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The Day the World Changed


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A lone woman wanders the late night streets around Almaris.




Rings out as she hammers in a tac with a piece of parchment hanging below.








They lived side by side, 

best of friends that nothing could come between.

All it took was one time,

then the skies turned to grey, 

and the hate began to spread.


“You are my favorite child, always have been.”


Fist were thrown,

words of hate rang loud. 

Rage hidden from youth, 

was as clear as the ocean blue. 

That fateful night.

Always remembered.


"I hate you."


Was spat out in the sand,

soaked down to the bone. 

 A mortified girl.


The years passed from that night, 

many new friends were found. 

Subtle whispers were spoken,

words that fueled the young mind, 

turning it to the unknown.

Led the child to look at the world differently.


“Your time has come child, do what you must.”


A family bred in chaos, 

a night gathered at the house in the hills.

A sip of a drink,

moments away from a deep slumber,

the plan went into action.

A distraction was caused,

the child went to work.

The sleeping man,

slowly awoke from his slumber,

there the child stood over him.


The sheets bled a darker shade of red,

the life slipping away.

The final words from the child,


"I loved you once but no more".


The last breath escaped.




There was silence once more

Or at least for the time being.








Edited by StrongBear
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