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Attenlund Development Society!

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[!] You find a flier tucked away into your mailbox


Attenlund Development!


~Knoxville, the newest village in Attenlund~

Lo there everybody! I've noticed that despite many folks moving into this 'Attenlund' land out to the east, the land remains untamed and wild. The forests are silent and lack game to hunt, and the road networks of Haense nay go beyond the lakeside mountains many of us inhabit. I wish to correct this!

If we pool together our resources, I'm sure it can be done (and at a reasonable pace too)! Instead of waiting for the big city folks to come and use their resources to solve all of our problems for us, we can take action right now and improve our lives!

This flier here is lookin' for interest in such things. I myself can provide some good road building materials and some bank tokens when needed. I'd love to see what others could provide for our mutual growth an' development! Please address any letters to my burrow in Knoxville, I'll be using that as a sort of base of operations for the meantime.


Signed, Filibert Applefoot

Filvendor Aevaris
Ellisar Aevaris

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