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Lloyd Of Petrus


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Hellburg, OF PETRUS





AGE : 27 Winters.

BIRTHPLACE: The Outskirts of Petrus.

FULL NAME: Lloyd Robert Hellburg, OF PETRUS.

PROFESSION: Sergeant-At-Arms of the VLADOVIC regiment, farmer.

HEIGHT: 2.04 meters. 6’7 feet tall.

WEIGHT: 194 kilograms. 429 pounds.



RELIGION: Canonist Faith

RACE: Human.

HAIR: Auburn, usually kept shaved up to the very top.

EYES: A strong brown.

STATUS: Alive.

FAMILY: House Hellburg


A seemingly simple man - Lloyd has been most of his life under the foot of a superior, always treated like the workforce, like cattle or worse. Most of his life went by surviving the odds of the young death most peasants face. Joining different mercenary groups after Felsen and Athera fell was the way he chose to stay afloat. Lloyd appears at first like a violent curious man, with very strong, stubborn ideas and a system of honor and valor that don't seem to fit with any others. He doesn't know how to read, and yet knows the Chivalry code by heart. He does not know how to write, yet he remixes and mixes the words he learnt how to write from different scrolls of priests to make verbal prayers to his God. Lloyd may also appear as evil, selfish and cowardly, but he usually has ulterior motives to his actions, usually lead by a simple train of thought which leads him to his actions. He appears easily controlled, but he's more aware of his surroundings than he lets off.


A hulking man. Lloyd has never really taken much attention to his body, but he has trained it through rough strength and endurance training throughout most of his life, either by his own farm job, or his own personal hedge soldier training. He’s considered a very strong individual, and standing above most of other people, he is a force to be reckoned with. Whilst unscarred, his skin is rough, riddled with burnt spots, having worked the better part of his life under the blazing heat of the sun in the farm.


An ax that is both used for lumberjacking and fighting. A longsword sheathed on his left waist and a small hand sickle on his back. He often carries a small buckler with the Vladov insignia painted on. When going to war, he’ll be seen with a bastard sword, a buckler, and a spear.






                                                                                  WORK IN PROGRESS

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