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  1. CONCORD OF THE COASTAL COMPANIONS Issued at Year 133 of the Second Age As some of the smaller coastal settlements of the east, it has been found beneficial to support each other in every way which we can as possible both economically and militarily in case a threat in the east rises. May this pact give the east security and prosperity for our realms on this newly found continent of Aevos. ARTICLE I: SOVEREIGNTY I. The Most Serene State of Lurin recognizes The Shiredom of Dúnwen and The Unified Domain of Vortice their sovereignty and autonomy. II. The Unified Domain of Vortice recognizes The Most Serene State of Lurin and The Shiredom of Dúnwen their sovereignty and autonomy. III. The Shiredom of Dúnwen recognizes The Unified Doman of Vortice and The Most Serene State of Lurin their sovereignty and autonomy. ARTICLE II: TRADE I. All signatories dedicate to each other an available tax-free shop or stall within their capital region for the duration of the pact. II. All signatories agree to grant other signatories access to their mines if they are closed. III. All signatories agree to provide each other the best deal possible when trading in bulk goods between each other. IV. Minas are not necessary to trade. ARTICLE III: NON-AGGRESSION I. No signatory shall be intentionally harmed by another. II. If a breach has been found, this shall be resolved diplomatically. ARTICLE IV: TERRITORIAL CLAIMS I. No signatory shall lay claim on territories another signatory has laid claim upon. II. Signatories may agree to give up a territorial claim in favor of another member having it. ARTICLE V: INFRASTRUCTURE I. All signatories agree to improve infrastructure between each realm II. This may be done in the form of establishing new roads, bridges and providing easier modes of transport between each other’s realms. III. Every infrastructure project will be discussed between signatories before execution. ARTICLE VI: DEFENSE I. All signatories will aid each other when declared war upon. II. All signatories will aid each other when their sovereignty is at risk. III. All signatories will provide such aid through soldiers, wealth, industry and resources. IIIb. The Shiredom of Dúnwen is exempt from this obligation ARTICLE VII: DURATION I. All signatories agree to uphold this pact till all find it necessary to part ways. II. This pact may only be dissolved if all signatories agree. III. If any articles are deemed broken and all diplomatic reasons to maintain the pact are abandoned, the pact will be invalidated. signed, The Silver Lubba
  2. Greetings, kind and noble inhabitants of the most venerable Shiredom of Bywater and to our lovely neighbours throughout the Realm of Almaris. It is with a heart full of joy and gratitude, I, King Cyris, do humbly extend to thee an invitation of the utmost warmth and hospitality. Come the eve of the morrow, I bid thee join me for an evening of merriment and camaraderie at The Tippen's Tavern in my beloved Shire. Let not thy stature nor heritage sway thee, for all are embraced with open arms into our midst. The choicest ales shall flow in abundance and the finest of pipeweed shall burn in every pipe, generously provided by the weefolk; A night of revelry and laughter shall be had by all with music, dance, and an array of delights to delight thy senses, we shall raise our cups in unity and goodwill, celebrating the bonds that bind us together as one community. Thus, let it be known throughout the land that this invitation is a heartfelt expression of the hospitality and generosity of spirit that we hold dear in our Shiredom. Come and join us, and partake in the warmth and kindness that we offer with open hearts and open arms. Signed, His Majesty King Cyris I, Thain of Bywater, Father of Foxes, Saviour of the Froggies and Protector of the Realm. ((OOC: Tonight in Bywater, Friday 7PM EST))
  3. KNOXVILLE AGREEMENT Agreed on 5th of Joma & Umund, 374 E.S. Between The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the Wee Folk of Knoxville ARTICLE I: PREAMBLE As war and conflict rages on near the Halfling village of Bramblebury, it has become clear to both the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the wee folk of Bramblebury that their current village is no longer safe from conflict and strife, nor can Hanseti-Ruska properly aid in the protection of their village from such a distance. Therefore, The agreement below has been constructed to outline a new partnership between the Kingdom of Haense and the Wee Folk of Knoxville, the newly established village which will lie under the demesne and protection of Hanseti-Ruska. ARTICLE II: PROTECTORATE WHEREAS the village of Knoxville does recognize the Sovereignty of the Crown of Hanseti-Ruska. WHEREAS the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska grants local autonomy and governmental independence to the village of Knoxville. WHEREAS the village of Knoxville shall be placed under the protection and defense of the Kingdom of Hanseti Ruska. ARTICLE III: CHARTER WHEREAS the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska does grant a landed charter to the Wee Folk of Knoxville in order to construct their new village. The Land South of the Duchy of Valwyck, west of Lake Voron, and north of the Barony of Mondstadt shall henceforth be considered the Protectorate village of Knoxville. His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Ulgaard, Lahy, Sorbesborg and Slesvik, Duke of Carnatia and Vidaus, Margrave of Korstadt and Rothswald, Count of Chatnik, Nenzing, Graiswald, Karikhov, Baranya, Kvasz, Kavat, Karovia, Kovachgrad, Torun, Turov, Kaunas, Alban, Reza and Markev, Viscount of Grauspin, Baron of Antioch, Thurant, Rytsburg, Venzia, Esenstadt, Krepost, Kralta, and Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Excellency, Andrik Jan Baruch, Aulic Envoy of the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska Camilla vas Ruthern, Ambassador to Elvenesse and Bramblebury Onelia Evangeline Peregrin, Mayor of the village of Knoxville
  4. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This is just a simple little page I've put together with examples of my skins! My PMC Scroll down and open the spoilers to reveal the examples. :0 Latest: Edits made: -Added 'Other' spoiler -Requests Closed -PMC added -Halfling and human spoilers added. Request Form: CLOSED Username- Description- Ref- What will you pay with? (Mina, items, etc)- CLOSED..
  5. Official Guide of Honorary Halflings! A guide written by Moochael and Prologued Throughout halfling RP there has often been a term that has been thrown around, called, "Honorary Halflings." This is not a widely common role, but it is achievable in certain standards! This guide is a goal by Prologued and me to increase halfling RP, and encourage more activity! Now First off! What is an Honorary halfling? An honorary halfling is a biggun that has been acknowledged by the humble halfling folk as the closest a biggun can be to a halfling. Normally bigguns are approached with a quirked eyebrow if spotted in the town, the halflings being confused on why they are here if he/she has no business. However, honorary halflings are looked upon not as suspicious bigguns, but nearly one of the halfling community. ~*~ Pros of Being an Honorary Halfling! Unfortunately, you will not receive a burrow from being an honorary. Creating such a large burrow would be nearly an impossible task for halflings... However, listed below are some of the pros you get! 1. A permanent room in the Inn, to come and go as you please! 2. Permission to build in the town (Perms to the region) 3. Permission to work with us like any other halfling. You can bartend, help run the library, help run the Inn, etc. 4. If you have struck us as a great person, you may have a path named after you! ~*~ How Do I Become an Honorary Halfling? Here's the Juicy part, becoming an honorary halfling. Unlike Honorary orcs, the role doesn't take too much discipline to obtain, or any specific tasks in general. However, the biggun must follow certain guidelines within his/her life. Halflings have values called, "Being proper" and if someone wishes to be an honorary halfling, they must follow these values alongside half folk. If you want to call yourself proper, and be an honorary halfling, you must: 1. Not use any locks, be trustworthy to your neighbors, locks proves your distrust! 2. Don't argue with fellow Townsmen, we all need to love each other! 3. Stealing from halflings is strongly forbidden, however stealing from bigguns is not frowned upon. 4. No purposely engaging in violence, unless your life is on edge, always talk it out. 5. We usually don't use Swords, and shovels as our main for of self-defense. This is encouraged, but we understand if bigguns don't follow it. However, they must use a shovel inside the village. 6. You must be a frequent visitor of the village and get to know us, you will not be considered if the majority do not know who you are. If you can follow all these things then voila! You’re on your way to being a cheerful, fun-loving member of the happiest race in Vailor, just a lil' bit taller.
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