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Despite all our efforts


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Despite all we did to save Oldoln's spirit, we were too late. By the time we were going to move

It into a more secure and less painful vessel until a proper body could be built, we had made a shocking

discovery. The All-Father had claimed his soul before he was even fully submerged in the gold, most likely killed

by the extreme heat.


When we tried to drill into the gold block to extract his soul, nothing happened. No spirit flying out, no ghost, no nothing.

Despite all our efforts, Oldoln Taalios' failed experiment killed him, and there is nothing we can do to bring his spirit back.

I talked to Phantos about funeral arrangements, but he wanted to display the gold cocoon in a cult. His last will is currently

on a bookshelf in Norland's town square.


I feel like Oldoln wouldn't want to be a display piece, but I cannot do anything at this time. He would have wanted a normal Norlandic

funeral, like any other citizen.


Iron from Ice!


-Vaalkhos Skarnge

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He knew that this might be the outcome, that he might not be able to be saved.


He wrote his last will before sending samples of his blood to me in order to make

the automaton body we intended to create for him.


"My friends. if you are reading this, then I will not see you again, know that my attempts to go into

a centuries long hibernation have somewhat succeeded, except this is a permanent



Half of my money is to be given to Vaalkhos Skarnge with the other half to be used to help

Phantos pay off taxes in my absence until a new roommate can be found.


Two thirds of the ores in my section of the ore chest in "The Phantom Smithy" are to be given too Phantos,

With the rest going to the public smith.


The pastries and drinks in "Taalios Tangs" are to be given to the tavern.


The golden cocoon is to be pulled off of my body and pulverized into dust, and mixed with the ashes of the exposed


body, which is to be cremated. The powder is to be spread as if they were those of any other citizen.


My weapons and armor are to be given to a warrior of Norland who best embodies the ideals of Norland and the All-Father's, as well as mine:

Courage, Selflessness, Humility, Honor, Kindness, Compassion, and Empathy. The unofficial title of Aura Homer is also to be given to them.

Should they bring shame upon the title, they are to be stripped of it, their armor old armor is to be given a brown streak somewhere clearly visible, and

they are to be branded with Norland's crest via any branding method available, and the Taalios crest below it via the brand on

Oriylun's Fist.


I care about all of you, let's hope you aren't read this.


-Oldoln Taalios"








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bro you guys never drilled it cause it was in my house at the time of the post


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it wasn't drilled into because you stole the body, its a last will and testament. it details what is supposed to be done IN THE FUTURE

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