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Holy Walk - A path of God


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Issued by the Patriarch of Jorenus



Holy Walk - A path of God


Capital City of Karosgrad, 363 ES





I. Enlightenment

II. What is the Holy Walk

III. Purpose of the Holy Walk

IV. Prayer during the Holy Walk




Virtue 7:1,8:

‘1 Lo and attend, for I am the Lord GOD, and I am in the foremost part of heaven. 2 Though the spring flower withers and the fruit of the tree falls to the ground, My Word lasts into the eve of the world, and the fruit of virtue cannot rot.


‘8 So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not judge your own virtue, be it great or small, for all fall short of Me.




Dear brothers and sisters and all canonist believers, God help you all.


Unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Many of my acquaintances, friends and family have noticed that I have been battling a disease that has almost taken my life for a long time. God was with me all the time, encouraging me at every moment not to fall into the hands of an evil force, for which I am very grateful to him. My dear ones, through this address I want to contribute to our Holy Mother Church, as well as to the faithful people, who deserve the love of God and His gifts.


In my previous Minor Bull of Jorenus, I began a sacred work, for which I am grateful to His Holiness High Pontiff Jude II, receiving the blessing to continue with the said work. It’s beautiful to see people contribute to the faith by praying and following God’s path, but above all, I need to clarify what I actually started. So, what is Holy Walk?



A depiction of the Holy Walk during the time of St. Joren, after which a new way of conducting the Holy Walk was presented


Holy Walk is a solemn, conciliar procession of believers, led by the clergy with crosses, blessed banners and icons of various important church figures, including Saints. As a liturgical act, it is a type of prayer rite, which is performed outside the temple on major holidays or some other occasion, such as the consecration of the earth, a call to peace or the celebration of God.


These walks are accompanied by the patriarch and priests standing at the beginning of the line, carrying holy icons, crosses and banners, followed by members of the royal family, especially the King and Queen if present, and finally all God's people representing the union of believers, as the most numerous and the holiest gathering. During the Holy Walk, priests may or may not stand by the various shrines, saying a prayer for a particular Saint, at the same time expressing love and devotion to God.




In many situations, be they difficult, happy and even the opposite of both, one feels the need to turn to God, seeking help through prayer. Man, as an individual, turns to God alone, whether he repents or praises him, while in the Holy Walking, people as a collective go the way of God, the way predestined for them. In the Holy Walk, where icons and banners are carried, a prayer, respectively prayer chanting, is performed. Here, believers unite with God in prayer, and that prayer sanctifies the country, the cities and villages. And if parishioners from other dioceses and churches also participate in these liturgies, that common prayer unites them, and their streets and squares become a common temple under the open sky.


The dome of the church symbolizes the spiritual Heavenly Kingdom of God, which we feel in our prayer in the temple. In the Holy Walk, the icon of the spiritual sky becomes our heavenly vault - the material sky. And here, the feeling of communion with God can be very deep and strong. Such Holy Walks have a beneficial effect on the souls of those who pray. Many people on the other side will experience such a procession as a theatrical performance, but some of them will surely remember God, pray, so that the prayer of faithful canonists, who perform their prayer procession with great seriousness and zeal, becomes a sermon on faith, Exalted Prophets God.


But, my dear faithful, all that is possible only if the procession is well organized, where there are no political and national slogans or any non-church symbolism. The organizers of the liturgy, the priests and their assistants are responsible for that, making the Holy Walk be purely out of love which we give to our God.




In order to bring this addressing and this holy work to an end, I will present the prayers  I composed during my sick leave, which will be present during the Holy Walks.




A prayer for the salvation of Haense:


Save, O Lord, thy people, our land, and save me.


If you do not save your people and mine, and you save me, I will feel like a stranger in the Seven Skies.


Hear, O Lord, the prayer of Thy righteous Horen, Owyn, Godwyn and Sigismund, and save Your sinful people, even though they are sinful.


Save Haense from the unbelievers, to read salvation from You, not from people.


Your people are weary from waiting, do not test their patience to the end, Lord. O Lord, thy people are weary of waiting.


The whole realm is covered with the corpses of Your faithful, we cannot dig without the hoe sounding on the bones of our relatives and echoing painfully in our souls.


There is no field that is not a cemetery, nor a tree that is not a tombstone. All Haeseni land is a cemetery.


Have mercy, O Lord, and save your people, with me or without me.




A prayer for the Holy Cross:


Glory to you, O lord and Your Holy Cross!


May God be resurrected, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. Let them disappear as smoke disappears, as wax melts at the home of fire; so let the devils perish before the face of those who love God and are overshadowed by the sign of Holy Cross and who joyfully say: Rejoice, venerable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, who persecute the devils by force Exalted Horen, Owyn, Godwyn and Sigismund, who give heavenly power from the Sixth Sky and spread your word to our people.


O Reverend and life-giving Cross of the Lord, help me always with the Holy Creator, Exalted Prophets, and with all the Saints forever.




A prayer for the peace during the Holy Walk:


O Lord, the Creator of everyone and everything, deliver us from the fog of sins, so give us Your peace and preserve your people in unanimity. Eradicate hatred and envy from us, and all other passions that violate brotherly love - we earnestly ask You, have mercy.










Cardinal St. Tylos, Patriarch of the

Kingdom of Haense & Norland,

Prelate of the Clergy

Edited by rep2k
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