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[✓]March of the Janissarys [WARCLAIM]


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Music if you want a hype feeling idk



The Ghanyans have long plagued the Kadarsi Sultanate, for multiple years they have sought to subjugate us and tear down our beautiful society. Killing and Murdering our people, And threatened to wipe the faith of cannonism and Al-Imam Rashidun from the land. Now in order to protect ourselves from their Regime, we must go on the offensive. We can no longer play the defensive, for they will not stop unless we force them. So bring the Janissary band out, and let the Drums of war reign terror into their Hearts in this we indeed bring the battle to them, the Kadarsi are ready for war.



2x attack on leadership

2x peace time invasion

Kidnapping of a Kadarsi citizen

2x denouncement

Special Cb for failed siege


CBs: (Provide a list of CBs you believe to have with proof to back them up. These will be reviewed by moderators for approval.)



2x attack on leadership

2x peace time invasion

Kidnapping of a Kadarsi citizen

2x denouncement

Special Cb for failed siege




Side A: (The faction posting the warclaim)

The Kadarsi Sultanate & Allies


Side B: (The faction responding to the warclaim.)

The Chieftaincy of Ghanyah


Proposed Date & Time: (Example: September 17, 1787 @ 3 P.M. EST.)

July 14th, 2018 @ 4 P.M EST


Proposed Rules: (Suggest any unique modifications or restrictions for this warclaim.)

Freebuild take over


Location: (Provide a screenshot of the area being warclaimed from the dynmap.)



Discord: (Your current Discord username, example: Test#1234.)

Adamc2000#8222 Dylan#5096


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The date will be pushed back to next weekend for the 14th. Reason being it is now Wednesday and I would prefer giving a heads up to people ontop of the fact CBs take time to go through. I will be connecting party leaders to the war discord later on this week to go through the CBs.


Edit: Do note the Elven v. Orc warclaim is on hold at the moment. Contact party leaders from both sides for further details!

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