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Origins - Tome I


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Tome I: Origins




One of the most controversial points concerning our existence is the nature of our origin. Some dare claim an evolutionary process is the result of such, while others attach themselves to the view that a God made us all come to life, on Almaris. The subject matter of this first tome will be addressing this very same question, "Where do we come from?"


Upon inspecting the land we march upon, it is easy to note the notoriously large array of races that live peacefully here. Not only those that have a voice and can speak, but also common fauna and flora. Furthermore, there are inanimate objects, things that just exist, that can be transformed into others. One such example would be metals, for you could turn raw iron into a sharp blade. It's very important to point out the common denominator between all of these things: they have a Cause. You, for example, come from your parents, who come from your grandparents, and so on. Thus, we may establish the fact that for something to exist, something else has to have existed before it and that is its Cause.


Every single thing in existence may be traced back to something else. There is, however, a point at which things get hard to track. For instance, you may not have a clue as to who your great-great-great-great-great-grandmother is. Neither can you know the process that made the hill behind your home grow up over millenia. Therefore, the second fact we come to discover is that it is currently impossible for anybody to make an inductive analysis of reality. Alas, we must use deductive reasoning to find the truth out, exploring a hypothesis and looking to see whether or not it holds water. But first, let's make another fact clear.


The moment you are living at is different from mere instants ago. There's a mover behind every move. You can't stand still without moving, nothing can. For instance, let's take a river's waters. You could not step in the same river twice, since its waters are in constant movement. With these metaphors, it is my intent to make it clear that everything is in constant change. Even inanimate objects, thanks to time, which will cause them to slowly but surely degrade in ways we cannot yet measure. Finally, we arrive at our third fact: Everything flows, and nothing remains.


Now that we've made these three facts clear, it is time for us to formulate our hypothesis. The Father was the first thing in existence, and he is our Cause. Thanks to him, the entirety of the world exists, because he made it himself. He is the unmoved mover, or the first Cause. His Flame is what makes us turn around, what keeps us safe from the Long Dark. Unlike other False Gods, the All-Father is not omnipotent. Rather, He is good-hearted and requires our mortal assistance to win the fight against the Unworthy. He sustains the Sun's Flame and keeps an eye on us from His Halls.


At last, our hypothesis has been laid down. Let's now check these points and see whether or not they hold up. The All-Father, by definition, does not require something to exist before him, for he is the origin of all things. This lines up with our first finding; the All-Father made the original world all by himself, the first living beings, the landscapes, everything in existence has its origin in Him. Secondly, the Father's existence can be proven through deduction; if the Father exists and He is in fact the origin of all creatures including your great-great-great-great-great-grandparents, then the world as we know it makes sense. One may ask himself, however, "Well if God made the world, then why does Evil exist?", to which there is an answer: He is not omnipotent. There are other, Unworthy, but powerful beings that have the capacity to fight him. Those include the Void and Iblees. Let it be known that these are the sworn enemies of the Flame, and by extension, of the All-Father. That's why the All-Father needs our mortal aid to fight his mortal foes. Finally, we will discuss the arkhé or element that everything is based on. As our third fact establishes, reality is in constant change, motion, movement. Hearthfire has all of those properties; and it is, as far as we know, the All-Father's way of showing himself to the world. Light is fire, and so is the Sun's Flame, which lurks above our mortal heads everyday. When life ends, it comes to a halt, it stops, it ceases to move. The Long Dark is known to do the same, for it tries to take as many lives as it can. Does it not make sense, then, to understand that holy fire, hearthfire, is the arkhé?


This is a message to all non-believers, to the Unworthy and to those who have lost all their honour. The All-Father is forgiving and caring. You can still redeem yourselves in prayer. To err is only mortal. Have Him always present, and remember to thank him for all of eternity, because the reason you are here to read this document is all thanks to Him, the Creator.





Edited by Generalissimo
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"This is wrong by the fundamental tenets of our scripture" Theoderic would grunt from his desk


(please do not copy and paste the first mover argument from Christian theology, It doesn't track at all and I do not want to see Christianity belittled into mere fantasy whimsy)

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