority and mental health into question, and have routinely caused disruptions of peace within our blessed walls; with the husband of ESMERAY LUCERAN, JAHTEP-RA, going out of his way to disrespect not only the PHARAOH and his VIZIER, but the GODS THEMSELVES, for which he was punished physically by ZEEVA TAL by orders of the PHARAOH. Prior to this trial, members of the TRIBE OF LUCERAN and their accomplices came to the PHARAOH and demanded for him to partake in the Isfetian practice of “therapy.” Why allow blemished souls to do what the unblemished, purifying Heka of Lady HESTHOR can do within an instant? This is contrary to the beliefs our ancestors have held since the times of the Great Naseret. Why tear down thousands of years of tried-and-true beliefs and customs for those that have clearly only assimilated few of our Mouth’s customs? By the LAWS OF KA’TAU, these actions would be charged as criminal and the guilty would receive PHYSICAL PUNISHMENT, or, in the extreme case, EXECUTION, However, our Pharaoh, ATEMU-TA, is an extremely merciful ruler and has merely allowed the TRIBE OF LUCERAN to leave despite its youngest charge, a goblin named BONES LUCERAN, drawing his weapon before the Pharaonic Throne and threatening harm to the PHARAOH, his VIZIER, the Ahurhemtempi Netjer of Lord RA, SILAS, the Netjer of Lady HESTHOR, OSIRIS-HA BRYLYNN, and the loyal Machimoi, ZEEVA TAL and CIDHAN-RA, present at their trial. CRIMES CHARGED AGAINST THE TRIBE OF LUCERAN The committed crimes against Rah’tuma by the TRIBE OF LUCERAN are as followed, according to the LAWS OF KA’TAU: SECTION I - Katau-Tm-BaW (RELIGIOUS LAWS) LAW 8 - “I have not told lies.” LAW 11 - “I have not closed my ears to truth.” LAW 22 - “I have not polluted myself.” LAW 24 - “I have not disobeyed the Law.” LAW 26 - “I have not cursed a God or Goddess.” LAW 29 - “I have not acted hastily or without thought.” LAW 30 - “I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.” LAW 35 - “I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.” SECTION II - GENERAL LAWS LAW 19 - “Cursing the name of the Pharaoh or his Vizier is prohibited and will result in the removal of the offender’s tongue, permanent blindness, or a permanent seal being placed to close their mouth forever.” LAW 20 (ATTEMPTED) - “Attacking the Pharaoh or his Vizier is prohibited and will result in the removal of the offender’s hands, a punishment rendered through Heka, or execution.” LAW 22 - “Spreading foreign faiths or philosophies outside of the temple of Te’uth, or without the express permission of the Pharaoh and/or the Vizier, will result in permanent banishment. Rah’mun Remtju (citizens) may speak on whatever matters they wish amongst themselves.” LAW 30 - “Disobeying the Pharaoh or the Vizier’s lawful orders is prohibited, and can result in banishment, exile, or twenty lashings.” LAW 32 - “Disturbing the peace is strictly prohibited in Rah’tuma. This crime will be punished by banishment, exile, twenty lashings, or a fine.” LAW 33 - “Corrupting the Remtju (citizens) with Isfetian and immoral ideas prohibited. Some of these ideas include any belief system, doctrine, or concept that runs contrary to the principles of Ka’tau and the Rah’mun faith.” LAW 35 - “All denizens of Rah’tuma must show loyalty to the Pharaoh, and all visitors are expected to respect him, the Gods of Rah’tuma, and the faith, traditions, and customs of Rah’tuma. Failure to do any of these things will result in exile, banishment, or twenty lashings.” LAW 40 - “All converts to the Rah’mun faith must assimilate into Rah’tuma’s culture. Failure to assimilate will result in a warning. Should the warned continue to refuse assimilation, they will face banishment from the city.” SENTENCING OF THE TRIBE OF LUCERAN Showing his mercy and being guided by TE’UTH’s infinite wisdom, PHARAOH ATEMU-TA sentenced the TRIBE OF LUCERAN to BANISHMENT from the borders of Rah’tuma; never to set foot within our blessed lands again IN PERPETUUM. Additionally, the TRIBE OF LUCERAN is stripped of all their Rah’mun titles and names, the Tribe shall not use their Rah’mun names again IN PERPETUUM. SUMMARIZATION OF THE CRIMES OF ARVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA Coinciding with the BANISHMENT of the TRIBE OF LUCERAN, their accomplice, ARVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA, is charged guilty for conspiracy against PHARAOH ATEMU-TA. This Mali’ker has routinely questioned our cultural ways and how we enact judgment upon criminals within the Mouth of Rah’tuma and has debated the PHARAOH about his decisions on several occasions. Along with his involvement with the TRIBE OF LUCERAN, he has: Exposed the PHARAOH’s son, ATUM, to the Isfetian practices of VOIDAL MAGIC with the reasoning to save the life of the prince. Insulted CIDHAN-RA, a highly-respected Machimoi of the PHARAOH. Insulted the VIZIER OF RAH’TUMA, declaring him “A pathetic excuse for a Vizier.” CRIMES CHARGED AGAINST ARVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA SECTION I - Katau-Tm-BaW (RELIGIOUS LAWS) LAW 11 - “I have not closed my ears to truth.” LAW 22 - “I have not polluted myself.” LAW 24 - “I have not disobeyed the Law.” LAW 29 - “I have not acted hastily or without thought.” LAW 30 - “I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern.” LAW 35 - “I have not spoken angrily or arrogantly.” SECTION II - GENERAL LAWS LAW 19 - “Cursing the name of the Pharaoh or his Vizier is prohibited and will result in the removal of the offender’s tongue, permanent blindness, or a permanent seal being placed to close their mouth forever.” LAW 30 - “Disobeying the Pharaoh or the Vizier’s lawful orders is prohibited, and can result in banishment, exile, or twenty lashings.” LAW 32 - “Disturbing the peace is strictly prohibited in Rah’tuma. This crime will be punished by banishment, exile, twenty lashings, or a fine.” LAW 33 - “Corrupting the Remtju (citizens) with Isfetian and immoral ideas prohibited. Some of these ideas include any belief system, doctrine, or concept that runs contrary to the principles of Ka’tau and the Rah’mun faith.” LAW 35 - “All denizens of Rah’tuma must show loyalty to the Pharaoh, and all visitors are expected to respect him, the Gods of Rah’tuma, and the faith, traditions, and customs of Rah’tuma. Failure to do any of these things will result in exile, banishment, or twenty lashings.” LAW 40 - “All converts to the Rah’mun faith must assimilate into Rah’tuma’s culture. Failure to assimilate will result in a warning. Should the warned continue to refuse assimilation, they will face banishment from the city.” SENTENCING OF ARVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA Showing his mercy and being guided by TE’UTH’s infinite wisdom, PHARAOH ATEMU-TA sentences ARVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA, to BANISHMENT from the borders of Rah’tuma; never to set foot within our blessed lands again IN PERPETUUM. Additionally, AREVEL AHMOSKHNUM TOA is stripped of all his Rah’mun titles and name, he shall not use his Rah’mun name of “AHMOSKHNUM” again IN PERPETUUM. CONCLUSION As all ACCUSED described within this missive have been perpetually BANISHED from the Lands of Rah’tuma, any attempt to enter the walls or even stepping within the borders of Rah’tuma will be considered TRESPASSING and will be judged accordingly to the LAWS OF KA’TAU. WITH BALANCE RESTORED, ELAHERN NEKHT TAL By the Grace of the Gods, Vizier of Rah’tuma, Jaws of Tal
  2. Proceso Legal de Recompensas The Due Processes of Bounties Issued by the Viceroyal Crown 13th of Francisco’s Resolve, 86 D.R. PREAMBLE [!] A man in the foreground being escorted to earn his reward, while a captured felon is thrown into the dungeon Let it be known, that the Due Process of Law and the legalities of Bounties shall be codified in this document for the betterment of Hyspian society. ON THE LEGALITY OF BOUNTIES Article I - Application I.01 - Any Hyspian may submit a bounty request to both the Colonel and Justiciero. This request will be looked over by both parties, and its justification will be given review. I.02 - Foreign entities may also submit their national bounties to the Colonel and Justiciero, to have them recognized and enforced within the lands of Hyspia. I.03 - If the Colonel and Justiciero agree on the bounty being justified, it will be submitted to the Hyspian Crown. The Crown has the final say, and does not need to give reasoning for why they approve or deny a bounty to any party. I.04 - If one submits a bounty request for means that are considered tedious and a waste of resources, the submitter will be charged a 50 mina fine for Fraud and Waste of Hyspian Resources. I.05 - Any bounty that has followed the above process is considered legal in the eyes of the Justiciero and the Viceroy. Article II - Enforcement II.01 - Any Hyspian may act on a bounty that has been published by the Hyspian Crown. III.01 - All legal bounties shall be posted on the second floor of the tavern. These bounties shall be monitored and maintained by the Orden De Francisco. II.02 - To claim a reward on the bounty, provide proof of the completion of the bounty to the Colonel of the Orden De Francisco. This can take whatever form necessary from the bounty. If multiple individuals claim the bounty as a group, the reward shall be split between the group. Article III - False Bounties III.01 - A false bounty is any bounty that has not been validated by the Colonel and Justiciero, and has not been approved by the Viceroy. III.02 - A false bounty is considered a Minor Felony in the eyes of the Law. III.03 - Any who post a false bounty will have 3 saints days to begin the legal process, before they are prosecuted for their actions. III.04 - Any who publish a false bounty within the territorial lands of Hyspia shall and can be charged to the maximum penalty a Minor Felony holds. They will also be fined the amount that the bounty is worth. III.04.01 - Those who act on a false bounty shall be charged the crimes they committed when acting on the bounty. III.05 - Any who publish a False Bounty shall be barred from claiming rewards from bounties for 5 saint weeks after their punishment. III.06 Any bounties that have been published before this memorandum are hereby unrecognized by the Viceroy and their council, and must go through the due process to be deemed legitimate. Signed, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY, Sergio Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Viscount of Banderas, Baron of Sevilla, Justiciero de Hyspia, Oficial de Imigracion, Patriarch of House Denodado, Captain of the Opal Odyssey
  3. Vortice Citizen and Visitor Laws and Regulations Table of Content Terms (1) Citizen and Visitor Laws and Rights (2) Freedoms of Vortice (3) Property Laws (4) Crime Laws (5) Miscellaneous Laws Lenora Jusmia, The 10th Sovereign of the Depths, Monarch of the Unified Domain of Vortice.
  4. Tome of the Keeper of Hefrumm This document is a compilation of all laws, decrees, and legal precendents of Hefrumm. The Keeper of Hefrumm is in charge with the updating of the book for all to be able to look and be up to date on the laws of Hefrumm. Where there is a void in the laws of Hefrumm, the standard law of Urguan applies. Constitution of Hefrumm https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194554-the%C2%A0constitution-of-the-forest-folk-of-hefrumm/ Folks’ Council decisions The Great Fishing Accord https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/216970-the-great-fishing-accord/ The Rings of Hefrumm https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215347-the-rings-of-hefrumm/ Addendum to the Hefrumm Economic Revisionary Act https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215350-addendum-to-the-hefrumm-economic-revisionary-act/ Green Collective Act https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/196376-the-green-collective-act/ Chiefs’ Council Decisions Dwarven Brotherhood and Solidarity act https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/214997-dwarven-brotherhood-and-solidarity-act/ Trade of Nature and Silver https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/217204-trade-of-nature-and-silver/ Nominations for High Chief and the New Keeper rank https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/214909-chiefs-council-of-hefrumm-on-the-nominations-fo-hc-and-the-new-keeper-rank/ Ember Alliance https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/217817-the-ember-alliance/ Gloomwood Alliance https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/216678-gloomwood-alliance/ Forest and Mountain Alliance https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/216677-forest-and-mountain-alliance/ Kindred Spirits Treaty https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215839-kindred-spirits-treaty/ The Golden leaf Concordat https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215137-the-golden-leaf-concordat/ Tribal Court Cases Treebeard Leadership Dispute https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194733-result-of-the-tribal-court-in-the-case-of-the-treebeard-rightful-leadership/ Case of Ursus Grandaxe for assault wip Case of Ymir Ireheart for assault https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/218492-keeper%E2%80%99s-records-on-the-tribal-courts-decision-over-the-case-of-ursus-grandaxe-assault-allegations/ Urguan Law [Amended by the Addendum to the Hefrumm Economic Revisionary Act] Hefrumm Economic Revisionary Act https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/214410-the-hefrumm-economic-revisionary-act/ Articles of Urguan https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215582-articles-of-urguan-v342/ Hefrumm Safety Act https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/214598-hefruum-safety-act-85-sa/
  5. The Codex of Lubban Law, Year 81 of the Second Age Foreword With the denizens of Lubba’s Keep having had no official laws for over a stone year long it is time for a more orderly way of dealing with certain situations. With this comes our first batch of laws inspired by the laws we had in the old lands before moving to our current location. Our centurions are at the ready to protect the realm from crime and hostilities alongside our Knightly Order of The Lubba. Eternal We Stand, Eshtael Keeps Balance Table of Content I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba I. Civilian Rights II. Guild Rights II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings I. Pertaining Acts of Theft II. Pertaining Acts of Violence III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent IV. Hunting and Poaching V. Dark Acts VI. Public Order VII. General Safety III. Punishments I. Use of Punishments II. Crime Punishment I. Rights Granted By The Silver Lubba Rights given in The Silver Lubba’s Holdings by The Silver Lubba I. Civilian Rights I. The Right To Live One may live as they wish as long as it is not deemed harmful to the general public. II. The Right To Defend One may defend themself, others and their property freely without judgment as long as a credible threat is provided. III. The Right To Seek Wealth One may freely barter, trade or offer their services within Lubban Territories without obstruction to earn their coin as long as such is seen as moral and legal. With this also comes the right to create a guild. IV. The Right To Worship One may worship their deity freely within the confines of Lubban Territories as long as not deemed to be harmful by The Silver Lubba. V. The Right To Be Free One may declare themselves free, stripping them of all duties, titles, holdings and rights, making this individual stand outside the law and no longer considered an entity by law. VI. The Right To Seek Happiness One may seek happiness through any means as long it does not harm others without their consent. VII. The Right To Legacy One may build their legacy within the Lubban Territories as long approved by The Silver Lubba. VIII. The Right To Trial One may call for trial if crimes committed are deemed invalid by the individual, granting them the right to hire legal aid and to be judged before a Lubba Judge. IX. The Right To Duel One may call for a duel with another without interference from others as long as performed in a suitable location which bars none and poses no harm to others. II. Guild Rights I. The Right To Perform A guild may perform their purpose freely as long as they are granted the permission to do so by The Silver Lubba. II. The Right To Secede A guild may choose to secede from Lubban Territories and is free in doing so, being granted 3 stone days to vacate the area and move elsewhere. III.The Right To Create A guild may create any good they wish to manufacture regardless of nature unless found to be dark. IV. The Right To Settle A guild may with the blessing of The Silver Lubba occupy a section of Lubban Territory to perform their purpose. V. The Right To Wages A guild may solely run on indentured servants as long as they are all registered as such. Alternatively they may choose their own wages freely. II. Crimes of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings Actions forbidden in The Silver Lubba’s Holdings by The Silver Lubba I. Pertaining Acts of Theft 1) Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property. a) Minor Burglary (Class D) The theft of 25 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin. b) Burglary (Class C) The theft of 100 minas or less, in equivalent goods or coin. c) Major Burglary (Class B) The theft of 250 minas of less, in equivalent goods or coin. d) Grand Burglary (Class A) The Theft of greater than or equal to 501 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. 2) Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person. a) Minor Robbery (Class C) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 25 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. b) Robbery (Class B) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 100 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. c) Grand Robbery (Class A) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than or equal 500 minas, in equivalent goods or coin. d) Breaking Contracts (Class C) Violating a previously agreed upon contract between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors. 4) Other; a) Animal Theft (Class B) The theft or slaughter of any domesticated animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself. b) Animal Battery (Class C) The attack on any domesticated animal belonging to anyone other than yourself. c) Donation Chests (Class C) The placement of misleading and or unlabeled donation chests within the Lubban Territories in order to gain goods. d) House Squatting (Class C) The moving into of any open or used house without the permission of a steward or owner of the house. (Violation will also blacklist one in the housing registry, making one unable to own property within the holdings of The Silver Lubba.) II. Pertaining Acts of Violence b) Stalking (Class C) The act of following one’s way through the city or home without legal backing or consent for a prolonged time throughout Lubban Territories. 1) Assault; defined as a credible threat or attempt to cause battery. a) General Assault (Class C) Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery through one’s actions. b) Aggravated Assault (Class B) Making an immediate, credible threat or attempting to cause battery while casting vile magic or wielding of a weapon. c) Verbal harassment of a higher official (Class C) Making a direct attempt at making a Lubban higher official feel unsafe through words without a credible threat for a prolonged time. 2) Battery, defined as any form of unwanted physical contact (either with one’s person, an object, or through magical means) to cause harm a) General Battery (Class C) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact of any individual with the intent to offend, or any actions which would lead to the offending physical contact. b) Battery Occasioning Bodily Harm (Class B) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to bodily harm in the form of bruising, bleeding, or other minor injuries, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense. c) Battery of a Lower Official (Class B) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a member of The Silver Lubba Band. d) Grievous Battery (Class A) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact which leads to lasting, permanent, life-threatening, inhabilitating, or otherwise grievous injury, or the excessive injuring of another in self-defense. e) Battery of a Higher Official (Class A) The unwanted, purposeful, and unlawful physical contact with intent to offend, or any action which would lead to the offending physical contact against a Lubba Knight, Lubba Council Member, High Ranking Official or The Silver Lubba themselves. 3) Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one. a) Attempted Murder (Class B) The attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so. b) Manslaughter (Class B) The unintentional taking of anyone’s life. c) Murder (Class A) The taking of anyone’s life with malice. d) Animal Murder (Class A) The taking of a domesticated animal’s life. 4) Other; a) Affray (Class C) The partaking in a public fight between two individuals to the potential terror of citizens. b) Riot (Class B) The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who threaten to use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to threaten violence simultaneously. c) Raid (Class A) The partaking in an assemblage of three or more individuals who use violence against individuals or provide a danger to property for a collective goal. The individuals do not need to commit violent acts simultaneously. d) Stalking (Class C) The act of following one’s way through the city or home without legal backing or consent for a prolonged time throughout Lubban Territories. III. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent 1) Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain. a) Impersonation (Class C) Impersonating another, guard, noble, or otherwise. b) General Fraud (Class C) Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain. (Does not include signed contracts) c) Civic Fraud (Class B) Purposefully deceiving a member of the Lubban Council for unlawful gain. 2) Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen a) Minor Espionage (Class C) Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. b) Grand Espionage (Class A) Spying upon an appointed official or location to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 3) Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property a) Window Vandalism (Class D) Unwarranted Destruction of windows within the Lubban Region. b) Minor Vandalism (Class C) Graffiti, Etching, or other unpermitted markings on property or the damage or destruction of property which is valued at less than 10 minas c) Major Vandalism (Class B) Destruction of larger property such as stalls, shrines, or other small structures or damage or destruction of property valued at less than 25 minas. d) Grand Vandalism (Class A) Devastating destruction of whole houses and major structures or the damage or destruction of any property valued at greater than or equal to 50 minas. 4) Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody. a) Kidnapping (Class B) Capturing/ holding of one against their will unlawfully. b) Grand Napping (Class A) Capturing/ Holding of any member of the Lubba Council against their will. c) Slavery (Class A) The keeping, buying, or selling of slaves within The holdings of The Silver Lubba. (Indentured servants are exempt from this law.) 5) Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of The Silver Lubba’s holdings. a) Petty Aid (Class C) Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture. b) Aiding (Class A) Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture. c) Accomplice (Class A) Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Lubban Territories before their escape. 6) Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against the Lubban interest a) Circumventing defenses (Class B) Digging tunnels or otherwise circumventing defenses to provide unlawful entry to the holdings of The Silver Lubba b) Undermining Authority (Class B) Undermining the authority of any member of the Lubban council or high ranking officials through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens. c) Treason (Class A) The plotting of conspiracy against the Lubban Territories and The Silver Lubba. d) Obstruction of Justice (Class C) Prevention of the pursuit of justice through resisting arrest or through physical and or magical violence or threats to circumvent the legal process. 7) Trespassing; defined as the unwanted entrance of an individual into a private area a) Trespassing (Class D) The unwanted entrance into a private area. b) Breaking (Class C) The use of words or actions to gain entrance into an area which is prohibited to general entrance. c) Invasion (Class B) The entrance into an area prohibited for entry with malicious intent. IV. Poaching and Hunting 1) Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in the Lubban Territories without permission granted by The Silver Lubba a) Petty Poaching(Class C) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 50 minas. b) Grand Poaching (Class B) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totaling more than 50 minas. c) Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A) The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading. V. Dark Acts 1) Iblees Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of Iblees, Daemons or dark magic creatures a) Worship (Class A) Worshiping Iblees, any evil-natured Daemon or inferi, including providing aid to any worshiper. b) Assisting/being dark creatures (Class A) The keeping, or assisting of any dark magic creatures by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, Dark Creatures being Creatures such as Undead, Shade parasites, vampiric beings and general Abominations of Life which act with Malicious intent. The same applies for being a dark creature. c) Practice (Class A) The practice of any Dark Magic that has been confirmed a Dark Magic by the Lubba Council. VI. Public Order 1) Disorderly Conduct; defined as conduct which creates a public nuisance or disturbs the general public. a) Disturbance of the Peace (Class D) The use of loud, explicative, or speech which riles up or actions which threaten the general public order. b) Unauthorized Sign Placement (Class D) The act of placing a sign within public parameters advertising or providing knowledge without permission or knowledge of a Lubban steward. c) Blockade (Class C) The obstruction or privatizing of Lubban roads through any means. d) Claiming (Class C) The act of seizing a stall or home without permission or knowledge of a Lubba Council Member or appointed steward. e) Modification (Class B) The act of unauthorized modification / expansion of one’s own and surrounding property without explicit permission of The Silver Lubba or their High Lubba Council. f) Public Display of Affection (Class D) The act of overexpressing your love to someone in a public area. While a peck on the cheek will be fine, making out with someone, pressing your body upon someone else for a prolonged amount of time or other acts of affection deemed to stretch regular affection in a populated public area is disallowed. g) Unlawful Preaching (Class D) The act of preaching your religion or cult without approval of The Silver Lubba or Lubba Council in a public area outside of their religious buildings. Local preaching in vassal locations needs approval of the local leaders. It should be noted that informing is different from preaching and that informing without forcing this upon them is no breach of this law, the difference being that one has to ask to be informed. h) Unlawful Recruitment (Class B) The act of recruiting individuals for foreign groups outside of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without specified and documented approval of the current Silver Lubba or in the vassal locations if approved by their leaders. Approval of Vassal leaders is allowed to be declared null if The Silver Lubba disapproves of such. VII. General Safety 1) Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about. a) General Littering (class D) The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories. b) Hazardous Littering (class B) The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Lubban Territories. 2) Negligence; defined as the inability to take proper care which leads to direct offense a) General Negligence (Class C) The causing of offense or harm to an individual or their property because of an inability to take proper care in a situation and the risks of said action were unknown. b) Property Negligence (Class B) Allowing another individual’s self or property come to harm due to a lack of proper care of one’s property. c) Recklessness (Class B) Causing harm to another individual or their property due to a lack of proper care in which the risks of said action were known. 3) other; a) Unlawful Duel (Class C) The act of Dueling within The Silver Lubba’s Holdings without taking the safety of citizens into consideration or the lack of rules during such Duel making it dishonorable. b) Duel interference (Class B) The act of disturbing or stopping a previously agreed upon Duel as a third party with the Duelers taking offense to such. c) Nature Poisoning (Class B) The act of intentionally Destroying, Killing off, poisoning or withering away Nature from the parks or nature reserves of The Silver Lubba’s Holdings c) Mask Donning (Class D) The act of wearing hoods, masks or any non-approved face covering wear. A first offense will result in a warning instead of being arrested for such if the person complied to remove the mask. III. Punishments I. Use of Punishments -Punishments shall be handed out according to the class of crime which is being charged with multiple offenses stacking. - Jail Time consists of imprisonment within a small cell with little to no outside interactions. - Duels are exempt from crime if both parties consent and the rule set is clear. - Jail Time may also consist of interrogations by the guard force. Advanced interrogation techniques may only be used when a higher ranking official is present and gives verbal permission for advanced interrogation methods to be used. - Those who use advanced interrogation methods without approval or abuse the power will find themselves being stripped of their rank and have to answer to The Silver Lubba for abuse of power. - Any member in service of The Silver Lubba is counted as a Lower Ranking Official. Administrative functions count as Higher Ranking Officials. - Any amount of jail time can be exchanged for a Duel upon discretion of the highest ranking guard present. If won, jail time will be removed from the punishment they face. If lost, jail time will continue as per normal. - A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of an Auditor, or The Silver Lubba -Banishment may be used as an alternative punishment for execution, in which all ranks of residency shall be revoked, all titles and claims stripped, and the individual shall be barred from entry permanently barring a pardon from The Silver Lubba, and any entry into the holding shall lead to the punishment of execution immediately. -Blood Payment should only be used as an alternative for paying debts, except in the case of a Class A crime, if the criminal refuses to pay their fine and shall serve as an alternative to the normal fine. -Execution may be used if in a single instance a total fine would be over 1000 minas in total, or on the third repeated instance of a Class B crime. -One may clear all their crimes in a duel with an available construct. Both parties will have no weaponry or other items of their own, it will be provided on the site of dueling. II. Crime Punishment 1. Class D Crimes Class D (Petty Crime): 50 minas fine or a non-lethal cut upon their arm as Blood Payment and Community service or labour up to the estimated sum of 100 mina’s work. The particular service or labour is up to the discretion of those overseeing the crime and its punishment. 2. Class C Crimes Class C (Minor Crime): 100 minas fine or a finger, toe, ear or all hair on one’s head as blood payment and jail time of no longer than an hour, Jail time can be commuted in turn for community service/labour to the estimated sum of 200 mina’s worth of work. 3. Class B Crimes Class B (General Crime): 500 minas fine or a limb, eye, tongue as blood payment and jail time of no longer than two hours. The Jail time can be commuted in exchange for community service/labour to the sum of 500 mina’s worth of work. 4. Class A Crimes Class A (Major Crime): Execution, Bannishement, or a Fine of 1000 minas. Those found guilty of a class A crime will find themselves imprisoned for no less than two hours in jail followed by forced labour to the sum of 1000 mina.
  6. The Silver Constitution AUTHORED BY IVARIELLE IBARELLEN Revised by Laerdya, Iphys Catullus, Ayliana Valwynn, A’eojalla Valwynn, April Viradiraar Adopted as of the 9th of The Snow’s Maiden, 70SA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY TITLE ONE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES TITLE TWO RIGHTS, DUTIES AND GUARANTEES TITLE THREE FORM OF GOVERNMENT TITLE FOUR THE SILVER COUNCIL TITLE FIVE THE NATURE OF THE BLESSED MAHERAL TITLE SIX NATIONAL DEFENSE TITLE SEVEN ROLES OF THE MALAURIRAN TITLE EIGHT AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TITLE ONE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES ARTICLE 1. The Silver State, formed by the insoluble union of the followers of Malin and Larihei Lohmanin, is the nation of the Mali’aheral, founded on the following ethics: I - The principle of Legacy Bearing and Talonnii traditions and maintenance and the light teachings of Ivarielle, to boast forth that of a stronger cultural, militaristic and economical foundation of the Silver State. II - The dignity and doings of the Mali'aheral and of those eligible for a temporal protection or stay; III - The economical values of labor and motivated initiative to contribute to the growth and development of The Silver State. ARTICLE 2. The Silver State shall forever be free and independent of all foreign power. ARTICLE 3. (Will never be strictly the patrimony of any person or family, and can either so be chosen or inherited should a successor be named and agreed upon.) ARTICLE 4. The following shall constitute fundamental objectives of the Silver State: I - Build a free, just, and solidary society; II - Ensure national progress; III - Promote the welfare of all citizens; IV - Promote the strength and protection of the realm; V - Offer means of education to the citizens, basic and advanced. CHAPTER II ARTICLE 5. Sovereignty, in all its plenitude, radically belongs to the State, which has the exclusive right to enact its laws. ARTICLE 6. The Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary branches of government are interdependent, harmonious with one another and respond to the Uthir’s behest. ARTICLE 7. The Silver State is bound in its international relations by the following principles: I - National Independence; II - Equality among states; III - Defense of peace; IV - Cooperation among nations to promote progress. TITLE TWO RIGHTS, DUTIES, AND GUARANTEES CHAPTER I - INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE RIGHTS AND DUTIES ARTICLE 8. The inhabitants of The Silver State have the right to be protected in the fruition of their life, honor, liberty, security, work and property. None may be deprived of these rights unless in accordance with laws established for reasons of general interest. I - No one may enter a house without the consent of its owner, unless caught in the act of committing a crime or disaster, or in order to render assistance, or when a court order is issued; ARTICLE 9. All mali are equal under the law and no other distinction is admissible between them except that of talents or virtues. I - Men and women are equal in rights and obligations, under the terms of this Constitution; II - The practice of any profession, trade, or work is free, provided the necessary qualifications are met, as established by law; III - Freedom of association for licit purposes is full with the exception being for that of paramilitary ones which are forbidden; The plenitude of defense; The sovereignty of verdicts; Jurisdiction for the trial of felonies against life, culture and the State’s integrity IV - The law shall regulate the individualization of penalties and shall adopt, among others, the following: a.) Deprivation or restriction of liberty; b.) Loss of assets; c.) Suspension or interdiction of rights; d.) Capital punishment; e.) Enforced military terms. ARTICLE 10. No one but that of the Uthir or Medi’ir of the time may grant writs of land, honors or vassals. ARTICLE 11. All artistic or historical wealth of the State, whoever its owner may be, shall be considered to be cultural treasure; it shall be under the protection of the State and the law shall establish what it deems appropriate for its preservation. CHAPTER II - SOCIAL RIGHTS ARTICLE 12. Education, healthcare, nutritional assistance, work, housing, leisure, welfare, and security constitute the fundamental social rights of the citizens and residents of the Silver State. ARTICLE 13. The Legacy Bearing and Talonnii are the foundation of our society. The Silver State shall watch over its moral and material stability, for the proper development of oem'ii within our community. ARTICLE 14. The law shall provide for the necessary measures to ensure that oem'ii are protected from corporal, intellectual or moral neglect by their parents or guardians, as well as from exploitation and abuse. ARTICLE 15. All inhabitants have the duty to take care of their health, as well as to seek assistance in case of illness. The State shall provide the means of prevention and free assistance to all. ARTICLE 16. Every inhabitant of the Silver State , without prejudice to their freedom, has the duty to employ their intellectual or corporeal energies in a way that benefits the community, which shall endeavor to offer, preferably to its citizens, the possibility of earning their livelihood through the pursuit of an economic activity. CHAPTER III - NATIONALITY AND CITIZENSHIP IN THE SILVER STATE ARTICLE 17. Nationality: I - All Mali born in the territory of the Silver State shall be regarded as denizens of the State. II - The children of mali’aheral descent, who, having been born in a foreign country, can opt to apply for their citizenship of origin. ARTICLE 18. Citizenship: Citizenship in the Silver State must be renewed if the citizen in question has been inactive from the State for four years, and must be met with the following conditions: a) Proven worthy by means of a consistent meritocracy of four years. b) Proven adherent of the laws or military service (for a set period of time). c) Maintains active and recent contributions to The Silver State. d) Elementary understanding of the Elven tongue. e) Demonstrated understanding of The Silver State’s Culture. ARTICLE 19. Condition A is proven by means of an extensive military service from childhood or to be that of a rising figurehead amidst other citizenry and residents ARTICLE 20. If the citizenship of one of Larihei’s children is revoked, in accordance with chapter 2 article 4 of the Silver Laws, the Mali’aheral in question must seek either reinstatement via petitioning for citizenship or decree of the Uthir or a majority vote from his/her council. ARTICLE 21. Rights of the Citizenry: a.) All Citizens have the right to medical service and protection. b.) All Citizens have the right to a lawful trial. c.) All Citizens have the right to approach the Uthir and his/her council with substantial evidence to call a fellow citizen to trial. d.) All Citizens have the right to bring grievances to the Uthir and his/her council. e.) All Citizens are entitled to basic education and the means to advance themselves mentally. TITLE THREE FORM OF GOVERNMENT ARTICLE 22. POLITICAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION The Nation adopts for its government the Ivarilist Authoritative form. Its sovereignty shall be exercised directly by the Uthir or Medi’ir and indirectly by the representatives on the Silver Council instituted by this Constitution; all according to the rules expressed therein. TITLE FOUR THE SILVER COUNCIL CHAPTER I - INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ARTICLE 23. The venerable Silver Council, is a constitutionally bound political collegiate that keeps control over the administrative functions of this most blessed nation in service of Progress and responsibilities granted to them by the Uthir. The offices that compose this body are as follows: Uthir, Head of Council; Medi’ir, Advisor and Regend to the Uthir; Okarir’mali. Master of People; Okarir’maehr, Master of Knowledge; Okarir’nor, Master of Land; Okarir’akaln, Master of Coin; Okarir’san, Master of Diplomacy; Okarir’tir, Master of Defence; Okarir’tayna Master of Arcane; Okarir’hiylun, Master of Health; Vassals ARTICLE 24. The Honorable Silver Council, is serviced by attendants under the name of Tilruiran, who shall be directly appointed by the Council. ARTICLE 25. Each Laurir, at the discretion of the Uthir, is granted the power to appoint Tilruiran as they deem necessary for the best performance of their duties. The Succession and Appointment of Government: a.) The Uthir reserves the right to maintain the Silver Council and continue the progress of the Mali’aheral through the selection of all Okarir and Medi’ir positions designated within this Constitution if initially vacant or presently unstable enough to warrant it, otherwise voting shall be held and the candidates are appointed meritocratically. b.) The Uthir is afforded the right to appoint their own successor either by missive, speech, or signed and sealed testament posthumously and then the council convenes to vote, ¾ is required for the chosen to be instituted or a public vote is held to elect a new Uthir. c.) The Tilruiran are appointed and dismissed by the Okariran whose position they serve under or directly by the uthir. d.) No position of government may be occupied by those who do not hold citizenship within the State. e.) Any member of the Council, who is unable to uphold their citizenship, shall be stripped of all rank until their citizenry is reinstated. f.) Any vacant position on the Silver Council shall have its duties undertaken by the Uthir and/or their Medi’ir until such a time comes that the position can be appropriately filled according to the subsections above. g.) Should the Uthir perish, their rank shall be transferred to their appointed chosen successor, if no successor was named it will transfer to their medi’ir as a regency until voted in with ¾ council support in accordance with b.). h.) No Okarir may hold two positions nor manage two positions ARTICLE 27. Duties and privileges of the Uthir: a.) Serves as the Head of Council for the State, managing the Silver Council in pursuance of constitution and law, along the ancient principle of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. b.) Serves as Supreme Commander of the Sillumir. c.) Coordinates and directs the effort of The Silver Council. d.) Serves as chair for the meetings and sittings of The Silver Council. e.) Appoints and removes Okariran and Medi’ir to maintain a full and functioning Silver Council. f.) Oversees and arbitrates requests for trials. g.) Coordinates and directs the diplomatic and military undertakings of The Silver State during lockdowns or martial law. h.) Forms Committees and Emergency Councils for matters concerning war and diplomacy or development of the State socially or economically in the event of poor standards or functionality. i.) Ratifies treaties. j.) Proclaims a state of war, should The Silver State come under attack by a foreign power or, if necessary, in pursuance of our international treaties concerning collective defense in response to aggression. k.) Proclaims martial law, also called Diraar, for the purpose of ensuring public health. l.) Oversees land writs and appointment of land holders ARTICLE 28. Duties and privileges of the Medi’ir: a.) The authority of the Medi’ir is second to the Uthir, and is only truly active in the absence of the Uthir. Whilst present, they do not have to assume control over the Council or officials, but when absent they may do such. b.) In the absence of the Uthir, the Medi’ir is vested with executive authority in all domestic affairs to execute their duties. c.) The Medi’ir may conduct political alliances, denouncements, ambassadorial affairs and diplomacy with the permission of the Uthir or in their absence with the appropriate councilor. d.) The Medi’ir assists the Uthir in the drafting of new legislations, reforms and general domestic policies. e.) In the absence of the Uthir, the Medi’ir assumes any indirect responsibilities the Uthir held, and in the event of the Uthir filling council positions before absence they assume such also. ARTICLE 28. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’mali: a.) Organizes public events and celebrations within the State. b.) Maintains and staffs all public places of leisure in the State. c.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’mali. ARTICLE 29. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’maehr: a.) Serves as Chief Librarian of the Eternal Library. b.) Serves as Head of the Eternal College. c.) Maintains the integrity, collection, organization and expansion of all Eternal institutions. d.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’maehr. ARTICLE 30. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’akaln: a.) Serves as treasurer of the State. b.) Administrates the Market District. c.) Supervisor of both interior and international trade. d.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’akaln. ARTICLE 31. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’nor: a.) Manages the citizenship, taxation and resources of the State. b.) Manages the allocation of residences. c.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’nor. ARTICLE 32. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’san: a.) Manages diplomatic correspondence in collaboration with the Uthir. b.) Overseer of all publications within the Silver State. c.) Manages press and State announcements d.) Manages all non-aggression pacts and alliances in conjunction with the Uthir. e.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’san. ARTICLE 33. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’tir: a.) Serves as administrative head of defense in conflicts both foreign and domestic. b.) Serves as Commander of the Home Guard. c.) Serves as Commander of the Vallei’lin. d.) Heads the recruitment and training of the military assets of The State. e.) Manages the structure of the Home Guard. f.) Manages the structure of the Vallei’lin. g.) Manages the gatekeeping of the Silver State. h.) Heads the distribution and maintenance of military equipment. i.) Detain any member of the citizenry indefinitely, in the interest of public welfare. j.) Appoints and dismisses Tilurir’tir. ARTICLE 34. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’tayna: a) Serves as the Head of the Ilumiran and all other magical institutions of Haelun’or. b) They are charged with the Magical development of Haelun’or and its citizenry. c) They keep records of all Magic users within Haelun’or, this record will be kept in the private library for requested perusal. d) Will refer any unlawful magic users to the Uthir as lawbreakers. e) Appoints and dismisses Tilruir’tayna. ARTICLE 35. Duties and privileges of the Okarir’hiylun: a.) Serves as the primary maintainer of health within the state. b.) Serves as the primary head for health institutions within the state. c.) Is responsible for location and assessing any suffering from health issues within the state and bringing treatment to them. d.) Is responsible for filling and making sure health institutions have persistent staffing and heads. CHAPTER II - LEGISLATIVE PROCESS ARTICLE 36. Members of the venerable Silver Council, Heial'thilln, undertake the sacred duties of discussion, drafting of legislation under the guidance of the Okarir'tir and supervision of the Uthir and Medi’ir, with the Uthir and Medi’ir having the ability to veto any majority decisions agreed upon by the council within reason and WITH reason given. TITLE FIVE THE NATURE OF THE BLESSED MAHERAL ARTICLE 37. The nation's greatest example of high elven society, the Maheral, shall henceforth always be held to the protection Larihei Lohmanin’s lineage, foremost founder of the Elven people by serving as the primary guide for the new generation’s education of such. ARTICLE 38. The Maheral's powers and legacy are formal, ceremonial, educational and non-political, and it is by no means an electable position or one that can intervene in the state’s affairs. ARTICLE 39. During times of Diraar the maheral is unable to declare the State Lost, as the manpower and easings of constitutional restrictions mean the state most definitely is not lost. ARTICLE 40. During times of internal conflict, the Maheral is unable to take sides, nor is a maheral able to come about until such is settled. ARTICLE 41. The Maheral shall be the sole overseer to purity trials, and any and all trials pertaining to one’s purity shall be handed over to the Maheral to ensure they are managed in the way of Larihei. The Maheral may not declare one impure without a proper trial, however. ARTICLE 42. The Maheral has no right to call for an election for any council positions, nor do they hold a vote in the council. The Malauriran also cannot call for an election of any government officials. TITLE SIX NATIONAL DEFENSE CHAPTER I - THE SILLUMIR ARTICLE 43. The Sillumir is a permanent and regular national institution, structured on the basis of hierarchy and discipline. § Complementary law shall establish the general norms to be adopted in the organization, preparation and operation of the Armed Forces. I. Patents, with their inherent prerogatives, rights and duties, are conferred by the Laurir'sil, and are secured in full to active and reserve soldiers, who are eligible for military titles and ranks and, along with other members, the use of uniforms. II. Active military personnel who take office in a political post or public office will be transferred to the reserve, in accordance with the law. III. Officials shall only lose their rank and position if they are judged unworthy of the post or incompatible with it, by a decision of the Uthir or Medi’ir, or Okarir’tir in times of peace or in time of war. ARTICLE 44. The Sillumir’s essential mission is to defend the State and the integrity of its territory, its Constitution and its laws, always acting under the superior command of the Okarir’tir or Uthir, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24, paragraphs “b” and “j”, of the Grand Constitution. ARTICLE 45. The members of the Sillumiran are the servicemen of the State and its core territories. CHAPTER II - THE NATURE AND COMPULSORY STATUS OF MILITARY SERVICE ARTICLE 46. Every resident has the obligation to militarily defend their homeland and to comply with the legal regime of military instruction that qualifies him or her for that purpose during times of war. This civic endeavor shall be grounded on the unavoidable duty to train and engage in activities concerning the defense of the Nation against threats of any origin or nature, and in efforts to promote cooperation with the Country's overall development and welfare. CHAPTER III - PUBLIC SECURITY ARTICLE 47. Public security, a duty of all residents of The Silver State, and the right and responsibility of all is exerted to preserve public order and the safety of people and property. ARTICLE 48. Those under suspicion of being threats to public security are liable to both investigation under reasonable suspicion by the Okarir’tir, with approval of the Uthir; and search and seizure of property ARTICLE 49. All active duty members of elSillumiran have a right to detain citizens in order to ensure public security, and have a right to immediately hold a trial with said detained citizen should they be able to meet the requirements for proper court proceedings. However, trials of government officials need to be sanctioned by the Uthir. ARTICLE 50. No private militias or any operations utilizing lethal or nonlethal force may operate without permission from the Okarir’tir or the Uthir. ARTICLE 51. In times of civil strife, Diraar is automatically triggered if one side holds both the law and majority council. Only the Uthir may declare when such is over. TITLE SEVEN ROLES OF THE MALAURIRAN CHAPTER I - MALAURIRAN AND THE GOVERNMENT ARTICLE 52. Malauriran who are not in the eyes of the public for more than three elven months will be denounced from their position.The job of the Malauriran is to guide the Maheral spiritually, and if they cannot represent themselves in the eyes of the public they will not be seen fit to be leaders of purity and spirit. ARTICLE 53. The Malauriran cannot call for an election of official government positions, nor can they impose on an election or vote for a government official. The Malauriran are the only ones able, however, to nominate a candidate for Maheral. ARTICLE 54. The Malauriran will not convene without the consent from the Uthir or the Medi’ir, and may not come to a decision without first the consultation of the Uthir or Medi’ir. They also may not intervene with government policy, make reforms to the constitution, the Silver Law, or any other official documents pertaining to political, economic, or international policies. TITLE EIGHT AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION CHAPTER I - AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 55. The Silver Law and the constitution may be amended with a majority vote of 4/7 by Elheial’thilln. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EYHA
  7. Talon’s Port Lawbook Revised and Published as of 23 S.E EDITED and updated on the 27th year, S.E (1) Citizen and Visitor Laws and Rights 1. Citizens of Talon’s Port are defined as those who own or live within a residential property within the city, or have expressly been granted citizenship by a member of the Council. Meanwhile, visitors of Talon’s Port are defined as those who do not own or live within a residential property within the city. 2. Businesses do not count as residential properties unless somebody is living within them. The owner of a stall, for example, would not be automatically given citizenship rights. 3. Any item of clothing that obscures the face should not be worn in Talon’s Port unless it is approved by a member of the Talon’s Port Militia, or a councillor of the city. Failure to comply with a Militia member’s or councillor’s request to remove a face covering will be met with the forcible removal of the face covering, or forced removal from the city. 3-a) Members of the Talon’s Port Militia have the right to question anyone who does not abide by this law, and determine whether they can keep the mask on or must take it off. 4. Citizens and visitors of Talon’s Port are legally allowed to carry weapons, however this only applies if the weapons are sheathed. Unsheathed weaponry is not permitted, unless for a specific purpose, such as defense of the city, self defense, or otherwise legally permitted and given permission from a council member or steward. 5. It is illegal for visitors to wear heavy armor (mechanical pvp armor) within the city of Talon’s Port unless there is a specific, permissible reason behind wearing the armor, such as for self defense purposes or city defense purposes. 6. Citizens and visitors are held to the same general expectations, and will be required to uphold and follow the laws listed in this book. Should a citizen or visitor abuse their rights whilst within the city, they may be, depending on severity of the law broken, their punishment may range between a minor punishment and a major punishment. (2) Freedoms of Talon’s Port 1. Citizens of Talon’s Port have a right to freedom of speech. This is disallowed should the freedom be abused for the sole purpose of inciting havoc, such as shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded building when there is no fire present. 1-a) This is also disallowed should the freedom be abused for the purpose of racism of any kind, whether it be against Dwarves, Elves, or Humans. 1-b) This is also disallowed in the event of verbal harassment of a citizen or council member of Talon's Port. 1-c) Should somebody physically retaliate for something such as verbal harassment, both sides will be investigated and a decision will be made by the militia, or by extent, the council, on whether or not the retaliation was justified. 1-d) Should the retaliation be declared unjust, punishment will be given to the one who retaliated based on the punishment in the respective clause of the lawbook. For example, should somebody be yelled at in the street and see it as a cause to stab the one who was yelling, this may be declared unjust and the one who retaliated would be punished in accordance to the laws of assault or attempted murder. 2. Citizens of Talon’s Port are not allowed to falsely and knowingly defame a person. Should a person falsely and knowingly defame another citizen of Talon’s Port, they are liable to a fine of around 25 minas, or forced removal or banishment from the city depending on the damage that was caused through said defamation. 3. A person may not impersonate a citizen of Talon’s Port at any time. 3-a) Impersonation of an ordinary citizen may result in temporary imprisonment and a fine of 15 minas. 3-b) Impersonation of a militia member, a steward, or a council member may result in temporary imprisonment and a fine of 25 minas. Banishment is considered should there be any damage done during the impersonation. 4. Citizens of Talon’s Port have a right to religious and cultural freedom. 4-a) This right is only waived if any other laws of Talon’s Port must be broken to achieve worship or culture, and will result in proper punishment as designated in other clauses of the lawbook. 4-b) Any attempt to forcibly convert a citizen of the city to a religion or culture is disallowed, and will be met with a fine of 10 minas alongside forced removal from the city. (3) Property Laws 1. Citizens of Talon’s Port have a right to owning property within the city, whether it be a personal residence or business, and this home cannot be seized by the government without prior warning or proper reasoning. Proper reasoning would include inactivity within the city, banishment from the city, or failure to comply with laws relating more generally to homes and businesses. 2. If there is suspicion of illegal activity within your residence, officers of the Talon’s Port Militia or enlisted members (with express permission from an officer) have a right to search your property and seize any illegal items, or halt any illegal operations. 2-a) Failure to comply with a militia officer’s request to search the property will result in forced entry, and the property owner will be apprehended until the search has been completed. 3. A person may not take up illegal residence within a property in Talon’s Port. If discovered, the person would be subject to forced removal from the residence. 3-a) The definition of illegal residence being that a person is living within a house that they do not own, or have permission from the legal owner to live within. 4. Businesses in Talon’s Port may enforce their own rules, given that they are not discriminatory or contradictory to Talon’s Port general laws. 4-a) As for discrimination, this is chiefly defined as racial discrimination. For example, a business owner may set an age limit to enter their store and enforce it without legal repercussions, though they may not create rules that bars mixed elves from utilizing a business, or intentionally making the utilization of a business for a specific race, culture, or religion difficult. 4-b) Failure to comply with this will result in a warning from the Talon’s Port Council, and any future warnings of the same regard may result in the business being shut down or the owner expelled from the city. 4-c) If a person has been known to be troublesome to a business owner, or to the city in general, it is not discriminatory to bar them from entering a business. 5. A person may not enter the private property of another without permission from the owner of the property. If the person does not exit the property after one warning from the owner, the Talon’s Port Militia has a right to apprehend the person and levy a fine of 10 minas, half of which goes to the Talon’s Port treasury and the other half of which goes to the property owner. 5-a) Private Property is considered a space that is owned by a citizen of Talon’s Port as opposed to the city itself. For example, if somebody were to enter a private residence that had a door open, and the owner requested that the person leave, failure to comply gives the owner a right to contact the Talon's Port Militia to forcibly remove the person from the property, or remove the trespasser themselves without legal repercussion. 5-b) Businesses still count as private property despite being publicly used. If a business owner asks a citizen to leave their property for any non-discriminatory reason, the same rights apply to the owner of the business. 6. Destruction of private or public property within the city of Talon's Port is disallowed, and will be met with a fine that is determined by the estimate of damage caused in minas doubled. If the cost of the destroyed property is unknown, a steward or council member is to be contacted to value the damage and offer a final amount for the fine. The fine is split evenly between the Talon's Port treasury and the owner of the property that the damage occurred on. 6-a) If multiple properties are damaged, this is viewed as separate counts of destruction of property, and a different fine is calculated for each property affected. (4) Magic Laws 1. Magic is legal within Talon’s Port, given that it is not used in a way which violates any laws. 2. Property owners have a right to create their own rules of casting within the property (within reasonable and fair use), though they cannot deny service to somebody for the sole reason that they use magic. 3. For a magic user to properly cast and use magic freely within the port, a license must be in possession, this one handed over by the authorities of the magic department of Talon’s Port. To fail following this rule will result in payment of a fee alongside a blacklisting from any and all magical work within Talon’s Port. A different license is required for the use of the Obelisk and for the access to educational activities. 4. Dark arts are not allowed within Talon’s Port, such practices can be punishable with both banishment and death penalty. Same as the wrong use of any other common art. 5. Possession of not authorized Obelisks will result in the destruction of such and punishment to the owner/creators, alongside a fee for any possible damage to the environment of Talon’s Port. 6. The creation and use of Voidal Tears are strictly forbidden, those that work with such will be punished with banishment from Talon’s Port, alongside any other punishment decided by the Talon’s Port Authorities. 7. To participate in the education/training of magical arts within the nation is required to be in possession of a license (Read Magic law section 3). If not, any action within the city and it’s magical artifacts for education and any other purpose will result in punishment and the payment of a fee. 8. The location and access to the Talon’s Port Voidal Obelisk is only to be given to those with a license and authorization for such. If someone without license or authorization for learning is found within the Obelisk chambers, they shall be given a fee to pay. 9. The illegal trading/use of enchanted objects will result in the confiscation of said magical artifacts and the payment of a fee. To avoid this, one must register said items under the name of the owner and license to the Talon’s Port Magical Department. 10. False advertisement of any magical art, manipulation via use of magic arts and/or selling of non-authorized magic related objects/arts will result in both blacklisting and banishment. 11. To lie about the possession of an art or to provide half truths about both knowledge and progress within that mentioned art will result in a blacklist and/or removal of any magical license. 12. Alchemy, Housemagery, Voidal arts and Shamanism, etc, all fall under the Talon’s Port Magical Department authority, all of them require a license and authorization. To not follow this rule will result in blacklisting. 13. Seeing as Housemagery is mostly daily-use focused than combat, it shall be allowed to be used within one’s home without need of supervision and/or license. Yet, any other magic or art shall be informed to the Talon’s Port Magical Department for it’s use. A license will not be required for the use within one’s home, as previously stated, but it is needed for the mage to inform the Department of any ability to avoid any chaos/misuse related to Magical Arts. 14. A magical art user’s identity and abilities shall be kept secret and/or restrained from outsiders to avoid both harassment and mage hunting. A mage itself is free to reveal its own identity and abilities to other under its own free will, but is the Talon’s Port Magical Department’s duty to keep that information secret from the public. Any worker of said branch failing to comply to this rule shall be removed of its position and/or punished further by the proper authorities. This, of course, includes the payment of a fee. 15. The possession of any magic related group, sect or the like without the overseeing and authorization of the proper authorities will result in blacklist, dissolving of said group within the nation and the payment of a fee. 16. The use and trading of any Alchemy related object shall be overseen and authorized by the Department. Any lab, stall and/or greenhouse shall be authorized by the same branch as well. To not follow this rule will result in the right punishment, this one most likely a blacklist or a fee. 17. Magic related conflicts between factions are not to be accepted within Talon’s Port. Druids may not attack Voidal mages nor vice versa, same rule applies to Paladins and Azdrazi. If a party attacks the other, the attacker is to be punished by the council and the victim may have a word upon the punishment to be delivered. This however, is just to avoid aggression and the hunt of individuals out of personal gain. (5) Crime Laws 1. Theft 1-a) Petty Theft is considered anything under a value of 30 minas, and will be met with the thief returning the object(s) of value to the owner alongside a fine of 20 minas, half of which goes to the Talon’s Port treasury and the other half of which goes to the owner who had been stolen from. 1-b) Major Theft is considered anything between the values of 31 minas and 100 minas, and will be met with the thief returning the object(s) of value to the owner alongside a fine of 40 minas, half of which goes to the Talon’s Port treasury and the other half of which goes to the owner who had been stolen from. 1-c) Grand Theft is considered anything above the value of 100 minas, and will be met with the thief returning the object(s) of value to the owner alongside a fine of 60 minas, half of which goes to the Talon’s Port treasury and the other half of which goes to the owner who had been stolen from. The thief is imprisoned for a duration of time, which is decided depending on the severity of the crime. 1-d) If the theft is attempted and the thief caught before they can escape, the category of theft depends on the value of items that they have stolen at their time of being caught. 1-e) Any acts of thievery will end in the removal of one finger from the dominant hand, with the first act being the removal of the pinky, and the fifth act being the removal of the thumb. 1-e-1) If any acts of thievery are able to be debated upon, a public trial would be in place. If considered to be innocent, the defendant may walk free, with no punishments or charges. 1-e-2) If found to be innocent at a later date, any removed fingers/hands will have a prosthetic made for them, paid for by the government. 2. Bribery 2-a) Bribing, or attempting to bribe a member of the Talon’s Port Militia, a steward, or a council member is disallowed within the city. This is punishable by imprisonment for two elven hours, alongside a fine of 20 minas. 2-b) The official who was bribed will be punished accordingly by the council or the sovereign. 3. Coercion 3-a) Forcing a citizen within the city of Talon's Port to do anything against their will, through threats, magic, or otherwise is disallowed, and will be met with a fine of 50 minas which is split evenly between the Talon's Port treasury and the victim, alongside banishment from the city. 3-b) Should the victim be coerced into breaking any laws within Talon's Port, the victim is exempt from punishment if sufficient proof is given. 4. Extortion 4-a) Minor Extortion is considered attempting to coerce a citizen of Talon's Port into payment of 99 minas (or goods of equal value) or less through threats, withholding of property, or other means. This will be met with the return of any extorted goods or minas, alongside a fine of half the minas of the value of what they were trying to gain from the extortion that is split evenly between the victim and the Talon's Port treasury. 4-b) Major Extortion is considered attempting to coerce a citizen of Talon's Port into payment of between 100 and 249 minas (or goods of equal value) through threats, withholding of property, or other means. This will be met with the return of any extorted goods or minas, alongside a fine of half the minas of the value of what they were trying to gain from the extortion split evenly between the victim and the Talon's Port treasury alongside forced removal of the coercer from the city. 4-c) Grand Extortion is considered attempting to coerce a citizen of Talon's Port into payment of 250 minas (or goods of equal value) or more through threats, withholding of property, or other means. This will be met with the the return of any extorted goods or minas, alongside a fine of half the minas of value of what they were trying to gain from the extortion that is split evenly between the victim and the Talon's Port treasury, alongside forced removal from the city. 5. Assault 5-a) Harming a citizen within the city of Talon’s Port is disallowed, and punishment includes imprisonment of the accused party alongside a fine of between 30 minas and 600 minas depending on the intensity of the attack, half of which is given to the Talon’s Port treasury and the other half of which is given to the victim. Should the circumstances be extreme, the attacker may be subject to the amputation of a finger for each offense, banishment, or execution should the victim have nearly been killed. 5-a-1) The intensity of the attack is determined by an officer of the Talon's Port Militia or Talon's Port council member based on their own observations and the injuries of the victim. 5-a-2) The removal of one finger per act of assault will also be done, starting with the pinky and ending with the thumb. 5-b) Attempting to harm a citizen within the city of Talon’s Port is disallowed, and punishment includes a 50 mina fine which is split between the Talon’s Port treasury and the victim and forced removal from the city. 5-b-1) The removal of one finger per act of assault will also be done, starting with the pinky and ending with the thumb. 6. Threats 6-a) Threatening a citizen within the city of Talon’s Port with bodily harm or other means is disallowed, and punishment includes banishment from the city upon the request of the threatened party, and a fine of 50 mina’s. 7. Murder 7-a) First Degree Murder is considered premeditated killing of an innocent individual, and is punishable by imprisonment before execution of the accused party. 7-b) Second Degree Murder is considered provably unintentional killing of an innocent individual, and is punishable by a fine of 50 minas before banishment from the city. 7-c) Attempted Murder is considered a premeditated attempt to kill an innocent individual, and in punishable by execution of the accused party. 7-d) If the murdered individual is a known criminal within Talon's Port, the killer will be imprisoned until an officer of the Talon’s Port Militia or a Talon's Port council member can review the situation. 7-d-1) Members of the Talon’s Port Militia who murder an individual while attempting to enforce a law will have the scenario reviewed by the marshal of the militia, or the Sovereign of Talon's Port. 7-e) If the murdered individual had attempted to commit a harmful crime against the killer, this will be counted as murdered in self-defense. The killer will be imprisoned until an officer of the Talon’s Port Militia or a Talon's Port council member can review the situation. 8. Kidnapping 8-a) Kidnapping or Attempted Kidnapping of a citizen with the city of Talon’s Port is disallowed, and will be met with a fine of 50 minas which is split evenly between the Talon’s Port treasury and the victim, alongside banishment from the city. 8-b) Kidnapping or Attempted Kidnapping of a council member within the city of Talon’s Port 9. Fleeing and Fugitives 9-a) Attempting to circumvent the Talon's Port legal system through fleeing from a crime or other means is disallowed. When a fugitive is caught, their original crimes will carry double the weight once they are punished. 9-a-1) Anyone who flees from a crime will be considered a fugitive by the Talon's Port Militia. 9-a-2) Any fugitive who has been legally punished for their crimes is no longer considered a fugitive, and they regain their prior rights. 9-b) Fugitives are exempt from any legal protections that the city of Talon's Port may provide citizens and visitors. 9-b-1) Any crimes committed against a person who is a known fugitive will not be held against a citizen or visitor within the city. 9-b-2) Should a fugitive be coerced into committing a crime that harms others in the city beside the fugitive themselves, the fugitive will not be at fault but the person who forced them into it, since this is viewed as directly harming a citizen of Talon's Port. 10. Treason 10-a) Treason is defined as plotting against the rulership of Talon’s Port, or sharing sensitive and secretive information with the enemies of Talon’s Port. This will be with a trial for the accused party. 10-a-1) If attempting to evade said trial, the accused party will immediately be seen as guilty, and will be killed as soon as possible. 10-a-1-1) If unable to be caught, those accused will be kill-on-sight and wanted within the lands of Talon’s Port. 10-b) If attempting to assassinate a member of the council or the Sovereign, those who attempted the act will immediately be captured for execution. 10-b-1) If unable to be caught, those who attempted the act will be kill-on-sight, and sought within the lands of Talon’s Port. 11. Tax Evasion 11-a) Each time resident taxes aren’t paid each elven week, a fine of 50 mina’s will be given. 11-a-1) After two elven weeks, an eviction notice will be given, and if the fine is unpaid it will be raised to 100 mina’s, along with the amount of mina’s they owe for their missed weeks of tax paying. 11-a-2) The homeowner may alert the council that their taxes will not be paid, in which the council will most likely understand, and allow the taxes to be missed as long as they are paid afterwards 11-a-2-1) If unable to alert the council beforehand, the homeowner may alert the council afterwards, and with good evidence the council will most likely understand. 12. Vandalism 12-a) Vandalism is an act with a fine of 30 mina’s, half going to the Talon’s Port treasury, the other half going to the current resident of the vandalized site. 12-a-1) If there is no current resident, the amount of 30 mina’s is to go directly to the treasury. 13. Stalking 13-a) Stalking with intent to scare a citizen is a crime with a fine of twenty mina with a restraining order issued on behalf of the victim. 13-a-1) If the victim is not a citizen, it would be instead a fifteen mina fine with a written apology to the nation of which the victim comes from. 13-b) Stalking with intent to harm or maim a citizen is a crime with a fine of thirty mina and a digit removed from the perpetrator's hand. 13-b-1) If the victim is not a citizen, it would be instead a twenty five mina fine with a written apology to the nation of which the victim comes from with a digit removed from their hand and a restraining order issued on behalf of the victim. 13-b-2) If the victim is, indeed, harmed, whether citizen or not, three digits are removed from the perpetrator, a fine of sixty mina is collected with half turned in to the victim for damages and half to the city. 13-c) Stalking with intent to kill a citizen is a crime with a fine of eighty mina, half of which is to be paid to the victim and half to the city, with three digits removed from the perpetrator's hand, and a banishment from the city of Vortice. 13-c-1) If the victim is not a citizen, it would be instead a one hundred mina fine with a written apology to the nation of which the victim comes from, five digits digits removed from the perpetrator's hand, and whatever the nation of the victim sees fit to the perpetrator with all legal rights handed over to the leaders of the other nation. 13-c-2) If the victim is indeed killed, it would be one hundred fifty mina fine, half to the victim's family and half to the city, with a written apology to the nation of which the victim comes from OR the family of the victim, five digits removed from the perpetrator's hand, and a permanent banishment from not only the city of Talon's Port, but also the nation of Vortice. (6) Militia Laws 1. If one accused of a crime feels as if their legal rights were violated by a member of the Talon’s Port, they may send a letter to the Praetor of the Talon’s Port Militia. 1-a) If one accused of a crime feels as if the Praetor is biased, they may send a letter to a different councillor, for the matter to be brought up within the next council meeting.Members of the Talon’s Port Militia have the right to temporarily imprison anyone who is accused of a crime, no matter how small the crime may be. 2. Militia members hold the right to arrest any who have, or are suspected to have committed a crime, no matter how big or small it is. 2-a) This can be done with or without the permission of a high ranking member of the Militia, but a high ranking member of the Militia must be sent notice of the imprisonment immediately after. 3. Militia members out of uniform are still considered militia members, and still hold the right to do their jobs while considered ‘off-duty’. 4. Members of the Talon’s Port Militia are to be paid each elven week, with the amount dependent on the amount of work done by the member. Signed, Vivian Maelstorm, Sovereign of the Depths Signed, Athri Onfroi Belrose, Minister of Foreign Affairs Signed, Sylvain Majin, Minister of Magery Signed, Lenora Jusmia, Minister of Science Signed, Turr’ileia Maelstorm, Minister of Wealth Signed, Doctor Sana Medii’la, Minister of Health Signed, Paris Langren, Minister of Justice Signed, Saemos Hidone, Minister of Defense
  8. As issued 10th of The Sun's Smile, 4 2A MILITARY FINANCIAL ALLOCATION ACT It is the sovereign duty of the Grand Council to guarantee that the Legion of Urguan is not only active but properly equipped. In the past, this duty has been left to the oversight of the Grand Merchant and the Grand King, however, those charged with the upkeep of the Legion have neglected their duties, placing the burden upon the Grand Marshal and his officers. This dereliction of responsibility was successful in the past only because of the abundance of wealth that the Grand Kingdom enjoyed. Yet in recent times, a lack of funds has been felt throughout the continent, leaving the Legion struggling to acquire sufficient capital to support its infrastructure. Thus, we now find it necessary to form a proper budget for the Legion, allowing the Grand Marshal and his officers the appropriate funds required to fulfill their obligations both to protect the Kingdom during times of peace and to ready the military for any future conflicts. SECTION I - THE LEGION BUDGET The pay scale for the Legion may only be adjusted through the Grand Council of Urguan, although the Grand Marshal may pay bonuses to legionnaires directly from the Legion Reserve. The payment of each member is based on their rank, and the pay will be as follows: Grand Marshal: N/A Commander: N/A Legate: 24 Minae Pridebearer: 20 Minae Longbeard: 16 Minae Ironbreaker: 12 Minae Stoneguard: 8 Minae Grunt: 4 Minae Based on the pay scales outlined, the Legion of Urguan shall receive funds from the Treasury of the Grand Kingdom. The number of funds allotted to the Legion will be revised on a biennial (every two years) basis, to account for any growth in the legion. The redefining of the Budget is to be a collective effort between the Grand Merchant and the Grand Marshal. SECTION II - THE LEGION RESERVE It has always been the nature of the Legion that those who work, receive compensation, and those who do not work will not receive compensation. As a result, there may be an excess of funds at the end of some years. Thus we propose a Legion Reserve, governed by the following regulations: The Legion Reserve is to be controlled directly by the Grand Marshal and is to be dispensed at his discretion, so long as it is to benefit the Legion. Examples of Proper dispensation of funds include, but are not limited to: The payment of new legionnaires. The acquisition of arms and armor. The payment of bonuses to legionnaires that excel in their service. The payment of Legion sponsored events. The payment required to maintain the Legion of Urguan Mission System. This reserve is limited to a maximum of 2,000 minae but it may be raised through the will of the Grand Council. Any surplus mina will be remitted directly to the Kingdom. Donations made directly to the Legion will also go directly into this reserve and thus be under the purview of the minae limit. SECTION III - STATUTES & REVISALS This bill reaffirms the Grand King’s innate sole authority over the Legion. The Grand King may at choice reject the spending of the Legion Reserve. Furthermore, in order to check the powers granted to the Grand Marshal and the Legion by this document. The Grand King, as well as the Grand Merchant, will be granted the power to audit The Legion Budget and Legion Reserve at any time. Upon their request, the Grand Marshal will be required to provide detailed financial documents that show when and how the Legion’s Funds are being utilized. If some discrepancy is found in these documents, the Grand Marshal will be held legally accountable and will be investigated for fraud. Furthermore, if implemented, any section of this proposal is subject to change through a simple majority vote of the Grand Council. Such proposals may include a change to legion payscale, adjusted regulation of the Legion Reserve, implementation of additional oversight, etc. Jórvin son of Kazrin, of the Elder Clan of Starbreaker, Grand King of Urguan’s Folk, Clan-Lord of Gotrek’s Folk, Lord of Kal'Darakaan, Tal'Sjorvath, and Kal’Evraal, Bane of the Neverborn, Slayer of Gazardiael and Savior of the Realm, Founding Member of the Council of the Fourth Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Beloved by the Brathmordakin, Keeper of the Great Book of Grudges.
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