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The Challenge of the Sun


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Blessed Mail’thill of the Silver States of Haelun’or,

In light of recent events I am compelled to take up my quill, in an attempt to salvage our nation as it crumbles from beneath us - for if our peoples are divided then the very foundations of our blessed city will collapse.

The trial of Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos acts as a catalyst to this chaos, from which we have begun to pick ourselves undone. Rather succumb to this undoing I compel you all to consider each other with compassion and equality. This incident has unearthed the dire circumstances of our nation - which we must strive to mend. 

However, we can not expect our Maheral - but one elf - to suffer this great burden alone. It is on this ground that I, Eistalyn Othelu’Maehr, announce my intention to run for Sohaer: for the pursuit of progress, health and Unity.

Even if the blessed citizenry of The Silver State believe I am unfitting of such an honour, I live in hope that my attempt will encourage others to follow suit, so that the position may be filled and our blessed city may finally be made whole.



My Pledges to the Citizenry of the Silver State…


[ I ] The Silver Laws of Haelun’or are intended to provide justice and safety to all citizens of the silver state. Whilst this concept is vital to the survival of our nation, its execution is poor - thus causing misconception and chaos. My first goal as Sohaer is to bring the Silver Laws into question and reform them so that each crime and punishment are discussed with excessive detail in order for each trial to conclude without misconception. This reconstruction will clarify the punishments given to crimes and their considered severity - thus decreasing the potential of severe and unjust punishments.

[ II ] In addition, I will form a legal process to be followed in each trial with a rigid structure for both efficiency and ease. This process will encourage freedom of speech and equal opportunity for every Mali’thill.

[ III ] All High Elves still deemed pure by the state will have access to retrial, given they were not sentenced to Third Tier of Punishment. Similarly, all Mali’thill - considering they have no connection to the present trial and hold no bias - are entitled to entire and unscrutinised freedom of speech.


Unity & Equality

[ I ] Each blessed citizen of the silver state reserves the right to seek knowledge and this pursuit should be encouraged with equal opportunities. As such, the eternal library will be more actively cared for, and lessons held within the library will be made more varied, including topics requested by silver citizens.

[ I.I ] In addition to the reform of the library and its held lessons, a more consistent bulletin with more considerable information shall be released every elven week.


Progress & Health

[ I ] Purity is the guiding light of our blessed kin, to stray from its light is a sin most foul - however, to pursue it without fatigue is not often rewarded. Achievements of thill shall be publicly acknowledged and celebrated with the potential of the following: Informal titles, Items or Privileges of a specific social nature.

[ I.I ] In support of the equality and unity of the people of Haelun’or, these rewards and any bestowed by the council shall hold no legal sway but shall be a testament to one's purity.

[ II ] The Silver Council of Haelun’or allows our great nation to function without hindrance. However, simply existing is not enough. To fulfil “Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya” to its full purpose, I believe our council must be more active in its attempt. Whilst this concept is in heavy development, I personally believe each section would benefit from aids and consistent collaboration.

[ II.I ] The Sillumiran play a similarly vital role, as a result they too shall receive a reformation of sorts.

[ III ] Haelun’or has long since stood as an Isolationist state, in order to protect our blessed citizenry. However, it would seem we have arrived at a most interesting destination. Here we stand: in combat beside foreign allies, taking knowledge from Uruk and participating in foreign trade. Perhaps it is a sign, do we let the blood of the past dry? This is the people’s choice to make, and upon their decision, I, as Sohaer, will act upon their word.



These are the topics I intend to tackle initially if I am to be elected as Sohaer. From there I hope to use my knowledge and experience to better Haelun’or in new, unforeseen ways. I welcome questions and challenges alike with open arms, in the spirit of friendly competition! I thank each of you for your time.


Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya Haelun’or,

Eistalyn Othelu’Maehr.

Haelun'or, kae'leh sil ito nae.




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Evo'lur reading over the missive briefly before he gives a soft sigh as he would think over a response towards what he just read, simply however he steps away and pays it no mind. Until the debate starts, why would he speak vocally towards this claim.



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Stelios orders a beelot around the gyro stand, his silver helm nearby polished by another. taking a moment to read it. 


"If she's serious, I will need to hear her speak in public to judge her oration before my kin will support her. Our Republic is our democracy and our democracy is our Republic"

He reads further... Awaiting some line more pertinent. When he finds something he calls 


"Bring back Pamphilos! Hero of Haelun'or!"



Progress & Health

[ I ] Purity is the guiding light of our blessed kin, to stray from its light is a sin most foul - however, to pursue it without fatigue is not often rewarded. Achievements of thill shall be publicly acknowledged and celebrated with the potential of the following: Informal titles, Items or Privileges of a specific social nature.





Edited by RyuTheCoolest
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17 minutes ago, CyyanTea said:

I live in hope that my attempt will encourage others to follow suit, so that the position may be filled

Alara Camian began having notions. However, she quickly dismissed them, because that would be an absurd notion to have. Instead, she chose to busy herself with something even more absurd than politics; weaving baskets just large enough to carry a single egg.

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"I support this, good speaker and a patriot of her country." the bureaucrat stated after reading the missive "I will be your opponent, dear llir."

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Gwynleyn is awoken from a peaceful slumber amongst the tall grass of the grotto by the screech of her sister's bird and the deliverance of its message. Upon reading the contents of flier she smiles softly laying back in the grass, "And she takes her stance in this matter...."

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