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Ando Alur Blighted Lands | Record Two


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Scribed by Wild Chief Gilliaen Caerme’onn


Members: Sister Shrike, Sister Bear, Gilliaen Caerme’onn, Thordir Aureon, Tali’mordu, Evar’lae Amayril, Taal, Ursus, Ahng Gulr, Roylan Grant


Date: 13th of The Grand Harvest 51 SA


Location: North of Nevaehlen, Southern portions of the blighted land




= All were advised during this trip to not bring thanhic-steel items due to their reactions in the blight


= All of us descendents still felt ill upon entering - especially Drui


= Ursus the golem construct appeared unaffected, but we’ll ask Hareven about that some more


= Drui had a strong sensational feeling to continue north up the coast but never came across what that pull was


= Upon traversing up the coast, those who were on the previous scouting mission warned about straying too close to the ocean - mentions of some sightings of odd voidal sea creatures 


= Gilliaen tried to set fire to one of the tainted trees when the group arrived - it took a while but the trees crystal-like leaves and smooth branches melted but it did not do much other than that


= There were signs of a past fight or scuffle by the shore just as the group had entered, but nothing abnormal 


= The ground, as noted from the previous trip, was still very unsteady and sand-like


= Taal suggested  standing further apart from each other just in case the ground were to cave in


= There were some weird voidal bugs that were mentioned on our walk, they appeared to distract some but perhaps the exhaustion was kicking in


= The Drui were drawn to a hillside where some wild herbs caught their attention - it was unlike any other voidal blighted plants they had seen




[!] A charcoal sketch of some rock with the herbs that called for the Druids attention



= Both Sister Shrike and Sister Bear manage to commune with the plants but the voice was silent


= Sister Bear attempts to commune and coax the herbs into a soothing song in nature - such was successful proving some sort of natural life still persistent in the hollows


= After the journey across tiring sands and the toll it had taken on both the Drui who had used their gifts and those who scouted, the group decided to depart


= There was, however, a fog noticed up in the distance and that sensational pull that still grabbed the Druids attention




The following knowledge can only be used if found IRP. Also, thank you to those ST who've hosted this scouting mission!
Sketches RPly drawn by Gilliaen, OOCly by me!


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Another dive into the depths of the twisted land with a even larger group than they had ventured in with last. Eyes scanning around their surroundings as the man took the role of a scout for this operation, for this piercing venture into the voidal wild. Attempts to set the land ablaze resulted in his eyes witnessing the very nature of the place melting before them like ice, or perhaps even paint! Utterly bizarre and perplexing. But proving that fire wasn't the answer that they desired to this place. 

And deeper within, while on watch with Taal and Evar'lae, they spotted the sight of something spherical within the skies moving slowly towards them after escaping the uneven, and loose ground that threatened to take their feet. 

"Seems there's some life, even if its twisted in this place.." He finally mused as they departed, tired, and worn by the very nature of the place. 

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