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A man known simply as 'George' paces through Minitz toward the noticeboard with a small stack of papers in hand. He'd nail a few notices to the board, take a step back and nod to himself before moving on. To those interested, the notice would read as follows:



To keep things to the point, I seek like-minded companions. Those I can rely upon. Those willing to be trained, armed and when needed, educated. I seek those who are capable of resolving issues through more creative means. And lastly, I seek those who, when called upon, are willing to take the risks needed.

As I'm sure you're aware, undying arise from strange ritual sites, monsters linger in the darkness and ruined cities act as dens for beasts and bizarre entities. This is, of course, hardly scratching at the surface of the greater issues out there and speaks nothing on what needs to be done to tend to and potentially prevent the issues from cropping up again.


- George Brodans, Retired Tunnel Rat of Luciensburg. | Reinhaussen II - Minitz

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