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Orenian-Reiver Contract


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The commanders of Marna, Leuven, Haense, Ves, Fenn, and other outlying Imperial factions met within Ves on this Saint’s day to discuss the ongoing threat of Renatus, detailing how they might go about removing the tyrannical regime from power. At this meeting a band of Reiver mercenaries offered aid during wartime endeavors for a set price. Capitalising on the opportunity, and not wanting the mercenaries to side with the enemy, Joseph I, Holy Orenian Emperor and his leal Archchancellor Conrad de Falstaff decided to make a bid to the Reivers on their own. After some debate a figure was reached and an agreement signed..


In exchange for the sum of 20,000 minae, the Reivers and its subsidiaries will lend their men to Joseph I of Marna’s cause against the Pertinaxi rebels throughout the entirety of the war. Whether it be through assault or defense, they dedicate their men, women and armaments to the commanders of Joseph I’s armies in their sieges, defenses, raids, etc. The Reiver mercenaries have agreed to complete subservience to their contractors until the wartime goals are achieved. Signatories are present below.




Mah’r Volaren, Boss of the Reivers

Vydrek Volaren, Underboss

Lucius Daemyr, Right Hand

Luke Dunamis, Mercenary God

Conrad de Falstaff, Imperial Archchancellor, on behalf of Emperor Joseph I

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Arthur de Falstaff, Imperial Fieldmarshall also signs the agreement.

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