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It Came From the Sea


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It Came From the Sea

Dated 18th of Snow’s Maiden, 130 SA


    As if cannibals, wasters, brigands and conjured demons were not enough, yet again Harren’s Folk have been tested! This time, however, our enemy was twice as evil and half as good-smelling. As in the Eastern Marches so too in the forests just beyond Minas Amath the dead were made to walk, and presaged by malicious laughter the shambling corpses did come to do us ill. Yet we of Minas Amath are not so easily taken, and most valiantly we took up shield and sword. By the Grace of GOD and our own skill at arms did we put those unholy beings to rest once more, slaying them in such numbers that the land became slicked with their black blood and rotting entrails. And yet still our trials had not yet ended, for soon after was conjured, by some unknown sorcery, a great three-headed demon of smoke and malice. Verily, to stand near it was to feel one’s lungs blacken. With the aid of forces unseen, however, this foul being too was laid low and Minas Amath was returned at last to peace. May the dark forces which set these beasts against us mark our fury and our might.




Her Royal Highness, Caraneth Aryantë Arthalion, Princess of Minas Amath, Conqueror of the Failorian North, Scourge of the Undead, Giantslayer, Harrenite Warlord



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