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Relvis Fresley


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Relvis Fresley

Basic Information

Nicknames: Relvis

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Race: Highlander

Status: Single


Height: 6'0

Weight: 180lbs

Body Type: Well Built

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blonde

Skin: White

Markings/Tattoos: N/A

Health: Well

Personality: "The Wanderer"

Inventory: His trusty songbook, and his lovely voice

Further Details:

Life Style

Alignment: Good

Deity: ((Hippie god)) N/A

Religion: ((Hippie mayn)) N/A

Alliance/Nation/Home: N/A

Job/Class: Bard, Musician, Actor, Singer

Title(s): "The Handsome Songbird"

Profession(s): Singing, Dancing, ((Broadway LOTC version))

Special Skill(s): He's an incredibly good dancer and a chic magnet

Flaw(s): He's unfaithful, and tends not to keep one woman for a long time

Magic: His Voice (N/A)




Fighting Style: Talking it over

Trained Weapon: Singing,
Favored Weapon: Voice

Archery: Projecting his voice


Parents: Bob Fresley and Jill Fresley (died of old age)

Siblings: N/A

Children: N/A yet

Extended Family: Grandma Jone and Grandpa Cole (died of old age)

Pet(s): N/A


Growing up as a young boy in Petrus he always enjoyed listening to the birds sing, and singing himself. Everyone loved to hear him singing at the inn on the saturdays, and made an early career of it. There was a majority of ladies at his performances, swooning and screaming. When he was 20 he decided to leave and extablish a life of his own out in the world, singing at whatever place he can. He hopes to be a world renowned singer

AT good or bad?

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