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TA Changes

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Teacher Application Changes

As we announced previously, we were reworking how we approach teacher applications.


Log Checking

We are going to start looking through logs during the TA interview process to see if we can see if you were taught lessons in-game. This is to help combat the people who trade magic OOCly and don’t actually give any magic lessons while the person receiving the magic continues to pretend they were taught. This is something new (subject to tweaking) and it won’t be a deciding factor in things at the moment.



After some discussion, we have decided that we will be taking a stricter approach to the interview portion of the process. Rather than just testing magic/lore knowledge, we will also be testing teaching capability and RP quality during the interview with live RP sections where you will be expected to RP with the interviewer.


Those that show an inability to teach via RP or RP the lore poorly (e.g. making mistakes, not properly emoting what needs to be described, et cetera) will have their TA denied.



The lesson portion of the TA will be removed later today. We feel that it is defunct with our more interview oriented approach to the TA system.



A problem we’ve noticed is that someone with a TA will not use it for months and by the time they do, they have forgotten how to and thus teach their students incorrectly. As such, we will be implementing an attempt to address this. Please note that this is subject to change and will likely be tweaked down the line.


  • When a TA is accepted, it will be given a two month period of activity. During the two months, the TA holder is capable of taking on up to 3 students. Should they hit 3 students or hit the 2 month period, their TA will become “dormant”.

    • Dormant is an accepted TA put in stasis, it can not be used to take on more students, but can be used to teach the already accepted students.

  • After the teacher has free student slots, they can request for their TA to become active. During this time, the ST will contact the TA holder’s students to check in and see if they are being taught correctly. Should this all check out, the TA holder will have their TA set as active for another two months.

  • After a year, the TA will be denied and the holder will have to retake the interview to prove they have retained their knowledge of how to RP the magic at hand.


All TAs will be set as dormant in 2 months.

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