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[Prophecy] The Girl


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[As per its nature, only characters with an application allowing for the scrying of prophecies such as Seer, Vivication, Naztharek and so on can observe the contents of this post IC.]







The vision began as a familiar feeling, one not observed by the viewer since youth; the sense of falling for the first time; of being moved by the World, not through it.. 

And somehow, you can tell that the World falls with you.




A timid cough gives you vision.

You see an elf knelt before unfamiliar ruins. A crane pecks at the stone in front of it, before turning to regard the elf.. 

And though it does not speak, you can hear the gentle melody glide through your mind. It reminds you, bizarrely, of golden sunlight - even though the sun remains obscured by snowy clouds.


What of the girl ?


The elf speaks, unlike the crane.


“She.. vanished. I cannot explain it; one moment she was fleeing through the trees, the next she.. There was this song. She did not sing it; it was not sung by a girl, but it was.. It did not fill, Broker. It emptied. One moment she was there, and the next she was not.”


The crane regarded the elf, and - once more - intoned.


No matter. What was she doing in the Tower ?


The elf swallows. Oddly enough, you cannot help but feel sorry for him.


“She stole the Tome, Broker.. But she returned it.”


What did she do to it ?


“She.. our map, Broker. She drew on the map.. Drew the shape of an island called ‘Aevos.’”


All was silent. A feeling of dread begins to grow within you.


I see. And how many Gods, according to this girl, exist upon the island ?


The elf whimpers a little.


“According to her.. Fifty-five thousand, three hundred and thir-”


The elf was cut short, as the crane hopped to the lip of the stone. Though it was nought but a simple, delicate-looking creature, it bore the imitation of something immense, as if a leviathan moved, the very air rippling in waves. Light bled from its eyes.




Roars through your mind.




The elf sobs, as you thrash and flail against your captivity. But nothingness is your prison, and what cannot be grasped cannot be broken.



Its eyes suddenly flicker, and the twin stars snap to gaze upon you. The crane laughs.




Terror.. stoked to such extremity that it becomes agony. 



An ancient madness smothers you, bearing you into the blissful future..




Magic binds your soul to unfamiliar paths. 

You feel wind blow across your face. You raise coarse, rough fingers to tread through your eyes - and realize you have none.

So how can you see? 

You are seated upon a rocking, spruce sailboat. In the far distance, a great storm rumbles. Overhead, the Cloud Temple looms.. And beyond that, you see a coast.

The Aevosian coast.

Suddenly, your vision spasms, and instead, you find yourself gazing at the figure who you previously saw parlay with the ‘crane’. He is enrobed in soft green, blind gaze centered directly upon you; and though you are filled with a deep, primal foreboding, you find yourself unable to wrench your gaze away.

He speaks. Not with one voice, but two.


“This is our Argument to you. The isolated nature of your island speaks to your Holiness; your Divinity..”


His gaze drops, and sweeps out across the island. He speaks again.


“But you would deny this, instead choosing to split into multiple faiths, to make worship of capricious Demons and Lesser Gods…”


He shrugged.


“Maybe you simply do not know the Truth. Certainly, I did not know it all those years ago; when I was but a Man, unknowing of my own Divinity.. Of my blessed nature.”


He pushed back his cowl, revealing elven ears.


“But I was disabused of my naivety, and I am all the gladder for it. I have given my soul to save GOD; would you not do the same? Probably not. Perhaps the more noble amongst you.. ‘Aevosians’.”


A growing feeling of rot begins to spread within your gut. You feel diseased.


“Your unwitting trespasses, at any rate, are at an end. You will have no more.. Dreams."


 He spoke for lack of a better word. A wan smile.


“Indeed, they are soon to become real.”




((This is the final vision. From here on out, things will progress irply.))

Edited by MALUKOR
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A farseer princess after seeing so many visions within one night of sleeps wakes up sorely dehydrated and parched as she places a hand over her face. 


“What…was that.”

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A Farscryer of Fortune would bolt upright from his desk, powders and green toppling to the floor, as his bloodshot golden gaze shifted around the room. It took him a few minutes to realize his breathing had quickened, sharp rasps of air filling the hollow room, a noise he soon quenched with aid of Highlander Whiskey. 

"Another day, another dream, another new customer in store."

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She woke up with a mild start, a mere sharp inhale before the weight of grogginess washed over her.  However long she had been asleep, it was hard to tell; she often drifted in and out through the night, never quite having a fully accomplished rest.  Her aurum knife had wound up on the floor this time, however, yet she just laid there.  Harrowed eyes peered up to that ceiling as her thumb pressed continuously into her palm, feeling for the eye she only had in her dreams.


By the time dawn struck, three new drawings were added into her messy murals decorating the walls of her shack; the foreboding crane, the blind elf, and a lone tower.

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