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The Damned Crew


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Event Type: It’s kind of difficult to summerise it into a category but I guess I’d have to say it’s on ongoing one that involves a few crew members etc.

Event DATE
: Anytime

Factions/Nations effected by the event: All

Event Location: Anywhere near a coastline

Old Pegg sat in the wharfside tavern, muttering into his drink, everyone knew the old sailor down by the port. His was a sad story, attacked by a silent ship at sea in the black of night. He rarely spoke about it, he watched all his friends onboard get slaughtered and mutilated, he claims he survived by rolling an empty barrel overboard and floating for three days and three nights till he washed up on a sandy shore. But the image of the ship was still burned into Old Pegg’s mind, he decided to indulge a lucky few one night of the terrors of Athera’s shores. “They come in the black’o night, they’re bold I tells ya, vicious. They don’t got nothin’ the live fer so why should t’ey ‘old back?” he drew a shuddering breath “The Damned, captained by Godwin Owynslaw, their ship’s called the Black Beauty, she’s a fabled ship… I didn’t t’ink she were real…” his voice trails off and he refuses to go on.

The Damned are the crew of the Black Beauty, a motley bunch of Orcs, Dwarves, Humans, Elves and Halflings, they live for nothing but their next meal. They squabble amongst each other, they lurk the coastline at night preying on any that present themselves as vulnerable. Mooring their ship out of sight, a select few will proceed to row to shore and take any possibly victims unaware in a shock tactic. In and out, they move quickly wasting no time, carrying off children, men and women alike, burning houses, farms and store-sheds. These brutal marauders know little fear, they are not very skilled in combat as they rely on shock tactics and fear.

This event may present itself as a one-off type event, or possibly even a string of attacks until some likely heroes can band together and can take control of the situation battling off these brigands and/or finding their ship and destroying it, killing the crew of some twenty pirates.

Concept Images/Screenshots:

Old Pegg


The Ship of the Damned, The Black Beauty


A crew member of The Black Beauty


Other Information: This doesn’t have to be done at a particular time/area, this is a very general and broad event that should allow anyone to join as a pirate for the duration of the time of this event as it would make it more fun if there was an increased number of raiders that could attack and role-play.

Do you need the Event Team's assistance?: Yes

If so, do you require actors and/or builders?: Yes, actors in order to play “The Damned Crew”, so just a few actors would be more than sufficient, a ship could possibly be built but it isn’t entirely necessary. This crew could just appear on a coastline, wander inland until they find a target and then abduct someone or be fought back, a skiff or rowboat should be all that’s necessary for this part of the role-play. Unless further role-play is wanted then a ship would most likely be required.

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Interesting Idea I would like to see happening. Stay tuned!

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There is a possibilty for this to happen. I will contact you (RedBench), after some discussion has been done in our hall of actors and such.


Feel free to contact me, if you have more ideas or anything else in mind!

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