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On Draconic Corruption


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Authored by the Inquisitor Eternal



Originally bequeathed from the Brothers of Four; draconic corruption is rooted from the equity, purity and minacious inheritance bestowed from the Great Titan. The dragonic soul is inhabited by Seven Fires, as listed; Sunfire (power), Starfire (light), Mountanfire (earth/crest), Skyfire (heaven/sky), Forgefire (shape/creation), Hearthfire (habitation/warmth) and Madfire (thought/knowledge). As vessels of potential, the dragonic soul is attuned to external threats (or comminations from divine liturgies, i.e the Aengul Xan). Per the existence of the Archdragaar Azdromoth, we have discovered two possibilities: susceptible to iniquity or acceptance of darker sorcery. With this, a thesis is conducted on the source of corruption; Corruption of the Mind.


Asioth extenuates the helplessness of our natural decaying world through the Aurelects. If we refer to the Fire of Vitality & the Vessel of Eternity, creation is a culmination of light from darkness; life from death. We see references to the great sea of red, associated with the washing of blood (or strains of mortality). In other words, the embracing of your body (which in turn refers to the acceptance of your soul). As we tear apart the Vessel of Eternity, it cites to the paleness of the Great Titan -- an underlying light of purity (or balance). Furthermore, it stresses the profound nature of mortal creation as divine interference; if the father of the Archdragaar is able to be corrupted, would this onpar connote to the susceptible nature of the Creator? 


The argument is made: is corruption natural (and if that is true, should it be an acceptance) per the abiding laws of our Father -- to follow natural order? As per this comment, the Fire of Splendor & Vessel of Triumph can be viewed as a trope of corruption by the Archdaemon Iblees; our Father (blessed and pure) fell to the machinations of vile (yet probable & natural) corruption. On the contrary, the Aurelects refer to these as splendor and triumph, both indicating brawn and greatness; good and victory. Would this mean that Asioth is the perfection of the body through natural corruption? 


  A dragonic soul is considered not only perfect in creation, but reminiscent of His vision (the natural state of existence / morality / consciousness denoted by the Creator). We are sanctified harbingers of balance, referring to both pure nephilim and the corrupted. If the deuced corrupted is seen as evil, what is the probability of working with a corrupted (yet pure) dragonic soul?


Is corruption natural and acceptable?

As a personal explanation, I believe that corruption is not only natural, but those stained by the black mark should be faced with equal judgement as brotherhood (or given the succence of salvation through natural death). Though able to become of the earth as stone, was this natural for the very reason of corruption?

Is the Archdragaar pure through corruption?

The Great Titan is pure as he is wrought from stone; the very body that ushers chronicles of Asioth is made natural from the earth. He is both of the World and is the World, and so corruption is on-part a cycle of resilience and faith to the Creator. 

Are the corrupted still considered kin?

Draconic corruption does not alter the Seven Fires, thus considered kin regardless of their stained body. All corrupted may be returned to their original form, thus naturally considered brother and sisters regardless of their ailments. 

Does Asioth refer to the corruption of mind and body?

Asioth is the culmination of the World; we are unable to explain whether or not corruption of the mind and body is referenced, yet it is illustrated in the Aurelects and brought up in the Parables and Commentary of Eresar; On Answers -- we have no answer for this question. 

Does Asioth refer to corruption as enlightenment?

Asioth is Asioth. 








The dragonic mind is vast due to our natural bond to the Archdragaar and His father, the Daemon of Knowledge. Knowledge is the substance of the material plane; it is reason and words, voices and sight. Due to our secular existence as scions of the World, we inert our mortal coils and present ourselves with a greater mind. We remember and horde, we obsess and learn; our evolution is to learn of evolution. In order to understand this, one must learn of the Seven Fires (as seen in the Temple of Ei’Othdra) or become puissant servants of the natural world (transference of mind and body). Outside of this, the dragonic mind cannot be written in explanation due to its entirety being eternal. 


If knowledge is eternal, without fault and cannot be written in its entirety, how could corruption of mind be possible? Corruption is limited yet powerful, unable to reach the chasm of endless potential. In other words, corruption is not whole, nor can harm or indulge a nephilim entirely; this gives us the opportunity to break, tear and expand. Refer to the commentary of Eresar, 2:1 On the Path denotes an endlessness, something that can be conjoined with knowledge, an endless path without fault. This returns to our next question, if knowledge is without fault (whereas corruption is the idea of fault and ruin), how is it possible for the corruption of the mind to exist?


Truly, corruption of the mind is not an existence, it is simply an alteration of the mortal behaviour which is cognate to their mind. This is a natural process that is seen in both mortality (wherein as a child grows, so does their behaviour from youth to longevous maturity). 


We are going to bring forth one of the Seven Fires (Madfire) which is the boiling of knowledge and mind. In the rite of passage, and the Aurelects, it places fire as an eternal dance. It cannot be removed, nor can it be culled, as even the smog that exhausts its dance can be used as fuel for more flames. Madfire is the flame of mind, to madness (which is a metaphor that references the mortal ability to think). As fire cannot be extinguished, knowledge and mind cannot either. A thesis; the corrupted are still themselves and do not alter, but evolve and develop as any flame can (growth). 


Is corruption of the mind possible?

In my opinion, corruption of the mind is nonexistent. Corruption cannot be possible onto something that is endless, cannot be reached nor can be corrupted. Corruption is not the development of the mind, as living proof is our Father who is stronger and elevated. 

Is the Archragaar corrupted in mind?

As listed before, I do not believe so. The Archdragaar is natural to the World, and is the World. To say he is corrupted is to say we live in a World of the corrupted. Corruption is nonexistent in the mind, and so the Archdragaar is an evolution of his former image. 

If corruption is evolution, are all corrupted?

If corruption is evolution, every breath (and movement) or advancement is corruption. 

Is freeing corruption the same as slowing evolution?

We are pure. 

Is corruption powerful?

I will see. 




This study is found privately by nephilim and heralds. Unless shown by one, it is not public nor can be viewed. 


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Helinathe seemingly obsessed over the paper. She wrote a letter, then another, then another, then another, then another to her brother remarking how much she admired his work on corruption. After doing so, copied the paper onto a thicker sheet of paper and illumined it with gold and Canonist saints on the sides. The Azdrazi would not been seen without the paper clutched to her for the next month.

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