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The Pact of Dusk and Dawn


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The Pact of Dusk and Dawn


“Inactivity is death.”

-Ancient Dwarven Proverb



I. The signatory parties shall agree to a binding non-aggression standard between the armed forces of either nation. 


II. The signatory parties shall agree to the following terms to be grouped under a “Common Sense” clause with the purpose of explicitly stating a variety of mutual agreements to be adhered to by both nations.


A. The free and unhindered traffic of goods and services between either nation shall agreed to and enforced by this document.


B. The extradition of wanted criminals to the nation seeking their punishment.


C. The unhindered traffic of citizens between the cities of the signatory parties.


III. The signatory parties shall agree to aid one another with the full support of their armed forces in the instance of hostile incursion into either nation and to maintain this level of aid until the threat has ended.


A. In the event of an offensive campaign proceeding as a result of a successful defense, the signatory nations are required to continue the application of their full support until the conclusion of the campaign.


IV. In the event of an offensive campaign on the part of one signatory nation, it is the choice of the other signatory nation whether or not they would be inclined to send aid. Should they choose to do so, then this pact shall ascend to that of a full alliance.


V.  The Vira’Ker shall recognize the right and lawful lordship of the Under-Realm of Urguan over Da Arakh Agnarmar*, the tunnels beneath them, and the Autumn Tree as well as those which may be gained by conquest.


A. “Da Arakh Agnarmar” or The White Mountains: The mountain range to the west of the outer ring road of the Cloud Temple as it stretches from the sea in the south to the borderlands in the far north.


VI. The Under-Realm of Urguan shall recognize the right and lawful lordship of the Vira’Ker over Velusul as well as those which may be gained by conquest.


VII. This treaty shall last for a total of 8 Stone Weeks, at the conclusion of which the leaders of both signatory parties shall meet to renegotiate this agreement.




Charged as we are by Yemekar,




Under-King of the Under-Realm of Urguan, Grand King of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, King of Agnarum, Az’adar, and Ord, Lord of Kal’Varoth, Kal’Azgaryum, Kal’Omith, Kal’Nikaer, Kal’Akash, Kal’Karaad, Kal’Agnar, Kal’Klad, Kal’Arkon, Kal’Ithrun, Kal’Azgoth, Kal’Karik, and Kal’Urguan, Defender of the Dwedmar, Beloved of the Brathmordakin, Elder of Clan Irongrinder, Longbeard of Grand Legion, etcetc.


Xavis Ashwood

High Prince Xavis “Igne” Ashwood of the Sable Principality of Vira’ker, Leader of Velusul, Protector of Mali’ker, First Generation Clan leader of Clan Ashwood, Leader of the Onyx Council of Vira’ker





“The Merciful”,  Lord Chancellor and Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan, Arch-Runelord of the Temple of Az’adar, Lord of Kal’Az’adar, The Citadel, Jarnstrand, Kjellingrad, Khaz’Varekan, and the Westmarch, Master of the Kal’Varak, Hero of the Brathmordakin, Father of Clan Irongrinder, Arbiter of The Age of Industry, Slayer of Setherian and The Dharok


Dimlin Irongut,

Clan Father of Clan Irongut, Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan, Holder of the Hammer of Urguan



Son of Kazrin Starbreaker, Clan-Lord of Elder Clan Starbreaker, ruling head of the Line of Gotrek, Commanding Officer within the Dwarven Legion, and Battle-Brother within the Legion of Mercy, Rikkin at the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Underrealms of Urguan, Founder of the Libertarian Guild, Owner of Starbreaker Family Armory



Father of Clan Ireheart, Grand Marshal of the Legion of Urguan, and Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan


Son of Norkai ‘of the High Tower’
Clan Father of the Grandaxe Clan, Commander of the Legion of Urguan, Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan, Lord of Thumrilgrad, Forge Father of Drogan’Var



Grandson of Grojak Treebeard, adopted son of Bjor “Sugartits” Cottonwood,  Keeper of Hefrumm, Dedicant of the Druidic Order, Battle-Brother within the Legion of Mercy, Medic for the Guild of the Huntsmen, Thorn of Hefrumm and Priest of Anbella




Vithar Frostbeard, Clan Father of the Frostbeards, Rikkin in the Council of the Elective Constitutional Monarchy of Agnarum and the Under-Realm of Urguan


Eilistraee Ashwood,

Eilistraee Ashwood, Daughter of Xavis Ashwood, Princess of Vira’Ker, Lady Auspex of Vira’Ker, Member of Onyx Council of Vira’Ker




Rien’dar Nas-garan


Rien’dar Nas-garan, Hortiator of Vira’ker and defender of the Royal Family. Member of the Onyx Council of Vira’ker


Edited by gandalfo
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